At any given time, there are populations of people in this country who have been

At any given time, there are populations of people in this country who have been

At any given time, there are populations of people in this country who have been and still are marginalized by virtue of how they were/are marked by race, ethnicity, gender or some combination thereof. For this assignment you are to write a 2-3 page essay that explores how a specific group of people has been marginalized, what challenges that specific group faces as a result of the marginalization, and what we may be losing as a society by not creating a safe space. Be sure to use and cite sources.
Please check the Online Instructions page for information on grading feedback and timelines.
**You may use the supplementary video “Walking While Trans” as an example of how to approach this paper. Note how the video identifies the population, how trans people have been marginalized (fear, traditional ethnic/cultural values, violence, etc), what effect this has had on trans people more broadly (fear of coming out, fear of violence, lack of support, difficulty in interpersonal relationships, being asked questions like “what are you?”), and what we may be losing as a society (art, novel ideas, relationships, deeper understanding of humanity, etc.)