In an essay of approximately 3-4 pages (1 inch margins, 12pt font, double spaced

In an essay of approximately 3-4 pages (1 inch margins, 12pt font, double spaced

In an essay of approximately 3-4 pages (1 inch margins, 12pt font, double spaced), address the following prompt:
Company A has hiring policies in place that grant certain preferences to qualified female candidates for positions related to software development; specifically, among the pool of qualified candidates, the hiring managers at A are given the flexibility to “consider gender” as one of many factors in deciding which candidate to hire and have been encouraged to use gender as an “important consideration” in hiring. The company has a two-fold rationale for these preferential practices. First, relative to the population of qualified candidates, females have been historically underrepresented in software positions. The preferential policies are a way to correct for that disadvantage. Second, in an increasingly diverse, global business environment, there is a need to have females as software developers. Improving the representation of female employees in this role is an important way to remain competitive while remaining loyal to A’s commitment of creating an “inclusive” workplace.
Do you think A’s preferential treatment of women is ethically defensible? Why or why not? What ethical principles or values are relevant in justifying your position? Explain and defend your answer by selectively integrating the assigned course material from Session 6(Class 05 slides pptx file) as well as any material from prior sessions. Feel free to explain what parts of A’s policy are acceptable and what parts are not by drawing contrasts, comparisons and distinctions relevant to your analysis. Your response should be clearly and precisely written and well-organized.
The essay should be clearly written and organized, concise, grammatically correct, analytically sound, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the reading assignments. Do not offer extended introductions and do not stray from directly addressing this particular assignment.
You do not need to do any outside research for this particular assignment. However, It is expected that you use the APA Style Guide for in-text citations and bibliographic references for their essays, including any outside research and for assigned texts. This means that the quality of your presentation and style will be determined by the accurate use of the APA Style Guide for citations and references. A separate reference page should be provided for the texts you cite in the body of your essay. You do not need to provide a title page, running head or abstract for these essays. Simply put your first and last name in the top right of the first page of your essay. Also, there is a textbook attached(joseph desjardins pdf file) please apply some of the ethical principles mentioned from chapter 1-3 of the textbook for the essay and there is also a summary of it (IMG_0276, 0271, 0270 jpg file). When writing the essay, please take into account of my moral values and based it on that(IMG_8025 jpg file). Please also read chapter 11 of the textbook(joseph desjardins pdf file) to get a better understanding about “PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT IN
EMPLOYMENT” and “Workplace and Diversity” which will relate so much for this essay prompt. Finally, please follow the ethical case analysis template (IMG_2744 jpg) in writing the essay.