Activity 1 Create a PPT in which you present a) some definitions of rhetoric, b)

Activity 1 Create a PPT in which you present a) some definitions of rhetoric, b)

Activity 1 Create a PPT in which you present a) some definitions of rhetoric, b) show one or more of the rhetorical periods, AND present some important rhetorical figures (rhetoricians). (10 Slides) Convert the PPT into a PDF file. Activity 2 Create a PPT presentation (15-20 slides) about ancient Egyptian rhetoric. Make sure you include pictures of ancient Egyptian monuments and the language (writing symbols). Convert the PPT into a PDF file. Activity 3 Read the attached document named ” Two way a woman can get hurt” and watch the ad ” Mow the Lawn” link: ,and answer this questions: What are the main arguments of Kilbourne? What messages does this commercial above (and the one you chose) send about being a woman? What stereotypes of women do you see in both ads, if any? What kinds of women are being shown in both commercials? What else is happening in the commercials? (e.g. is there any racist stereotypes being perpetuated about women of certain racial backgrounds?) Activity 4 For this activity you need to follow the following steps: Step one: Pick one of the topics we have covered so far: A) Definitions of rhetoric B) Ancient rhetoric (Origins of Rhetoric) C) Non-Western Rhetoric (Ancient Egypt) D) Cultural Rhetoric E) Feminist rhetoric F) Digital Rhetoric G) Argument and Persuasion H) Rhetoric and Epistemology Step two: Go to Wikipedia main page Step three: Create an account or log in if you already have one. Step four: Watch this video “How to edit existing pages on Wikipedia the right way” Step five: Find a Wikipedia article that talks about any of the topics in step one. Edit the Wikipedia article by adding a summary of one of the articles/chapters your read in this class. Make sure you include the reference. (Optional: If you choose “feminist rhetoric” you can create a page for a feminist figure if they don’t already have one). Step six: submit screenshots for the article before and after editing, highlighting your edits. Also, submit a link to the article. Step seven: Write a 350-500 reflective essay reflecting on the following: The ways in which writing for Wikipedia is different from writing regular papers for class. What you learned about Wikipedia. This could be a reflection on the technical or social aspects of editing. This could include a discussion of: the Discussion page the History page the role of users the role of collaboration. Wikipedia’s rules (which are slightly different than the rules of writing course papers) Has your relationship to Wikipedia changed? Do you see it differently? Do you trust it more or less? Did working on Wikipedia, with its insistence on citing every source, make it easier or harder to insure that your writing was well researched? How do you feel knowing that the words you wrote are likely to be one of the very top search results for the person you were writing about? How do you feel knowing that these words could be modified or rewritten by the next person to come along (with the hope that they would be making them better)? Do you think you will make any future Wikipedia edits or create Wikipedia pages on your own? What connections can you make between both commercials and Kilbourne’s article? Activity 5 Step One: Watch two pieces of news or read two articles that have different rhetoric/approaches toward COVID-19 pandemic. Share the links and write 350-500 words in which you examine the ways these two different news/articles use language to convey their rhetoric/ideology. What kinds of verbs do they use? What strategies or rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, logos) do they use to appeal to their audiences? What goals do you think these two different pieces of news/articles have? Which one is more appealing to you and more convincing? Step Two: Interview two or more participants (They could be friends, family members, classmates, etc.) about how media (and what type) impacted their thoughts and beliefs about the pandemic. Did they change the way they looked at the pandemic because of the media they follow? Take notes during the interviews. Step three: Write a 350-500 words essay in which you summarize your participants’ views and reflect/comment on them. Activity 6 The following are some of the hashtags that helped change history: #BarCamp. #MeToo. #Flygskam. #CinnamonChallenge. #BlackLivesMatter. #DeleteFacebook. #FakeNews. #NeverAgain. #OccupyWallStreet. #FridaysForFuture. For this activity, you need to do a search on one of these hashtags and then create a PPT, an infographic, or a video (only one of these three options) in which you show how effective and powerful the hashtag was/is. I don’t want to limit your creativity by telling you how long the video should be, how many slides the PPT should include, or how much detail the infographic should contain. I leave this up to you. I just want to see that you have done some good work and have conducted a good search. Your project can include text, images, clips, graphs, or any visual that helps make your project effective and appealing. You can include figures and numbers about the hashtag, you can include the story of how the hashtag all started, and/or you can include the change the hashtag brought forth.