Assignment Directions In this assignment, you will think about a program to addr

Assignment Directions
In this assignment, you will think about a program to addr

Assignment Directions
In this assignment, you will think about a program to address a peer-related issue (i.e., bullying, violence in teen dating relationships, substance use with peers, etc.). You will then use the Unit 9 Assignment Template to complete a table that identifies the different components found in a program that you may see during your time as a professional in the field. Please keep in mind that it is important to develop programs based on what the research indicates are things that influence the problem you are addressing.
Please addresses each of the following:
Age of Participants
Discuss the age range that the program will be geared toward (children ages 6–12 OR adolescents ages 13–18).
Presenter(s) of Program
Discuss who will run the program. Will it be human service professionals, teachers, etc.?
Location of Program
Where will your program take place (i.e., schools, a community center, a church)?
Length of Program
How many sessions will the program have (i.e., 10-week program with two 1-hour sessions per week)?
You do not need to outline what will be in each week, just how long the program will be.
Peer Relationships/Friendships
Provide details about how peer relationships and friendships impact development for the age of participants that you chose for your program.
Make sure to examine the role that external influences (specifically parents/families) play with regard to the development of peer relationships and friendships.
You also need to examine the role of internal influences (such as emotional regulation) on peer relationships and friendships.
Research that Discusses Internal/External Influences
Find and discuss research (journal articles, the textbook, reputable websites) that address at least two internal and two external influences related to the problem you chose.
Internal influences are things within a person such as self-esteem and resilience.
External influences are outside of the person that influences them (families/parents, peers, and church/religion). For the purposes of this assignment, one of the external influences you need to use is parents/families.
Activities Focusing on Internal Influences
Using the research that you discussed, list activities that your program will focus on that are solutions to the internal influences on your problem (i.e., building self-esteem in children/adolescents).
Activities Focusing on External Influences
Using the research that you discussed, list activities that your program will focus on that are solutions to the external influences on your problem (i.e., parenting education about the problem).
One of your activities must be related to parents.