Assignment: Short Paper # 3 Please write the short paper # 3 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 3
Please write the short paper # 3 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 3
Please write the short paper # 3 on issues and ideas from
Eugene Bardach’s A Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Eugene Bardach’s A
Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Part II: Assembling Evidence (Getting
Started, Locating Relevant Sources, Gaining Access & Engaging
Assistance, Conducting a Policy Research Interview, Using Language to
Characterize and Calibrate, Protecting Credibility, & Strategic
Dilemmas of Policy Research).
How to write an Excellent Short Paper
While one may have his/her own idea about how to
write a 4-5 pages (1200-1500 words) long Short Paper, I thought it might
be a good idea to provided some guidelines, as all Eight Short
Papers will carry a big chunk of your grade.
To write an excellent and professional Short Paper, please follow the following Guidelines
Read all the assigned materials including the text books
Make sure that the Title of your Short Paper reads like a
statement – indicating the issues, ideas, and analysis covered inside
your paper.
Focus on the issues and concepts in the assigned materials (It
may be a good idea to take the lead from the contents of the assigned
materials and discussions in the class)
Try to conceptualize a few themes based on your readings.
Discuss these themes in the main body of your paper in a critical and meaningful manner.
Make sure the main body of your paper deals with the pros and cons of your chosen topic.
Write a conclusive comment of one paragraph to half page. This
conclusive statement should exhibit your own creativity and analysis.
Please keep in mind, this part is very important, because it may make or
break your grade.
Whenever necessary citation should be provided.
Under no circumstance, don’t write a Paper which is down
loaded stuff from somewhere else – without your own input. This will be
considered plagiarism.
book Eugene Bardach, “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis,” CQ Press- A Div of Sage, 2012, 4th ISBN: 978-1-60871-842-9 (Or Latest Ed)