Answer the questions below. Answers should be approximately three complete and w

Answer the questions below. Answers should be approximately three complete and w

Answer the questions below. Answers should be approximately three complete and well-written sentences that are specific and concrete.
1. What were the major events that led to the American Revolution? Why did Britain’s attitude toward the colonies become harsher after 1763?
2. How was the Articles of Confederation designed? Why was it designed this way? What were its strengths and weaknesses?
3. How was the Constitution designed? Why was it designed this way? What were its strengths and weaknesses?
6. What is federalism? How have its definitions evolved?
7. How is power between the national and state governments divided in the Constitution? Who has ultimate supremacy? How do we know this?
8. How is power divided within the national government? What are checks and balances?
9. What was McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) about? What was its significance?
10. What is nationalization? How did it develop over time? How does it solve collective action problems?