Analyze the influence of cultural and/or religious traditions or worldviews on a

Analyze the influence of cultural and/or religious traditions or worldviews on a

Analyze the influence of cultural and/or religious traditions or worldviews on a major work of medieval writing included in the module (Aquinas, Avicenna, or de Pisan).
Be mindful not to oversimply the role of historical context. Explain how the author you are analyzing may be at once informed by and diverge from the worldview of his/her era – or how s/he may draw from multiple worldviews and traditions.
Work to elaborate on the author’s philosophical premises and principles, the types of evidence and writing strategies s/he utilizes, and how they seek to impact or shape the philosophical knowledge of their time.
Support your analysis with at least one direct (cited) quotation from any of the module readings or resources.
*I can send the reading via email.