Task summary: Create a 3 page paper. Add a quote for the film chosen Full order

Task summary:
Create a 3 page paper. Add a quote for the film chosen
Full order

Task summary:
Create a 3 page paper. Add a quote for the film chosen
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer
Choose a movie from the list below that you would like to analyze. Some are documentaneswhile others are fiction based. You may also choose a movie not on this but I must approvethe movie first. If you choose to select your own, you must e-mail me the movie title, a plotsynopsis and justification on why this movie would be considered a •good watch’ forentrepreneurs.
The Founder (2016) – Drama
The Soaal Network (2010) — Drama
The Intern (2015) – Drama
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) – Documentary
Jobs (2013) – Drama
Startup.com (2001) – Documentary
The wolf of wall Street (2013) – Drama (EXPLICIT)
Boiler Room (2000) – Drama (EXPLICIT)Joy (2015) – Drama
Frye: The Greatest Party that Never Happened (2019) – Documentary
Lulaßjgb„ (2021 ) – Documentary
Becornng Warren Buffett (2017) – Documentary
Generation Startup (2016) – Documentary
Steve Jobs: One Last Thing (2011 ) – Documentary
Pnnt the Legend (2014) – Documentary
Capital C (2014) – Documentary
She Did That (2019) – Documentary
Tucker The man and his dream (1988)
The Associate (1996) – Comedy
Introduce the film to readers. What subject does it cover? Give a brief plot description and set itin its time and place – do NOT copy the plot description from IMDB or other similar sites – useyour own words. What issues does it raise? What do you see as the main purpose of the film?What seems to be the target audience? Why did you choose the film you did? (20 points)• Identify the major theme(s) and say what you think the film says about that/those themes. Thesethemes must be connected to Entrepreneurship and topics we have learned this semester. Makesure you tie in details in the film to these themes. (15 points)
Evaluate the film for quality and accuracy in relation to the ideas of Entrepreneurship. (10 points)
Relate the film to class discussions, readings, and experiences. Feel free to make it somewhatpersonal Your audience could be the class, future Entrepreneurs, current entrepreneurs,buffs in general, or another group that would have a particular interest in this film_ You decide.(25 points)
Summarize your overall statement briefly emphasizing the main point you want to make aboutthe film. (10 points)
Grammar (20 points)
Format typed, APA formatPoints: 150 points