Attached is an essay you wrote. Please answer the following questions. Thank you

Attached is an essay you wrote. Please answer the following questions. Thank you

Attached is an essay you wrote. Please answer the following questions. Thank you
Reread your essay draft, with the intention of discerning what you are doing differently as you write to a lay audience. Also note where you intentionally continue to use the same strategies you would for an audience comprised of students in your major. The purpose of this thought exercise is to take a step back and consider how audience shapes how we write. Please answer the following seven questions, which you may do so in list or paragraph form, and I would like you to add anything else that came up for you as you thought about writing for different audiences:
What choices have you made as you tailor your essay for college students not in your major, and why did you make these choices? What did these choices allow you to do?
Where, in WP1, have you continued to use writing strategies you use when writing for a BSPA audience/readers, and why have you done so?
Have you explained jargon, provided additional context, changed choices in wording and sentence structure, for your lay college student audience? Why or why not?
Have you made different choices in your introduction and conclusionLinks to an external site. as compared to how you usually approach parts of an essay when writing for readers in your major? Please explain.
Do you use the same transition strategies between paragraphs that you use in papers for a BSPA audience? How did you transition from paragraph to paragraph? In other wards, how did you connect the ideas in one paragraph to the idea in the subsequent paragraph?
Please explain why you did or did not change how you select and use sources?
What pleases you most about your essay draft right now?