Instructions Discuss the Job Analysis process. Include in your discussion the st

Discuss the Job Analysis process. Include in your discussion the st

Discuss the Job Analysis process. Include in your discussion the steps taken in evaluating a job, including PAQ. Provide formal definitions for all terms used in your discussion.
For Your Initial Post: Write a complete, fully developed essay on the Job Analysis process. Provide formal definitions for each term used in your essay. Include in your discussion the steps taken in analyzing a job. Also discuss the purpose, function, and importance of the Job Analysis process in administering HR duties. Use proper APA citations throughout the body of your essay and a full reference section at the end. (See Rubric) (Initial post due no later than Thursday) (Worth 7 points.)
In each additional post, respond in a substantive manner to your classmates’ posts. You may share personal experiences that are relevant and on-point.
Initial post and peer replies due by Sunday at 11:59 pm PST. (Refer to Rubric)
Low performance
1 or 2 posts on same day; no interaction
Unsubstantiated opinion only
Moderate performance
2 or more posts on different days; interaction with one student
Integration of textbook ideas (cite page number)
High performance
3 or more posts on different days; interaction with two or more students