Three page in essay type A) Social Media ADs Analysis: Data Gathering from Faceb

Three page in essay type
A) Social Media ADs Analysis:
Data Gathering from Faceb

Three page in essay type
A) Social Media ADs Analysis:
Data Gathering from Facebook Post for YOUR company (Use Content Tag Excel)
Interpretation, Suggestion and Limitation ( Table 1 (TOP), Table 2(Bottom), Figure 1 (Top), Figure 2(Bottom), Figure 3(Top and Bottom)
A3 Netflix with Content Tag.xlsx
Evidence from Facebook Behaviors-2.docx
Need to support your argument using these references
On Consumer Engagement via Digital Channel-1.pptx
On Consumer Engagement via Digital Channel.pptx
Helpful Article: Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media.pdf
References in Appendix
Rubric: A3
Rubric: A3
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis
20 ptsExcellent
Thesis is placed at the start of the argument, is well articulated and defensible and explains why the two works are related.
12 ptsGood
Thesis is somewhat unclear or is not supported by argument.
8 ptsFair
There is a thesis statement but it is very unclear.
0 ptsPoor
No discernable thesis statement
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
20 ptsExcellent
Conclusion is a concise, well-written summary of the argument
12 ptsGood
Conclusion is somewhat related to the thesis and argument.
8 ptsFair
There is a conclusion but it is not obviously related to the thesis or argument
0 ptsPoor
No conclusion
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure
20 ptsExcellent
Paper is structured in a series of well-written paragraphs, all of which support the main thesis
12 ptsGood
Most of the material supports the thesis
8 ptsFair
Less than half of the material supports the thesis
0 ptsPoor
Paper is not structured as a coherent argument
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdeas
20 ptsExcellent
Accurately represents more than one idea from each work
12 ptsGood
Accurately represents multiple ideas with at least one from each work
8 ptsFair
Accurately represents at least one idea from each work
0 ptsPoor
No accurate representations of ideas
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
20 ptsExcellent
Multiple citations from each work that are all specific and well integrated to support thesis
12 ptsGood
Multiple specific citations from each source, at least some of which support the main thesis
8 ptsFair
No more than one from each, or multiple that are not well integrated to support the thesis
0 ptsPoor
No specific citations from either work
20 pts
Total Points: 100