Assignment 2: The Research Paper, with focus on empirical evidence, is due this

Assignment 2: The Research Paper, with focus on empirical evidence, is due this

Assignment 2: The Research Paper, with focus on empirical evidence, is due this week. This paper must be written according to the guidelines provided under 2. Below is some general information for you to consider as you prepare and write this paper.

Although you have submitted the conceptual framework paper earlier, you should spend some time revising and fine-tuning it during the final week with the materials you have learned and knowledge you have accumulated in this semester and making sure that the concepts/theories are logically and coherently linked to the empirical evidence. The empirical data provides information on the validity of the concepts/theories regarding your research question(s). The focus of your paper should be on how police SHOULD approach the issues/problems they face (You are expected to address this in the Conceptual Framework portion of the paper), how they HAVE approached them (This should be covered in the Empirical Evidence part of the paper), and whether current programs/practices HAVE worked (This should be discussed in the Discussion and Analysis section).
You are expected to do your own research to develop the needed information for this paper. Make sure you give credit to original sources whenever they are used according to APA or ASA style. When citing sources in the paper, use authors’ last names and years of publications only, provide page numbers if quotes are used, and put the information in parentheses at the end of the sentences where the sources are used. For example, (Smith, 1999, p. 52). At least twelve references of books and journal articles are required for the final research paper. All books and journal articles used should be relevant to the topic of the paper, cited in the text, and listed in the reference page. Excessive quotes should be avoided and plagiarism will result in automatic failure of the assignment. Where quotes are used, original authors and page numbers must be documented. Internet sources can be cited only when credible sources such as authors, sponsors, and/or publishers are listed and when complete papers and/or sufficient information are posted online.

The empirical evidence portion of the paper should be minimally 5 pages long and the final research paper should be 10 – 15 pages long, written in a narrative fashion with complete sentences and paragraphs. Title and reference pages are not counted as part of the page requirement. You must use page numbers and the required section headings as highlighted in the Guidelines below.
Guidelines for the Research Paper
The final research paper, the only paper you should submit this week, must be organized under the six highlighted section headings listed below.

Title of Paper

Introduction to Research Question(s)
In this section, you will ask the research question(s), explain the rationale and/or significance of the research, and describe your project scope and objectives. This is similar to what you wrote in the concept paper, but should be more refined and specific because at this time you will have read more articles, done more research, and developed a better understanding of your research questions.

Conceptual Framework
In this section, you will begin with a statement about the concepts/theories related to your research question(s) as found in the literature. At least three concepts/theories are expected. You will then review them one by one in different paragraphs (you will revisit these ideas in the Empirical Evidence section later). This is, again, similar to what you wrote in the concept paper, but should be more refined and specific because at this time you will have read more articles, done more research, and developed a better understanding of your concepts/theories.

Empirical Evidence
You will begin this section with a statement about the concepts/theories you reviewed in the previous section first. You will then restate each of the concepts/theories and provide specific evidence, agency practice information, and/or other relevant research statistics to demonstrate how each concept/theory has been applied/used by the police to address their problems. Do not include any new concepts/theories not reviewed or not related to those reviewed in the previous section. Write about one concept and related evidence at a time.

Discussion and Analysis
Discuss whether the police programs/practices have worked by analyzing the relationships between the concepts/theories and evidence presented, and explain whether the concepts/theories should be refined and/or modified.

A full reference page with at least twelve references listed in alphabetical order in APA or ASA style. All items listed here must have been cited in your paper.
Please look over the attached previous paper completed as conceptual framework and edit it as needed to fit in with the research qustiom of causes of police misconduct. The prior writer of the paper decided to do both.
After fixing that portion of the paper, please write the rest with empirical evidence as instructed by the assignment instructions included above following how the paper is to be laid out