What is the role of college in America today? Compare Murray’s argument in “Are

What is the role of college in America today? Compare Murray’s argument in “Are

What is the role of college in America today? Compare Murray’s argument in “Are Too Many People Going to College?” with the argument presented in one of the assigned articles in Week 1 (Owen & Sawhill, Addison, or Lehman). How do both articles address the overall argument about the role and impact of college?
In your essay, address the following questions:
What are the authors’ perspectives on the role of college for students today? What is your stance on the issues they present?
Which aspects of their articles agree with each other? Which differ and how are the differences significant in providing a broader understanding of the issue?
Identify two or three key points the authors make that jumped out at you. Include one quote from each article and explain why it speaks to your understanding and perspective on the issues the authors raise.
What are some aspects either author has not considered, based on your perspectives or experience with pursuing your own degree? Explain why this is an important consideration for a deeper understanding of the argument.
Why is this issue important for your reader to consider? What changes do we need to make to support (or decrease) the role of a college education?
Your essay should include a thesis statement, several body paragraphs that develop each of your points, and quotations from the text to support claims.
Follow the standards of academic writing and MLA format detailed in They Say/I Say (Chapter 9) and The Little Seagull Handbook (W-2). Refer to the Assignment Expectations in the Start Here module of the course for more details.