An odd sickness has been reported in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Wisconsin’s

An odd sickness has been reported in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and

An odd sickness has been reported in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and
Wisconsin’s northern counties. People are getting constant headaches and
in extreme cases, some are also being treated for water intoxication
after drinking too much water after the onset of the headaches. Those
afflicted are filling up hospitals, and straining medical facilities in
the mostly rural regions. The Governor of Michigan, Robert James
Ritchie, commonly known as the singer “Kid Rock”, has ordered a State of
Emergency, activating medical teams to be sent from southern Michigan
to assist in caring for the afflicted.
The Governor of Wisconsin,
Gov. B. Whitford, has declared a State of Emergency as well and asked
for help from the federal government. President Dwayne Herbert Camacho
has agreed and has sent two Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
assistance teams of epidemiologists, doctors, nurses, and aid workers to
both Wisconsin and Michigan to help in the emergency and figure out the
nature of the illness.
Problems arise when the team for Michigan
get to the border of Michigan and Indiana (the Wisconsin team arrives
and begins work in Wisconsin).
They are met by Michigan National
Guard troops who have orders from the Governor to stop the federal
relief workers and send them back to Indiana.
This happens at the
same time that Gov. “Kid Rock” Ritchie announces that the cause of the
sickness is Canadians and that he is ordering all crossing from Canada
to the Upper Peninsula closed, including the Sault St. Marie
International Bridge to Ontario.
The Canadian President issues
a protest to this closing of the international border, and President
Camacho’s spokesperson condemns the illegal actions of Gov. “Rock”,
saying the administration will respond appropriately.
Give me a response about the appropriateness of the actions of the Governor of
Michigan, Governor of Wisconsin, and President in this scenario with
regards to the powers of each, taking into account what we have read
about Federalism in the text, discussed in lecture, and anything
discussed in the current events section of the course. Who is right? Who
is wrong? Tell me why!