Just Checking! 1,000-1,500 words (not outside those boundaries) Save your story

Just Checking!
1,000-1,500 words (not outside those boundaries)
Save your story

Just Checking!
1,000-1,500 words (not outside those boundaries)
Save your story in DOCX format, named as follows:
· SCADnow_202420_Dept_FirstnameLastname_StoryTitle.docx
for example, Marcus Hill would name the file:
· SCADnow_202420_LIBA_MarcusHill_MountainLife.docx
Submit TWO places: the Discussion Board for comments AND the Assignment Submission Link FOR A GRADE
When explaining the annotations, be sure to discuss the what and why. For example, the annotation for the protagonist should describe your protagonist, why you chose this protagonist, and some of this protagonist’s characteristics that will contribute to the story.
ENGL 142 Story Elements Annotations Checklist: First Half Draft
“®” indicates a required annotation discussion
Premise ®
Audience ®
Theme ®
NOBA and/or Wishing ®
Protagonist(s) ®
Conflict (internal and/or external types) ®
Setting ®
The Herald ®
The Call ®
Other Characters: Antagonist, Foil, Herald, Villain, Sidekick, Trickster
Threshold Guardians
Initiation (training) ®
Mentor ®
Special Helpers
Obstacles ®
Midpoint Crisis (occurs around the mid-point of story) ®