The most

The most important channel for academic research is the peer-reviewed journal article. In a peer-reviewed journal article, a scholar will: 1) propose a research question; 2) demonstrate the importance of this research question through analysis of relevant literature; 3) introduce a study that will explore the research question; 4) detail and analyze the results of that study; 5) draw conclusions from that study.
Before an article of this kind is published, it will be reviewed by other scholars who have published their own studies in this field. Typically, the identities of the study’s author(s) are not shared with reviewers and vice versa; this is to ensure that work is published based on its own merits, rather than on the popularity or personal relationships of the author.
Reviewers will critique every aspect of the study and provide anonymous feedback. Often this peer review process will require multiple refinements or revisions of the study. The goal of this process is to ensure that when the article is published, it addresses a relevant research question, it uses a sound methodological approach, it interprets data fairly and accurately, and it draws sound conclusions.
The goal of every scholar is to publish a peer-reviewed article. Before publishing a peer-reviewed article, though, it is important for the scholar to develop skill in reviewing and critically assessing such an article. That is the purpose of this assignment.
In this assignment you will submit a review and evaluation of a single article, relevant to your dissertation research interest, that has been published in the past five years in a peer-reviewed journal. In this Journal Article Review you will:
• Identify the research question or central thesis of the article;
• Explain the method used to support the claims of the article
o State whether the method is quantitative or qualitative and give a brief explanation of the methodological approach.
o State what data is collected. (For example: Is it a public opinion poll? An analysis of historical budget data? A forecast of future COVID infections? An explanation of congressional voting patterns by ideology?)
• Explain and evaluate the conclusions drawn from the study
o Assess whether the conclusions drawn by the article’s authors seem sound based on the data they present.
o Identify any weaknesses or oversights of the article.
Your Journal Article Review Assignment should be presented in current APA format. It should be at least four pages of content in length, not including your cover page. You do not need to include a works cited page as the only item you are expected to cite is the article you are reviewing. Instead, begin your first content page with the citation of the source you are reviewing, presented in current APA format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please keep in mind this week that governance and government are two distinctly different things. In this module you will examine the etymology of the term “governance”. Governance will be explored from early conceptualizations in ancient cultures through the Middle Ages. Then the assigned resources will review governance models displayed by the American Founders and other great American statesmen and stateswomen. Learn from all but focus on the founding times as those are most applicable to today.
And remember we have excellent examples of governance and statesmanship in Scripture—Isaiah, Daniel, Joseph, Esther and Mordecai, Nehemiah, Moses and Jethro, and many others. None perfect but all were used by God for His purposes.
Context of Academic Research
The most important channel for academic research is the peer-reviewed journal article. In a peer-reviewed journal article, a scholar will:
1. Propose a research question;
2. Demonstrate the importance of this research question through analysis of relevant literature;
3. Introduce a study with valid methodologies that will explore the research question;
4. Detail and analyze the results of that study; and
5. Draw conclusions from that study.
Before an article of this kind is published, it will be reviewed by other scholars who have published their own studies in this field. Typically, the identities of the study’s author(s) are not shared with reviewers and vice versa; this is to ensure that work is published based on its own merits, rather than on the popularity or personal relationships of the author.
• Reviewers will critique every aspect of the study and provide anonymous feedback.
• Often this peer review process will require multiple refinements or revisions of the study.
• The goal of this process is to ensure that when the article is published, it: 1) addresses a relevant research question; 2) uses a sound methodological approach; 3) interprets data fairly and accurately; and 4) draws sound conclusions. The goal of most scholars is to publish a peer-reviewed article. Before publishing a peer-reviewed article, though, it is important for the scholar to develop skill in reviewing and critically assessing such an article.
This skill, as you have heard from me several times, is critical to writing a scholarly and impactful dissertation or project.
That is the purpose of this assignment.
—> Remember that all “research” has some bias. As we discussed in the Annotated Bibliography, when assessing sources to discern facts and truth we need to become critical thinkers and look deeper than the words in an article, news report, social media, etc. As I shared previously in the Critical Thinking—Discerning Truth Announcement, two principles I learned from Bible scholars I respect: “intent precedes content” and “vested interest warps truth”. Here is another source on critical thinking that will be helpful. to an external site.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
• Relate the concept of governance to an organizational leadership and behavior context.
• Evaluate the role that governance plays in the effective practice of public administration.
• Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above.
his assignment is not a regurgitation and summary of the assigned resources above. While they do not directly inform this assignment please learn from them and consider as context for future assignments.
In this assignment you will submit a review and evaluation of a single article—preferably relevant to your potential doctoral research interest—that has been published in the past five years in a peer-reviewed journal. It could be one of the articles you reviewed in Module 4. If so, pick one that has the greatest value to your research interest incorporate any feedback/comments from your annotated bibliography. Just make certain it has sufficient content so you can answer the following questions/sections.
This is not a policy paper or opinion article. Rather, it is a review and your critique of an actual research article published in a peer-reviewed journal.
This Journal Article Review assignment enables you to further develop this important skill. Dig deeper into your selected article and do some additional analyses. As stated above, this can be one of the articles you summarized in Module 3.
BUT be certain to apply any critical thinking questions/comments I provided on that assignment.
In this Journal Article Review using this outline with headings you will:
Provide a title that summarizes your topic of interest.
1. Identify the authors and source. What do you know about them? What do you think is the agenda of the article source (authors, publication itself, organization)? Objective or biased? Did they start with the research question seeking truth no matter what—or—starting with the answer and then tried to “prove” their answer with selected references aligned with their opinion? Do they have some agenda they are driving?
2. Who funded the research? Why? Does it fit their agenda?
3. State the research question or central thesis of the article.
4. Explain the research methods used to support the claims of the article:

o State whether the methods are quantitative, qualitative, or hybrid and give a brief explanation of the methodological approach. Reflect back to your old research methods courses for insights.
o State what data were collected and how those were collected.
Critical: In your opinion does the methodology credibly support the findings? I.e., are the methods appropriate to the research question?
5. Explain and evaluate the conclusions drawn from the study AND how this article with your critical analyses helps inform your research.

o Assess whether the conclusions drawn by the article’s authors seem sound based on the data they present. See PLUS note and ask below.
o Identify any weaknesses or oversights of the article.
Your Journal Article Review Assignment should be presented in current APA format. It should be at least four pages of content in length, not including your cover page. You do not need to include a works cited page as the only item you are expected to cite is the article you are reviewing. Instead, begin your first content page with the citation of the source you are reviewing, presented in current APA format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Plus, given the questions in the Assignment above do you trust the findings and recommendations in the article? Will it be useful in your dissertation or project?
These are the Rubric Scoring Criteria
• Identification of Premise and Supporting Points: Includes accurate identification of article premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of these to the course and/or field.
• Synthesis: The review contains an accurate, detailed, and well thought out comparison of the salient points of the article.
• Critical evaluation of premise and supporting points: Includes critical thinking that clearly states the student’s informed and substantiated opinion, thorough evaluation of the article’s premise, and supporting points, including with respect to a biblical worldview.