Assignment Content Review the following resource in the Wk 1 Learning Activities

Assignment Content
Review the following resource in the Wk 1 Learning Activities

Assignment Content
Review the following resource in the Wk 1 Learning Activities folder to help you with this assignment:
LinkedIn Learning video: “Differentiating Data Types”(Link at bottom of page)
Scenario: Your company is thinking about initiating a new training/professional development program. The organization has investigated these programs in the past and has collected some data regarding the cost of the training programs, types of programs employees are interested in, and survey results. You were provided information and data to make sense of the situation so that you can provide a recommendation to your leadership.
View the Training/Professional Development Program Data in the Wk1 Assignment Data Set workbook for the following:(attachment attached)
Information about the survey that was deployed to employees to gather information about their desire to obtain professional development
A descriiption of the cost of professional development per employee
Information about the survey that was deployed to employees to gather information about how they would prefer to attend professional development
Complete the Data Source and Data Type Worksheet based on the information in the workbook. (attachment attached)
*********Rubric Details below.
1. Identify the type of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for each data source.
20% of total grade
2. Write a definition for each type of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio).
25% of total grade
3. Write an explanation describing how you know which type of data is presented from each data source.
25% of total grade
4. Write a descriiption of an additional example of each data type from your everyday life.
25% of total grade
5. Mechanics
2% of total grade
6. Use of Language
3% of total grade