Answer each question in a paragraph. Each paragraph should be well supported wit

Answer each question in a paragraph. Each paragraph should be well supported wit

Answer each question in a paragraph. Each paragraph should be well supported with quotes, paraphrasing from the video and texts, and explanation. 1. Watch the video about the 1969 Third World Strike at San Francisco State. What were the purposes and the goals of the Third World Strike? What role did the students play? How was Ethnic Studies finally established at SF State College.
2. Read El Plan de Santa Barbara (1969) – read only “Table of Contents,” “Manifesto,” “Chicano Studies and the Community” on pp. 77-80 in the document, and peruse the images. According to the document, explain the relationship between the University and the Community as described in the chapter “Chicano Studies and the Community” (pp 77-80)? What does Chicanx Studies propose to do differently for the community?…
3. Omi and Winant’s chapter 4 of Racial Formation in the U.S. lays out the roots of racism and the concept of race in the U.S. and the hemisphere. In the third section subtitled “The Evolution of Race Consciousness” the authors look at “conquest”/invasion and the origins of settler colonialism 500 years ago. Describe the goals and name some specific actions of this period of “conquest”/invasion. What are some economic, political and ideological results? Why do they describe this period as “the first… perhaps the greatest… racial formation project” (p. 114)?
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