Assignment Please analyze the performance of the agency or department based on

Please analyze the performance of the agency or department based on

Please analyze the performance of the agency or department based on the top 5 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) mentioned in the Word document. Also, use all the data provided in the zip files for the agency or department. Your analysis should consist of 1-2 insightful paragraphs that break down the performance statement based on accomplishments and goals. Please make sure to incorporate the 6 priority outcomes outlined in our classes. Your review of the agency or department’s performance should be analytical, in-depth, and written in a professional language suitable for a budget book. Please ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and follows the guidelines mentioned above. it must be 1-2 paragraphs with breakdowns and analytics please be thorough!

Agencies you’ll be writing on:
150(BOC) Bureau of Corrections
230(VITEMA) VI Territorial Emergency Management Agency
300(LGO) Office of Lieutenant Governor
360(BMV) Bureau of Motor Vehicles
370(VIDOL) VI Department of Labor
500(VIPD) Virgin Islands Police Department
800(DPNR) Department of Planning & Natural Resources
830(VIDA) VI Department of Agriculture
920(DOT) Department of Tourism