FIRST ONE!! Use JASP for this investigation Tables, charts, and graphs should b

Use JASP for this investigation
Tables, charts, and graphs should b

Use JASP for this investigation
Tables, charts, and graphs should be APA formatted as expected. Copy and paste the numerical prompts below into your submission document and record your responses directly beneath. Include the following in your submission:
1.  Use this Kaggle dataset
2.  Select a variable to be used as the Response Variable. List it here.
3.  Select three continuous variables to serve as explanatory variables
4.  Generate a Numerical Summaries table, Correlation table, and histogram on each interval.  (Interpret Model 2 row in JASP)
5.  Run the multiple regression and report the 3 regression output tables
6.  Interpret R, Adjusted R square values
7.  Interpret p-value from Regression table
8.  Interpret p-values from Coefficient table
9.  Check VIF (collinearity diagnostics) and Durbin-Watson and interpret
10.Check residuals vs predicted plot. Interpret
11.Check residuals histogram. interpret
12.Use a variable selection process (stepwise, forward, etc …) , indicate which process you used, to remove explanatory variables. 
13.Show all 3 final regression output tables after the variable selection process has completed.  Interpret relevant statistics within the tables
14.Report final regression equation
Your report is a continuation on your work with questions above. Complete in JASP.  APA formatting is expected. Use the same dataset as used with the final
1) Select 1 variable as the response variable. Select one continuous and one categorical variable as explanatory variables. Report your variable choices.
Compute and interaction term , in JASP, by multiplying together the categorical variable with the continuous variable independent variable.
You will use both independent variables and the computer interaction term in the regression analysis
Complete the following:
1) Run a regression test. Report all 3 output tables
2) Is there an interaction effect detected? Explain
3) Run the analysis without the interaction term. Report the 3 resulting regression tables
4) How has the output changed? (R, Adjusted R squared, ANOVA table p-value, and Coefficient table p-values)
Your Final presentation is to be a collection of presentation slides that report on the work completed  and final report. 
Please use Powerpoint. 
Submit all tables and charts generated or created for the questions and final report. Font size of 18 pt or higher. Use a colorful design theme for your presentation. APA formatting expected
Your presentation slides are to include (title each slide so that it is clear what you are presenting):
1.  Title Slide
2. slide of each table and chart reported
will need notes for each page for presentation. 

Working with datasets given; providing outputs from the list of the tasks throug

Working with datasets given; providing outputs from the list of the tasks throug

Working with datasets given; providing outputs from the list of the tasks through R program language. No need for further explanations and writing whole assignment, just providing R notebook with codes and outputs per sections with short comments on what you did so I can continue on writing the report. 

  In this Assignment, you will import an Excel file and produce a data dictiona

In this Assignment, you will import an Excel file and produce a data dictiona

In this Assignment, you will import an Excel file and produce a data dictionary. To complete the Assignment, follow the steps outlined below:
Import the SPSS Skills Data Set Excel file into SPSS.
Produce the Data Dictionary.
Export the Data Dictionary from the Output Window of SPSS into a Microsoft Word document.

 APA formatting is ALWAYS expected. You may work in Excel , JASP or both DIRECTI

 APA formatting is ALWAYS expected. You may work in Excel , JASP or both

 APA formatting is ALWAYS expected. You may work in Excel , JASP or both
DIRECTIONS for Initial Post 
1) Select the ONE continuous variable from the database to use. State your choice
2) Select ONE categorical variable from the database (your choice). State your choice
3) Generate a random sample of 20 records from each of your levels of categories for your variable selected in #2. Post the file (in .csv format) , that contains only your generate random sample, to your post
4) Generate a descriptive statistics table by groups from your  sample.  Post your descriptive statistic table , in APA format, to this  thread.
5) Using your sample, generate a series of boxplots within ONE CHART which shows the spread of the continuous variable (from #1) for each group of your category variable. 
6) In JASP or Excel run a one-way ANOVA test, using the continuous  variable, over the groups of your selected categorical variable. Copy  and paste your ANOVA tables into your post. 
7) Use complete sentences to write an interpretation of the p value from your ANOVA table.  What does your p-value results suggest about the groups ?

  Instructions Scenario: A generation ago, people used to see their doctor only

A generation ago, people used to see their doctor only

A generation ago, people used to see their doctor only when they were sick or dying. Today, preventative health care is becoming commonplace as people become more educated and empowered about their own health. Regular, routine medical check-ups can help find potential health issues before they become a problem. Early detection of problems gives the best chance for getting the right treatment quickly, avoiding any complications.
You have been employed as part of an active public health campaign that is aiming to increase routine 12-monthly check-ups. Your job is to identify groups of people with lower rates of check-ups in the last 12 months where a targeted campaign would be of most benefit.
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a collaborative project between all of the states in the United States (US) and participating US territories and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The BRFSS is a system of ongoing health-related telephone surveys designed to collect data on health-related risk behaviours, chronic health conditions and use of preventive services from the non-institutionalised adult population (≥18 years) residing in the United States. Using the prepared BRFSS data, identify demographic, social and behavioural factors that are associated with routine check- up attendance.
BRFSS 2024 data
Your written briefing document must consist of a 250-word executive summary and a detailed structured results section. This template will assist you with the format and information required.
Executive Summary (Marks: 25)
The 250-word summary should identify demographic, social and behavioural factors that are associated with routine check-up attendance in a statistically valid, clear and concise manner that can be understood by someone with minimal knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics. You must identify a group or groups of people where a targeted campaign would be of most benefit.
A short summary of the study design of the BRFSS and a brief discussion of its limitations (no more than 250 words (Marks: 6)
Find a peer-reviewed primary quantitative research study in the literature that investigates the determinants of routine check-up attendance. Compare the designs between the study described in that paper and BRFSS (not more than 150 words). (Marks: 4)
Description of the population and analysis:
1) By analysing the BRFSS dataset, answer the following questions:
In your dataset, what percentage of participants reported routine check-up attendance? (Marks: 5)
Create a table of routine check-up attendance and 3 demographic factors, one of which must be binary, one numerical and one multi-category categorical (either nominal or ordinal). (Marks: 15)

Each cell should contain the appropriate summary measure and 95% confidence interval
The final column in the table should contain the p-value for statistical tests of difference or independence (i.e., tests that we covered in week 6). Footnotes should be used to indicate which statistical tests were used.

2) Examine the association between 4 social and/or behavioural factors and routine check-up attendance:

In an appropriate manner, present the results of analysis into the effect of four social and/or behavioural factors on routine check-up attendance. You must analyse a binary, numeric, nominal and ordinal factor. (Marks: 20)

For each factor you should report:

Variable name and data type
Name of measure  calculated
Results of statistical analysis performed
Statistical interpretation
The Stata output (including visible code) e.g.

For one of the identified factors, you should explore the possibility of confounding or effect modification by sex. (Marks: 10)

Perform appropriate analysis
Present STATA output (including visible code)
Report the results in a table
Interpret your result

Conduct a multivariable regression and present the results of the adjusted regression model by including the four factors you examined in your analysis of social and behavioural factors. (Marks: 10)

Present STATA output (including visible code)
Report the results in a table.
Interpret your result

Project Component A Directions: The first step of your project is to find a data

Project Component A
The first step of your project is to find a data

Project Component A
The first step of your project is to find a data set that interests you. Some students may gravitate towards political sentiment, mental health, or science. It is up to you to decide what data set (among the ones we have provided) will spark the most interesting questions for you. What makes a data set interesting to you may be the general topics that are covered or specific questions/topics that are covered within the data set. Next, try to narrow down particular partsof the data set you find interesting. Your goal is to brainstorm some possible research questions.
One of the simplest research questions that can be asked is whether two constructs are associated.
For example, in GSS participants were asked about their happiness in marriage (rated Very Happy, Somewhat Happy,or Not Too Happy) and also about their self-assessment of their own health (Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor). One question might be: Is there a relationship between health and relationship happiness?
As another example, in NESARC participants were asked about whether their blood/natural father was depressed (No, Yes, or Unknown), whether their blood/natural mother was depressed (No, Yes, or Unknown) and also a multitude ofquestions about their own mental health (A list of questions that reveal some form of depression). One question could be: Does parental depression predict an individual’s level of depression?
Remember that you can tweak your question as we move forward, but it will benefit you greatly to spend time now deciding a direction for your project.
The requirement of this assignment is to: select a dataset (also include information about why it is interesting to you), discuss potential research questions, and copy and paste the relevant components of the codebook into a document.(This will help you keep organized in the coming weeks, it is likely you will need to update it as your project and research question evolve). If applicable, let us know whether you are having trouble picking a topic or have any other concerns about how to move forward.
Sample Submission:
After looking through the codebook for the ADD study, I have decided that I am particularly interested in studying family background and depression. Examining mental health and trying to understand contributing factors to depression is something that I explored during my summer internship. While the internship focused on activity leveland depression, I was always interested how parental figure’s own depression (either biologically or throughinteractions) may contribute to their child’s own depression in adulthood.
My personal codebook includes all questions in the NESARC study that give me information about mother and father depression and also includes some signs of an individual’s own depression:

Dr. William Jones has been the director of the health center clinic at East-Sout

Dr. William Jones has been the director of the health center clinic at East-Sout

Dr. William Jones has been the director of the health center clinic at East-Southern Kentucky Community College (ESKCC) for about six months. Having been a part of a much larger medical center in the past, he has seen the benefits of total quality management (TQM) and feels that it would help improve the operations at the ESKCC clinic. He has made some positive changes to the staffing of the clinic but now feels that he must tackle making improvements to its operations. Consequently, he has created a TQM team (of which you are a part) and has made certain that they have received the necessary training to start examining the various processes within the health center’s operations.
The ambulatory health service department of the ESKCC health center clinic has received increased complaints from the ESKCC student body and staff concerning the services it offers in its walk-in urgent care clinic. Dr. Jones feels that this center would be an excellent starting point for the TQM team.
The Data
The team is presented with the following data regarding student/staff complaints:
Patient Complaint DataMonthComplaint Type 1Complaint Type 2Complaint Type 3Complaint Type 4Complaint Type 5Complaint Type 6Total VisitsSeptember3141174813115841October21278411152971November1148112428311175December7144121738121042January153012141741671February21626128511631March27951623641512April4734313153781May421217182473Total248402872091543119097Complaint Type DescriptionsComplaint TypeComplaint Description1The quality of service received.2The waiting time was too long.3Follow-up care was not available.4The clinic was hard to find in the health center.5The medical care/treatment took too long.6The medical center could not find the individual’s medical records.
The Patient Review Process
The process for a patient (either a student or a staff member) coming in because of a problem is as follows:
When a patient arrives at the clinic, the patient first sees the receptionist, who checks to see if the patient was seen before. If so, the receptionist pulls the medical record from the file. If the patient is new, the receptionist has the patient complete the necessary forms and creates a medical record.
Patients are seen by the physician in the order they arrive. If one of the two examination rooms is empty, the nurse escorts the patient to the examination room and records the patient’s medical complaint. If no examination rooms are available, the nurse escorts the patient to a waiting area until an examination room is available.
When the patient is in the examination room, the nurse performs routine tests. The nurse then writes the complaint and findings on a medical examination form, a form that will be subsequently filed with the patient’s medical record.
The physician examines the patient and orders medical tests, if necessary. A diagnosis and treatment plan is presented to the patient by the physician; a written copy of this plan and any other appropriate instructions are written on the medical examination form.
When the physician releases the patient, the patient returns to the receptionist, who prepares a bill. If the patient has health insurance, the bill is sent to the health insurance carrier.
The patient leaves after either paying the bill (by cash, check, or credit card) or signing the forms to authorize payment by his or her health insurance company. If the health insurance company refuses to pay or partially pays the bill, the receptionist bills the patient by mail. Any patient with an unpaid bill or bad credit history is refused subsequent treatment until the old bill is paid.
As a member of the ESKCC TQM team, you are asked to put together a report that recommends improvements to the overall patient process. Create a 4–6 page report in a Word document (copy and paste any charts created in Excel) addressing the following tasks:
Construct a Pareto Chart for the data regarding complaints to the health center that is presented in Table 1. Describe two conclusions from examining this data.
Develop a control chart for the waiting time complaint (complaint #2). Explain how the control chart is developed and show the calculation process.
Illustrate the causes for Complaint #2 in a fishbone diagram. (Note: refer to the readings for examples.)
Develop a flow chart for the process that the clinic uses for a patient who comes into the ambulatory center. Draw two conclusions from examining the flow chart regarding either or both of the following:
How the process affects the patient.
Potential sources of unnecessary complexity.
Determine three improvements to streamline the patient process based on the insights that you gain from examining the process flow chart as well as your understanding of total quality management concepts from your course readings.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Propose improvements to a health services organization based on total quality management (TQM) concepts.