As discussed in the textbook, evaluation is the final stage of the social work p

As discussed in the textbook, evaluation is the final stage of the social work p

As discussed in the textbook, evaluation is the final stage of the social work practice framework. It carries the responsibility for the social worker to gauge their effectiveness and acknowledge feedback that could improve their services. Best practice in the social work framework is to discuss early on in the helping process how and when work with the client is likely to be terminated. Making clients aware of this ending stage near the beginning of the helping process helps prepare both the social worker and the client for the end of their relationship. This allows time to process any emotions they may have about the end of the relationship and allows them to use their time and sessions together most effectively. Some clients and social workers may feel loss and separation when the time draws near for the relationship to end. Others may feel happy that the client is moving on, as this means the client has made important progress. Mixed emotions are very common. It is valuable for both the client and the social worker to acknowledge that loss is a regular feature of life, and this relationship is another component of life. It is important to acknowledge and discuss the feelings that result, whatever they are.
In this activity, you will assess your own life experiences with endings and disruptions, develop empathy for your intended client population, and consider practice applications. You will also review the NASW Code of Ethics to consider and discuss the application of ethics to the termination phase. You will also consider the significance of empowerment and transparency with clients in this phase of social work practice. You will receive feedback, encouragement, and constructive criticism from your classmates.
Textbook: Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice
Article: Grief Only? Client and Social Worker Reactions to Termination
Website: National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Background Information
Fortune (1987) discusses the range of reactions, both positive and negative, that a client and social worker may have related to endings. These reactions may be correlated with earlier life experiences. Social worker self-awareness is strongly encouraged, as is transparency and preparation in the helping process. Self-awareness can be achieved through internal reflection and consultation with peers and supervisors. In this activity, you will have the opportunity to discuss endings and consider best practice with classmates.
Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
In your textbook, Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice, read Chapter 12 “Practice Evaluation” and Chapter 13 “Termination.”
Read the article, Grief only? Client and social worker reactions to termination. Note the social workers’ reactions to termination with clients.
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Review and consider the application of the NASW Code of Ethics to the evaluation and termination phases of the social work practice framework.
Reflect on your experiences with endings, interruptions, and transitions. Consider their implications by responding to the following sets of questions:
Reflect on specific evaluation methods a social worker could use to measure ongoing needs and program effectiveness clients. What is one formal evaluation strategy that the social worker could use to evaluate progress made on specific treatment goals and ongoing needs? Why is evaluation a matter of ethical practice in this case?
What memories come to mind when you think of your own experiences with endings, interruptions, and transitions? Some common examples may include finishing a school year and saying goodbye to teachers and classmates you liked, moving away for college, or finding out that a doctor you feel comfortable with is leaving practice. What positive and negative thoughts and feelings do you have about endings and how may they relate to clients’ experiences of endings in the change process? How might endings in your future social work practice bring up both the positive and negative emotions surrounding your memories? What is your plan to manage these emotions when you are terminating with clients?
After reviewing the NASW Code of Ethics, section 1.17, consider the client population you hope to work with. What are some ethical considerations you have towards the termination process, and how do you plan to terminate with clients ethically? For example, how might you prepare clients for an upcoming leave of absence or termination? What are some examples of things you might say? As another example, how might you collaborate with a client to create a discharge plan that addresses her ongoing needs for safety?
Make your initial post by the fourth day of the workshop.
Use subheadings based on the discussion prompts to organize your post.
By the end of the workshop, read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Your responses to your classmates should both encourage and respectfully challenge their consideration of the termination process and their application of ethical social work practice.
Your posts and responses should also:
Provide clear answers with evidence of critical thinking
Add depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas
Answer classmates’ questions and provide insight into the discussion
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