The purpose of the Case Write-Up Assignment is to demonstrate your advanced prac

The purpose of the Case Write-Up Assignment is to demonstrate your advanced prac

The purpose of the Case Write-Up Assignment is to demonstrate your advanced practice thinking and clinical decision-making skills. You will select a patient seen in your current clinical rotation and write up the visit, ensuring that any identifying patient factors are omitted.
To ensure that your write-ups are comprehensive and reflect your learning, start fresh and avoid copying and pasting from templates, examples, or other students’ work.
Following the format of:
Chief complaint (CC): Patient reported that “I’ve had a cough and sore throat for 2 days”
History of Present Illness (HPI): important part of assessment, use important questions to ask (OLD CARTS or PQRST) which includes: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating factors, Related symptoms, Treatments, and Significance. Includes details on current illness and symptoms.
Past Medical History: details on past and present illnesses, be careful not to blindly copy from prior clinical notes
Past Hospitalizations: past hospitalizations with reason for admit, duration of stay, and rough dates
Past Surgical History: past surgeries and rough dates when possible
Medications: list name, dose, frequency, and indication. Include PRN medications and how often they are taken.
Allergies: list medications and food allergies, specify type of reaction
Social History: includes several factors such as alcohol use, cigarette use, sexual history, work history, exercise, and immunizations.
Other pediatric considerations: includes information on home life, siblings, pets, daycare/school, extracurricular activities, and recent changes.
Family History: go back 2 generation – indicate if alive, deceased, or unknown. details on family members, their age, and illnesses/conditions.
Obstetrical History: relevant information on pregnancies when appropriate.
Review of Symptoms (ROS): should be extensive and include every system for comprehensive visits. For childbearing women, document LMP and contraceptive use on every visit. Do not include any objective data.
Vital signs: include BMI on every visit
Physical examination(PE): This is head to toe detailed and thoroughly describe findings within ALL systems for comprehensive exam.
Laboratory data, diagnostic tests, imaging: include only available results at the time of the visit
List differential diagnoses and presumptive diagnosis, include appropriate ICD-10 codes for all diagnoses. Support diagnoses with evidence-based references.
Document ICD code diagnoses. Differential diagnosis list may be necessary.
Abnormalities found in ROS or physical exam need to be addressed.
Include medications ordered, lab tests, teaching, referrals, and follow-up information. Organize information under each diagnosis.
Include patient education and health maintenance, such as cancer screenings.
Add additional note at the end of the write-up labeled “Addendum” if anything was missing from the encounter that should have been done or ordered.