Assignment: Research Proposal for PA 520 PP/Program Evaluation Each student shou

Assignment: Research Proposal for PA 520 PP/Program Evaluation
Each student shou

Assignment: Research Proposal for PA 520 PP/Program Evaluation
Each student should submit their own Research Proposal (with a
title) for this course. The proposal should be around two/three pages
(500/700 words) long and should contain a focused and pointed title.
Title should read like a statement so that one can understand about your
research by reading the tile. You should explain in your proposal, what
type of research you are doing, and what you intend to work on; and
the expected findings from your research. Actual Research Paper should be
20/25 pages long. The Research Paper has to follow APA Manual. The research paper has to have 12/15 citations outside the Text
Please ask some investigative questions and develop a plan of
action, and how you will do the research. The research process must
include investigating a Federal (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare,
Stimulus Packages or Obamacare etc) or State (Education, Criminal
Justice, or health care etc) public policy program. Objective should be
to evaluate and assess the public policy program & make
recommendation to improve, upgrade or terminate that program. Make a
plan to interview some high or mid-level officials in that program. You
should also collect information, data, policy agenda, and future
forecast/vision of that entity. In short your research should have some
understanding of real world practice about that public policy program,
and how they are affecting the citizens.
Click Here How to write a Research PaperLinks to an external site.…
Please check the above link for writing a reseach paper. You may also follow other legitimate sources. This is just an exmple.
Keep the Spirit & work effectively. Thanks.
Required Texts

Eugene Bardach, “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis,” CQ Press- A Div of Sage, 2012, 4th ISBN: 978-1-60871-842-9 (Or Latest Ed)
Deborah Stone, “Policy Paradox” W.W. Norton & company, 2012 3rd ISBN:978-0-393-91272-2 (Or Latest Ed)

Suggested Texts & Readings
Randy Clemons & Mark McBeth, “Pubic Policy Praxis,” 2nd Ed 2009. Pearson Longman, ISBN: 0-13-605652-2
Thomas Dye, “Understanding Public Policy”, 12th Ed. 2008. Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-613147-6
Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller “Handbook of Public Administration,”
3rd Ed. 2007; Taylor & Francis ISBN: 978-1-67444-560-2
Nicholas Henry, “Public Administration and Public Affairs” 7th Ed, 1999, Prentice Hall
Charles Lindblom, “Inquiry & Change” 1990, New Haven, Yale University Press.
David Weimer & Aidan Vining, “Policy Analysis: Concepts and Parctice,” 3rd Ed 1998, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall.
Amartya Sen, “Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundtions of Economic Theory,” in Beyond Self-interest, ed. Jane Mansfield (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, 25-43
Dipak Gupta, “Analyzing Public Policy,” CQ Press (A Division of Sage), Washington, D.C.:2001. ISBN 9-781568-02551