Cars, scooters, buses, and trains all use physics laws, right? Which physics law

Cars, scooters, buses, and trains all use physics laws, right? Which physics law

Cars, scooters, buses, and trains all use physics laws, right? Which physics laws apply to your favorite medium of transportation? Can you use our formulas/equations? Can you create a video or take photos of the physics phenomena in action? Here’s some starting points: What car do you drive? What’s the physics behind it? Electric cars, how do they work? Do you have a video or photo you took to upload? How about the physics of racing? Formula 1? Nascar? An electric scooter? Rubric:
Scientific Abstract: Can you describe in a few sentences the overall physics concept or phenomena at the foundation of your chosen medium of transportation? Please use a scientific writing style.Imagine you were writing this for a Scientific Abstract to be used in a scientific publication or for a public presentation at a scientific conference. Keep it under 200 words and break it down as Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Try your best, and enjoy this process as it may turn out to be a useful professional skill in your career. Worth: 2 pts
Physics Equations: Which equations covered in our physics course (in the chapters we covered) applies to your favorite medium of transportation? Do not include equations, formulas or concepts not included in our physics course. Provide examples by creating a physics problem in the same scientific style as the problems at the end of each Chapter in your ebook, or like in the Video Tutor. Solve your original creative new Physics Problem step-by-step with units of measurement consistency, framed final answer, and include a drawing or diagram. ****USE OHM’S LAW*****
Worth: 2 pts
Arts & Science: Can you find a reference in the arts? In song lyrics, movies, drama, story, graphic arts, painting, drawing, sculpture, modeling, design, enamelwork, etc.? If so, please describe how it relates to the new discovery you have selected in scientific terms, addressing the scientific accuracy- or not- of the artistic reference? Indicate if it has a scientific foundation or not, and how well the science reference in this arts example was addressed and interpreted. Worth: 1 pts