A social media calendar is a planning document that organizes your publishing sc

A social media calendar is a planning document that organizes your publishing sc

A social media calendar is a planning document that organizes your publishing schedule by date. This enables you to keep track of deadlines, better manage your content creation team, and create transparency with stakeholders who rely on your publishing schedule. Social media content calendars can come in many formats but for our project this week, we will use the Excel template provided to complete the assignment.
This activity is NOT a part of your weekly company social media project and will be graded separately by your instructor. This project is for a non-profit.
Student Instructions:
Select a non-profit. It can be local, state, or national level non-profit.
Use the template for your project this week to create a Social Media Content Calendar in Excel for the nonprofit selected.
Social Media Content Calendar Project Excel Template
Complete one week (Monday-Friday) and follow the example provided in the grey section of the template. Each section must be completed in the template for each day of the week. Note that Instagram is intentionally not listed for every day.
Once the form is completed for Monday-Friday, attach the file to submit your completed work.
Be sure to review the rubric before starting the project. The rubric provides details on each section of the graded assignment.