AMRAP WORKOUT 2- Please click on the link below and complete the workout by Dail

Please click on the link below and complete the workout by Dail

Please click on the link below and complete the workout by Dailymotion, Self Magazine. You will be surprised how intense 10 minutes of a AMRAP workout pushes you. If you are left wanting more, please add 2 exercises of your choice that you will complete at the end for 2 sets of 35 seconds. (Please list those exercises in your exercise log)
10-Minute Dumbbell Tabata Workout
10-Minute Dumbbell Tabata Workout – video Dailymotion
When you have completed the workout, please log your efforts here! Don’t forget to include the FIIT details and also answer these questions. 1) What part of this workout was the most challenging? 2) Favorite Exercise? 3) Did you enjoy doing AMRAP workout? why or why not?. Please use full sentences.
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5