Week 4 Assignment 1: Linking Observation to Instruction – Reading/Book & Listeni

Week 4 Assignment 1: Linking Observation to Instruction – Reading/Book & Listeni

Week 4 Assignment 1: Linking Observation to Instruction – Reading/Book & Listening Centers
Attached Files:
File ECE 222Child_Observation_Form-1Revised10.19.docx ECE 222Child_Observation_Form-1Revised10.19.docx – Alternative Formats (21.507 KB)
For this assignment, you are being asked to focus your knowledge of how your classroom observations will guide your instructional planning making your instruction more intentional and systematic
You will:
Perform the Observations and Recording of Children:
(P.S. and C. for ECE 3a. Understand that assessments (formal and informal, formative and summative) are conducted to make informed choices about instruction and for planning in early learning settings.)
Select one child to observe in the assigned center.
Week 4: Reading and listening centers
Week 5: Writing and art centers
Using the attached Observation Form, observe and record the interactions of this child in the reading and listening centers assigned for the week for three days. This week (One child, one observation each day for three days – minimum 3 observations – I have modified Beaty’s form to accommodate this requirement). However, if the child participates in both focus centers that week, you may observe and record his/her interactions in both on the same form which would make your planning stronger!
Write evidence statements on both sections of the Observation Form (with materials and with other children). Identify interaction levels (manipulative, mastery, or meaning) as well as play stages (solitary, parallel, or cooperative). You do not need to write a statement in each level. Detail the actions that you saw or heard. Be specific – What exactly did the child do or say?
HINT: This child may act at one level or in multiple levels depending on the activities.
Analyze the data:
(P.S. and C. for ECE 3c. Use screening and assessment tools in ways that are ethically grounded and developmentally, ability, culturally, and linguistically appropriate in order to document developmental progress and promote positive outcomes for each child

Analyze the three observations and how the student performed
Write a summary for each observation noting:
Accomplishments (strengths)
Develop an instructional plan:
(P.S. and C. for ECE: 4b: Understand and use teaching skills that are responsive to the learning trajectories of young children and to the needs of each child, recognizing that differentiating instruction, incorporating play as a core teaching practice, and supporting the development of executive function skills are critical for young children.
Using your textbook as a reference (refer to the suggestions found in the chapters related to the reading and listening centers, develop a plan that describes one or two activities that you will develop for each of the following:
enhance the child’s engagement with the materials
support the child’s interactions with his/her peers
These are not lessons. Describe the activity with specificity in two-three sentences. Be sure that I can see how the activity is directly aligned with your observations.
APA formatting (including in-text citations and references)
12 Point Font
Arial or Calibri Font Style
College Level Writing
Check for Spelling and Grammar
Informal terms such as “kids, toys, etc. are not appropriate
Submit as a Word Document