Based on these observations and the discussions over the past few weeks, what re

Based on these observations and the discussions over the past few weeks, what re

Based on these observations and the discussions over the past few weeks, what recommendations would you specifically make to Government Officials or Organization Leaders to improve the community or practice setting?
Within my recent community engagement and coursework in the nursing program, I have identified several key recommendations for government officials and organization leaders to enhance our community and practice settings. Investment in preventive health programs, enhanced collaboration and communication between healthcare, education, and government through the use of technology to improve community engagement.
Government officials should allocate resources towards preventive health programs that educate and empower the community. Focusing on early intervention and health education can reduce the burden on healthcare facilities and improve overall community health outcomes. Recognizing the growing importance of mental health, government officials should prioritize and invest in accessible mental health services. This includes destigmatizing mental health issues, increasing mental health education, and ensuring that mental health resources are readily available in the community (Myerholtz, 2023).
There should be a collaborative effort to strengthen cooperation between different sectors, including healthcare, education, and social services. This multidisciplinary approach can address the social determinants of health and create a more holistic and effective community health strategy (McClendon, 2023). Organization leaders should explore and implement innovative technologies to improve healthcare delivery. Telemedicine, electronic health records, and other digital solutions can enhance efficiency, reduce administrative burdens, and provide more patient-centered care. Both government officials and organization leaders should actively seek input from the community in decision-making processes. Establishing regular town hall meetings, surveys, and community forums can ensure that policies and healthcare services align with the specific needs and preferences of the population.
What do you see that your facility could put into action to improve the care it delivers? (This should be apart from your project aim if you are completing it in your area of employment.)
As a recent nursing graduate awaiting the NCLEX, and just recently been hired into a position at a hospital, I have yet to develop specific ideas for improving care. However, during my clinical rotations, I observed fatigue among nurses during 12-hour shifts. It is important to note that the nurses I spoke with felt these longer shifts may be influenced by hospital policies rather than individual nurse choices. Facilities should consider introducing more flexible shift options, especially for experienced nurses who are vital to the workforce (Dall’Ora et. al., 2022). The demanding nature of bedside nursing can take a toll on the body, and without diverse shift options, particularly for older nurses with valuable experience, there is a risk of losing their expertise as they leave the profession (Garcia et al, 2019; Dall’Ora et. al., 2022).
What is your opinion regarding who is responsible to make our communities healthier?
I believe it’s a shared duty involving individuals, communities, healthcare providers, and governmental bodies. While individuals are responsible for personal health choices, communities and organizations play a crucial role in creating environments that support individuals in their ability to have healthy lives. Government officials, on the other hand, are responsible for creating policies and allocating resources that promote overall community well-being. This requires building trust with the public (Han et al., 2023). A collaborative effort among these stakeholders is essential to build healthier and more resilient communities (Han et al., 2023; McClendon, 2023).
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