Categorizing Positions Please ensure you make assignment decisions using the p

Categorizing Positions
Please ensure you make assignment decisions using the p

Categorizing Positions
Please ensure you make assignment decisions using the project guidelines in “Data Projects;” as well as the below items.
Research the employment opportunities at a large business (such as a hospital, college, etc.) closest to you by visiting their employment website. Create a frequency table of how many positions are available in different categories such as Finance, Office/Clerical, Research, Security, and, Maintenance. If the chosen business does not have at least 20 open positions, find another employer. Respond to all questions below, (do not forget to provide the questions with your response). included screenshot to see how it is suppose to be
Category Frequency Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What employer website did you visit?
Complete the frequency table summarizing the number of positions in each category.
Using the data in the table, make a statement about what each relative frequency tells you about the data.
Create a bar chart for the frequency table in Question 2 only highlighting the category and frequency.
Create a pie chart for a category and relative frequency. You may need to create a frequency table in Excel to create the pie chart and insert it into your Word Document.