This case study assignment is designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a
nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with
those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of
urban planning.
For this Case Study, you will first describe two forms of local governments in the U.S. (e.g., city,
towns, county, special governments) and their effect on planning. Consult ICMA for forms of
local government. From there, you will analyze how the two forms of local government you
selected use the planning process, and describe which comprehensive or incremental planning
technique was chosen? What were the outcomes? Finally, you will determine a biblical
viewpoint with the methodology chosen. Please use scriipture to support the position. Integrate
Biblical verses rather than at the end of the paper. Items to include are outlined as follows:
 Length of assignment is 2,000 – 2,500-words (8 – 10-pages)
o not including title page, reference page, and any appendices.
 Format of assignment: APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt. Times New Roman font,
and must include a title page and reference page.
 Number of citations: 8 – 10 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbooks,
assigned readings, and Biblical reference) to fully support your assertions and
conclusions. These must be cited in accordance with APA guidelines.
 Acceptable sources: Use scholarly sources only. No websites, podcasts, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, or magazines. Peer reviewed journal articles, dissertations, and
textbooks only.
This assignment includes a template titled, Case Study: Governmental Relations in Urban
Planning Template. This template lays out for you the organization of your paper by providing
all sections titles and format to which they need to be included. Use this template to accurately
complete this assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
PADM 708
This is a doctoral-level research assignment designed to test your ability to conduct effective
research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in
your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these
ideas to an issue of urban planning.
As with all doctoral-level assignments, you are expected to comport yourself with the highest
writing, research, and ethical standards. To do well on this assignment, you must conduct high-
quality research and offer a rich, well-supported analysis; mere opinion or conjecture will not
suffice. A doctoral level course requires descriiption and analysis. While descriiptions certainly
are the precursor to analyses, they are not the analyses. Analysis is not just opinion statements, or
a list of what authors have said. Each idea needs elaboration and explanation and, if possible,
supported by data and/or credible sources. The analysis should demonstrate the ability to
integrate theories with applications.
You must avoid careless or simple grammatical errors such as misspellings, incomplete
sentences, comma splices, faulty noun/verb agreement, etc. Such errors will result in substantial
point deductions. No slang, idioms, jargon, colloquialisms, and everyday language. Your writing
must be scholarly.
Plagiarism in any form, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited and may result in failure
of the assignment, failure of the course, and/or removal from the program. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you understand fully what constitutes the various forms of
plagiarism and to avoid all forms of plagiarism. Consult the 2020-2021 LUO Honor Code



This case study assignment is designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a
nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with
those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of
urban planning.
For this Case Study, you will first describe two forms of local governments in the U.S. (e.g., city,
towns, county, special governments) and their effect on planning. Consult ICMA for forms of
local government. From there, you will analyze how the two forms of local government you
selected use the planning process, and describe which comprehensive or incremental planning
technique was chosen? What were the outcomes? Finally, you will determine a biblical
viewpoint with the methodology chosen. Please use scriipture to support the position. Integrate
Biblical verses rather than at the end of the paper. Items to include are outlined as follows:
 Length of assignment is 2,000 – 2,500-words (8 – 10-pages)
o not including title page, reference page, and any appendices.
 Format of assignment: APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt. Times New Roman font,
and must include a title page and reference page.
 Number of citations: 8 – 10 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbooks,
assigned readings, and Biblical reference) to fully support your assertions and
conclusions. These must be cited in accordance with APA guidelines.
 Acceptable sources: Use scholarly sources only. No websites, podcasts, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, or magazines. Peer reviewed journal articles, dissertations, and
textbooks only.
This assignment includes a template titled, Case Study: Governmental Relations in Urban
Planning Template. This template lays out for you the organization of your paper by providing
all sections titles and format to which they need to be included. Use this template to accurately
complete this assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
PADM 708
This is a doctoral-level research assignment designed to test your ability to conduct effective
research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in
your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these
ideas to an issue of urban planning.
As with all doctoral-level assignments, you are expected to comport yourself with the highest
writing, research, and ethical standards. To do well on this assignment, you must conduct high-
quality research and offer a rich, well-supported analysis; mere opinion or conjecture will not
suffice. A doctoral level course requires descriiption and analysis. While descriiptions certainly
are the precursor to analyses, they are not the analyses. Analysis is not just opinion statements, or
a list of what authors have said. Each idea needs elaboration and explanation and, if possible,
supported by data and/or credible sources. The analysis should demonstrate the ability to
integrate theories with applications.
You must avoid careless or simple grammatical errors such as misspellings, incomplete
sentences, comma splices, faulty noun/verb agreement, etc. Such errors will result in substantial
point deductions. No slang, idioms, jargon, colloquialisms, and everyday language. Your writing
must be scholarly.
Plagiarism in any form, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited and may result in failure
of the assignment, failure of the course, and/or removal from the program. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you understand fully what constitutes the various forms of
plagiarism and to avoid all forms of plagiarism. Consult the 2020-2021 LUO Honor Code

This assignment begins the second multi-step application in this course. Through

This assignment begins the second multi-step application in this course. Through

This assignment begins the second multi-step application in this course. Throughout this application, you will select your study design, identify and select your method of data collection, and establish validity and reliability associated with your instrument. For this assignment, identify your study design. Explain how you determined to use the study design selected.
(I have provided the information for the paper)

Main Question: Strategic Planning Process Chapter 5 Book : Adu-Frimpong, A. (202

Main Question:
Strategic Planning Process
Chapter 5
Book : Adu-Frimpong, A. (202

Main Question:
Strategic Planning Process
Chapter 5
Book : Adu-Frimpong, A. (2022). Issues of Program Implementation.
You are to identify a strategic plan for an agency-based program at either the state level, or national level, or local level. Make sure the five-year strategic plan includes the year 2022. Then Use the 10 thematic components of the strategic planning process you identify from your readings in chapter 5 of the assigned textbooks to evaluate the selected strategic plan. Do you think the plan is a good one? Why? What is missing from the plan giving the 10 items? What needs to be done to make the plan better? Does the plan have measurable and realistic goals and objectives? Does the mission of the agency-based program aligned with the need assessment giving the target population?

This is the second assignment for this application. Throughout this application,

This is the second assignment for this application. Throughout this application,

This is the second assignment for this application. Throughout this application, you will select your study design, identify and select your method of data collection, and establish validity and reliability for your research instrument.
Identify which method(s) you will use to collect your data.
Identify any challenges that you may face during data collection.
Please ensure you clearly explain where you are gathering your data from.
APA Citation (include a Title and References page).
Times New Roman
12pt Font

Consider a research problem you are interested in addressing that requires a mix

Consider a research problem you are interested in addressing that requires a mix

Consider a research problem you are interested in addressing that requires a mixed methods research design. Consider a mixed-methods study that you might conduct. You can use Creswell & Creswell as a guide. Please also review Chapter 3 of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. In your discussion, provide answers to the following questions:
Report the research questions and hypotheses for both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Describe the data collection procedures for both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Describe the data analysis procedures for both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Describe how the strands will be connected.
Describe how the results will be reported, validated, and interpreted by both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Using the case attached and at least two outside sources: Please use this case f

Using the case attached and at least two outside sources:
Please use this case f

Using the case attached and at least two outside sources:
Please use this case for the essay:
1. Briefly describe the facts of the case leading up to Bennett being terminated. While supporting facts are necessary for the story to flow, you should concentrate your efforts on the facts that are most important related to whether Bennett was retaliated against for protected First Amendment speech. 2. Using this case and at least two outside sources, thoroughly explain the balance between the public employee’s freedom of speech and the public employer’s right to require limits to that speech. Explain what this case tells us about the public employee’s rights related to free speech. 3. Finally, this case mentions the due process rights HCC afforded Bennett. Using our readings, explain why public employees like Bennett are afforded due process, where that requirement comes from, and what is generally considered adequate due process. Your paper should be double spaced with one 1” margins. There is no minimum or maximum page count. Your grade will be based on how well you explain the concepts and not how long or short your paper is. A complete and concise addressing of the points is welcome. Your reader should not need to be familiar with the case of have an advanced understanding of the law understand the principles you explain in your paper.
You should use the points to be addressed as headers in your paper.
Facts of the case
Balancing of First Amendment rights
What this case tells us
Due process for public employees please no plagiarism of any kind. feel free to use additional articles as references to support this paper. you must use the hyperlink found in the beginning of the article for all points. please let me know if you have any questions.

Students will choose 2 chapters from the Cooper text and write an analysis of th

Students will choose 2 chapters from the Cooper text and write an analysis of th

Students will choose 2 chapters from the Cooper text and write an analysis of the chapter itself. The students will also present one of these chapters as a lecture presentation to the class. This assignment will analyze the practical and ethical concerns of the administrator from their position. The paper will also analyze the arguments presented in the paper.