Please review all documents and let me know which topic you choose (you can use

Please review all documents and let me know which topic you choose (you can use one of the topics provided in the paper guideline or let me know if you choose a different topic so I can run it by one of the TAs in the class to see if it is ok to use).
This is an argumentative research paper for a History of Science college course, senior level. Please see all attachments and read carefully as well as reach out to me with additional questions. The paper guideline is the attachment labeled “Argumentative Research Paper 1” which also includes some topics you can choose from to expand upon. In addition to the final paper, I need to submit a Draft or paper plan before submitting this research paper (that will also be graded); please see the attachment labeled “Paper Plan(required) OR Full Draft (optional) for Paper 1”, this tells you what the paper plan or draft should include for submission. (Do not pay attention to the due dates on the attachments, the draft is due Nov1 and the actual final paper is due Nov 8) but I want it back by Oct23 to make sure its ok and have enough time to send the the TAs to review it. I’ve attached all the lecture PowerPoints from Module 1 labeled “lec 2-1, lec 3-1, lec 4-1, lec 5-1”, as this research paper is also based on information we covered in Module 1, BUT DO NOT USE THE ATTACHED LECTURE POWERPOINTS AS A CITATION/SOURCE, I merely attached it to give you an idea of what this course and module was about so far. Please do not use more than two scholarly sources in this argumentative paper, as the instructor does not want us to use too many sources. Let me know if you have questions so i can try to get answers from the instructor or TA. Thank you in advance.