10 points will be deducted if a paper is submitted late. The points for the pape

10 points will be deducted if a paper is submitted late. The points for the pape

10 points will be deducted if a paper is submitted late. The points for the paper will be broken down as follows:
Introduction: brief intro to inform the reader about the contents of the paper.
Demographic (inclusive years and basic info about each demographic): Each answer is worth 4 points; that is, 4 points for the demographic discussion of each identified group, for a total of 12 points.
Attitude: 4 points for each demographic group, for a total of 12 points.
Spending (how much does each group spend annually as a group): 4 points for each demographic group, for a total of 12 points.
Product Development (what product or service would YOU suggest be marketed to the demo? Why? You can ‘imagine’ a product, suggest an existing product, use the same, or different product for each group.): 4 points for each demographic, for a total of 12 points.
Marketing: Media and Message: (what message should/is delivered to sell the product/service to the demo and what media should be used to deliver the message): 4 points for each demographic, for a total of 12 points.
Product/Service: Discuss a product or service that has been marketed successfully to any of these demographics and discuss a product or service that was a failure with any of these demographics. (4 Points)
Citation: All sources must be cited in the text using the most current edition of APA format. (6 points)
References: All references must be cited at the end of the paper on a formal reference page. (6 points) Writing: There are no spelling, punctuation, or other stylistic errors. (3 points)
Conclusion: Review the content in the body of the paper. (10 points)
Presentation: The paper is presented as a professional paper in tone and presentation. (15 points)
Professional Paper 2
For this paper, you will take on the role of an outside consultant for a company. The company has hired your firm to provide deep background on demographics. These groups are, Baby Boomers, the Silent Generation, and one (1) current American subculture of your choice not already addressed in Professional Paper 1, (white Americans are not a sub-culture and African, Asian, and Hispanic Americans will not be available as choices either. If you have any question about using a specific sub-culture, please ask the instructor).
Using the following outline will be helpful, but your final paper will be written in cohesive essay format. Make sure that it is presented in the persona of an outside consultant. Even though this is written as a professional paper, you are still required to cite at least three scholarly sources for this assignment. Your paper must be formatted using double-spaced, 1- inch margins, and font consistent with APA guidelines. Be sure to use the most current edition of APA format for your paper, citations in the text, and a reference list.
Suggested OutlineSingle paragraph Introduction describing the company, the product, and the intent of your research.
Outline the Demographics of the groups in questions including birth years and demographical information.
Provide background about the Attitude of each group. Focus on their shared experiences that distinguish them from other groups. Make sure to discuss subgroups and value variations within the larger groups as well as to consider conflicts or differences within the groups that may impact success in marketing your client’s product.
Discuss each demographic’s disposable income; what is the annual Spending Power of the group?
Product Development: What product would you suggest if you were marketing to this demo, and why?
Marketing: What Media would you use to reach the group and what would your message be?
Product/Service: Identify a product that has been marketed that was a success with any of these demographics, and one that failed; provide a brief explanation as to why the product/service was a success and why the product/service failed.
Conclusion: Include a summation of your findings. This should not exceed 2-3 paragraphs and will restate the contents of the paper in a concise manner. Keep in mind you are not selling the product itself, but rather you are making a case for your findings.
Presentation: The paper is presented as a professional paper in tone and presentation.
You paper must be submitted to the appropriate Dropbox by 11:59 pm CT Sunday of Week 6.
10 points will be deducted if a paper is submitted late. The points for the paper will be broken down as follows:
Introduction: brief intro to inform the reader about the contents of the paper.
Demographic (inclusive years and basic info about each demographic): Each answer is worth 4 points; that is, 4 points for the demographic discussion of each identified group, for a total of 12 points.
Attitude: 4 points for each demographic group, for a total of 12 points.
Spending (how much does each group spend annually as a group): 4 points for each demographic group, for a total of 12 points.
Product Development (what product or service would YOU suggest be marketed to the demo? Why? You can ‘imagine’ a product, suggest an existing product, use the same, or different product for each group.): 4 points for each demographic, for a total of 12 points.
Marketing: Media and Message: (what message should/is delivered to sell the product/service to the demo and what media should be used to deliver the message): 4 points for each demographic, for a total of 12 points.
Product/Service: Discuss a product or service that has been marketed successfully to any of these demographics and discuss a product or service that was a failure with any of these demographics. (4 Points)
Citation: All sources must be cited in the text using the most current edition of APA format. (6 points)
References: All references must be cited at the end of the paper on a formal reference page. (6 points) Writing: There are no spelling, punctuation, or other stylistic errors. (3 points)
Conclusion: Review the content in the body of the paper. (10 points)
Presentation: The paper is presented as a professional paper in tone and presentation. (15 points)
Professional Paper Rubric
Professional Paper Scoring RubricCriteriaLevel 4Level 3Level 2Level 1
Demographics Identified12 points
All three demographics are identified with the following information:
inclusive years
basic info about each demographic
8 points
Two of the three demographics are identified with the following information:
inclusive years
basic info about each demographic
4 points
Only one of the three demographics are identified with the following information:
inclusive years
basic info about each demographic
0 points
None of the demographics are identified or paper was not submitted.
Demographic Attitudes12 points
The attitudes of each demographic groups are identified.8 points
The attitudes of two of the three demographic groups are identified.4 points
The attitudes of one of the three demographic groups are identified.0 points
None of the attitudes of the three demographic groups are identified or the paper was not submitted.
Spending of Each Demographic12 points
How much each of the three demographic groups spends annually is identified.8 points
How much two of the three demographic groups spends annually is identified.4 points
How much one of the three demographic groups spends annually is identified.0 points
How much each of the three demographic groups spends annually is not identified or paper was not submitted.
Product Development12 points
All three demographic groups have what product or service identify and why.8 points
Two of the three demographic groups have what product or service identify and why.4 points
All one of the three demographic groups have what product or service identify and why.0 points
None of the demographic groups have what product or service identify and why or the paper was not submitted.
Marketing12 points
All three demographic groups have the following identified regarding marketing:
what message should/is delivered to sell the product/service
what media should be used to deliver the message
8 points
Two of the three demographic groups have the following identified regarding marketing:
what message should/is delivered to sell the product/service
what media should be used to deliver the message
4 points
One of the three demographic groups have the following identified regarding marketing:
what message should/is delivered to sell the product/service
what media should be used to deliver the message
0 points
None of the demographic groups have the following identified regarding marketing:
what message should/is delivered to sell the product/service
what media should be used to deliver the message
Or the paper was not submitted.
Opening and Conclusion10 points
The opening and conclusion of the paper are concise and accurately preview and review the content in the body of the paper.7 points
The opening and conclusion of the paper accurately previews and reviews the content in the body of the paper but is not concise.4 points
The opening and conclusion of the paper struggles to preview and review the content in the body of the paper.0 points
No opening or conclusion is present or the paper was not submitted.
Presentation15 points
The paper is presented as a professional paper in tone and presentation.10 points
The paper is presented as a professional paper in tone or presentation.5 points
The paper is lacking in a professional paper in tone and presentation.0 points
No paper was submitted.
Citations and References12 points
No issues with:
Sources being cited in the text using the APA format.
References being cited at the end of the paper in a formal APA references page.
8 points
Minor issues with:
Sources being cited in the text using the APA format.
References being cited at the end of the paper in a formal APA references page.
4 points
Several issues with:
Sources being cited in the text using the APA format.
References being cited at the end of the paper in a formal APA references page.
0 points
Significant issues with or the following were not completed:
Sources being cited in the text using the APA format.
References being cited at the end of the paper in a formal APA references page.
Or paper was not submitted.
Writing (Spelling and Grammar)3 points
There are no spelling, punctuation, or other stylistic errors.2 points
There are minor spelling, punctuation, or other stylistic errors.1 point
There are several spelling, punctuation, or other stylistic errors.0 points
There are significant spelling, punctuation, or other stylistic errors or the paper was not submitted.