APA formatting is ALWAYS expected. You may work in Excel , JASP or both DIRECTI

 APA formatting is ALWAYS expected. You may work in Excel , JASP or both

 APA formatting is ALWAYS expected. You may work in Excel , JASP or both
DIRECTIONS for Initial Post 
1) Select the ONE continuous variable from the database to use. State your choice
2) Select ONE categorical variable from the database (your choice). State your choice
3) Generate a random sample of 20 records from each of your levels of categories for your variable selected in #2. Post the file (in .csv format) , that contains only your generate random sample, to your post
4) Generate a descriptive statistics table by groups from your  sample.  Post your descriptive statistic table , in APA format, to this  thread.
5) Using your sample, generate a series of boxplots within ONE CHART which shows the spread of the continuous variable (from #1) for each group of your category variable. 
6) In JASP or Excel run a one-way ANOVA test, using the continuous  variable, over the groups of your selected categorical variable. Copy  and paste your ANOVA tables into your post. 
7) Use complete sentences to write an interpretation of the p value from your ANOVA table.  What does your p-value results suggest about the groups ?