Athletes commonly manipulate their diets in hopes of improving athletic performa

Athletes commonly manipulate their diets in hopes of improving athletic performa

Athletes commonly manipulate their diets in hopes of improving athletic performance. Many turn to dietary supplements and substances referred to as “ergogenic” (= “work-producing”) aids. As you can imagine, this area is ripe for quackery, although some legitimate products do exist and are backed by scientific research. Many products are useless or downright dangerous. Athletes should be skeptical of any substance until its ergogenic effect is scientifically verified.
You will be researching one of these types of product. In your posting, please comment on why athletes might use this particular ergogenic aid, its possible benefits and dangers of misuse, and if you found any scientific evidence re: its use. Please note if there may be banned substances or ingredients contained in the product.
You can look for information in your nutrition textbook, or you can search the Internet using some of the web sites listed earlier in this module.