… Check the deliveribles par… Check the deliveribles par… Check the deliveribles part from the uploaded PDF. I need the screen recording of working code with output. And in the drive link you have one read me file answer the questions for that file. And also need the code only in “JAVA” programming language.… Check the deliveribles par… Check the deliveribles par… Check the deliveribles part from the uploaded PDF. I need the screen recording of working code with output. And in the drive link you have one read me file answer the questions for that file. And also need the code only in “JAVA” programming language.

1. Tree problems. (a) [10 points] Traverse the following binary tree using the

1. Tree problems.
(a) [10 points] Traverse the following binary tree using the

1. Tree problems.
(a) [10 points] Traverse the following binary tree using the four traversal algo
rithms: Preorder traversal, inorder traversal, postorder traversal, and level
order (or breadth-first) traversal.
(b) [10 points] Draw the binary search tree that results from the following op
erations in that order into an initially empty binary search tree: insert 70,
insert 40, insert 30, insert 80, insert 50, insert 20, delete 50, insert 90, insert
10, delete 70, insert 70. You are only required to show the final tree.
(c) [10 points] Draw the (2, 4) tree that results from the following operations in
that order into an initially empty tree: insert 70, insert 40, insert 30, insert
80, insert 50, insert 20, insert 90, insert 10, insert 70, insert 100, insert 60.
You are only required to show the final tree
2. Heap problems.
(a) [5 points] Draw the min-heap (tree representation) that results from the fol
lowing operations in that order into an initially empty min heap: insert 30,
insert 40, insert 10, deletemin, insert 20, insert 30, deletemin, insert 40, in
sert 20, insert 70, insert 50, deletemin, insert 60, insert 20. You should not
insert duplicate elements into the heap. You are only required to show the
inal tree.
(b) [10 points] Givenanarray, designanefficientalgorithm ISMINHEAP(A[1 n])
to check if the array represents a min-heap.
(c) [10 points] Given an array of integers A[1 n], design an efficient algorithm
COMPUTELARGESTELEMENTS(A[1 n],k)tocomputethek largestelements
of the array using a heap?
(d) [10 points] Given a minheapandakeyk,designanefficientalgorithm COM
PUTESMALLESTELEMENTSGIVENKEY(A[1 n], k)tocompute all the entries
in the heap having keys less than or equal to k. Your algorithm should run in
time proportional to the number of entries returned, and should not modify
the heap.
3. Hash table problems.
(a) [10 points] Given an array A[1 n] and a sum s, design an efficient algo
rithm EXISTSPAIR(A[1 n] s) that uses a hash table to find and return a
pair (A[i]A[j]) such that i j, that adds to sum s, i.e., A[i] + A[j] = s. If there
is no such pair, return null.
(b) Draw the 11-entry hash table that results from using the hash function H(i) =
(3 i+7) mod 11, to hash the keys 12441388239411392016and5, assum
ing collisions are handled by:
(a) [5 points] Chaining
(b) [5 points] Linear probing
(c) [5 points] Quadratic probing
4. Graph problems.
Consider the following graph. Assume that the traversals are considered in al
phabetical order and all adjacency lists are given in alphabetical order. Starting
from vertex m, showtheordering of vertices produced by the following algorithms.
(a) [5 points] Depth-first search
(b) [5 points] Breadth-first search

The file P09_01.xlsx contains a random sample of 100 lightbulb lifetimes. The co

The file P09_01.xlsx contains a random sample of
100 lightbulb lifetimes. The co

The file P09_01.xlsx contains a random sample of
100 lightbulb lifetimes. The company that produces
these lightbulbs wants to know whether it can claim
that its lightbulbs typically last more than 1000 burning hours.
a. Identify the null and alternative hypotheses for this
b. Can this lightbulb manufacturer claim that its
lightbulbs typically last more than 1000 hours at
the 5% significance level? What about at the 1%
significance level? Explain your answers

The Traveling Salesman Problem Given a collection of cities, along with pairwise

The Traveling Salesman Problem
Given a collection of cities, along with pairwise

The Traveling Salesman Problem
Given a collection of cities, along with pairwise distances between the cities, what is the
shortest route that visits each city exactly once and returns the the starting city? This
question is commonly referred to as the traveling salesman problem (TSP). The traveling
salesman problem can be reformulated as finding a Hamiltonian cycle of least cost in a
weighted graph — a Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that includes every vertex in the graph.
This assignment will focus on a brute-force solution to the traveling salesman problem.
Program Specifications
You will write a C++ program to implement a brute-force, permutation-based solution for
the traveling salesman problem. Your program will take in a single command line input
specifying a file to read. The input file will contain one or more lines, each of which specifies
a directed edge the form “src dst wt” where src and dst are non-negative integers indicating
the source and destination vertices of the edge, and wt is the weight of the edge. I will
provide you with sample input files for testing, but it is your responsibility make sure that
your program behaves correctly on any valid input file. Your program will output the cost
of the minimum Hamiltonian cycle. See the end of this handout for example output.
You will need to implement your own adjacency matrix or adjacency list structure to store the
graph. Take care not to over engineer your data structure — you do not need to write a full
class to implement your graph data structure. I suggest that you rely on standard template
library containers for your implementation (see For
• std::vector > adj matrix;
• std::vector > adj list;
Regardless of the data structure you choose, do not hard-code limits on your data structure
size. Also, please note that variable-length arrays (VLAs) are not part of the C++ standard
and should not be used. For your solution, you make use the std::next permutation
Submission and Grading
You must use skeleton3.cpp (see iLearn) as a starting point for your program, and complete
the TSP function; feel free to create any additional helper functions or include any additional
standard libraries that you need, but do not modify any other existing functions. Your
source code should be contained in a single file and should be named after your TTU email
address excluding the “” (e.g., jagraves21.cpp). All submissions will be made
on iLearn — please do not zip or compress your files. Make sure to follow best coding
practices (proper naming conventions, useful comments, etc.). Your program should compile
without errors or warnings. Programs will be compiled using the following command:
g++ -Wall -pedantic -std=c++11 [source file]
Sample Output
The following lines contain sample input and expected output to your programs. Please note
that these examples are not exhaustive, and you should verify your programs with additional
test cases.
$ ./a.out graph1.txt
$ ./a.out graph2.txt
$ ./a.out graph3.txt
No Hamiltonian cycle exists.

[50 points] Evaluate the complexity of the LOOOOOOOOOOP kernel using the notati

[50 points] Evaluate the complexity of the LOOOOOOOOOOP kernel using the

[50 points] Evaluate the complexity of the LOOOOOOOOOOP kernel using the
notation. The many possible values for Istart, Iend, Iincrement, Jstart, Jend, and Jincrement
are given in the table.
1. for i Istart; i Iend; Iincrement do
for j Jstart; j Jend; Jincrement do
do nothing
1 2 n i i+2 2 n j j+2
2 2 n i i+2 2 n j j 2
3 2 n i i+2 2 n j j2
4 2 n i i 2 2 n j j+2
5 2 n i i 2 2 n j j 2
6 2 n i i 2 2 n j j2
7 2 n i i2 2 n j j+2
8 2 n i i2 2 n j j 2
9 2 n i i2 2 n j j2
10 2 n i i+2 2 i j j+2
11 2 n i i+2 2 i j j 2
12 2 n i i+2 2 i j j2
13 2 n i i 2 2 i j j+2
14 2 n i i 2 2 i j j 2
15 2 n i i 2 2 i j j2
16 2 n i i2 2 i j j+2
17 2 n i i2 2 i j j 2
18 2 n i i2 2 i j j2
19 2 n i i+2 2 i j i+j
20 2 n i i+2 2 i j i j
2. [10 points] Given an array A[1 n] where n 2containing integers from 1 to n 1
inclusive, exactly one of which is repeated, we need to find and return this integer
that is repeated.
(i) Design a On2 time algorithm FINDREPEATEDNUMBER-NAIVE(A[1 n]) to
solve the problem.
(ii) Design a O(n) time constant extra space algorithm FINDREPEATEDNUMBER
EFFICIENT(A[1 n]) to solve the problem.
3. [10 points] Given an array of integers A[1 n], we need to push all square num
bers in the array to the front of the array and the non-square numbers to the
end. Assume that you are given a function ISPERFECTSQUARE(k) that checks if
a given number k is a square number or not in O(1) time.
(i) Design a On2 time, O(1) extra space algorithm GROUPING-NAIVE(A[1 n]) to
solve the problem.
(ii) Design a (n) time, O(n) extra space algorithm GROUPING-BETTER(A[1 n])
to solve the problem.
(Surprisingly, there is a much better (n)time, (1)extraspacealgorithm GROUPING
BEST(A[1 n])tosolve the problem. You will learn about this beautiful algorithm
in the algorithms course.)
4. [10 points] Suppose prisoners numbered 123
n are standing in a circle in
the clockwise order. Starting from the first prisoner, every kth prisoner in the
clockwise direction is killed in every step. We would like to compute the jthperson
to be killed.
(i) Design a natural algorithm JOSEPHUSPROBLEM-ARRAY(nk j) using an array
to solve the problem.
(ii) Design a natural algorithm JOSEPHUSPROBLEM-CSLL(nk j)usingcircularly
singly linked list to solve the problem.
5. [10 points] Given an array of integers A[1 n], we want to maximize A[i] A[j]
such that i < j. Assume that you are given a function SORT(A[1 n]) that sorts the array in-place in nlogn time and (n) extra space. (i) Design a n2 time, (1)extraspacealgorithm MAXIMIZEPRODUCT-NAIVE(A[1 n]) to solve the problem. (ii) Design a nlogn time, (n)extraspacealgorithm MAXIMIZEPRODUCT-BETTER(A[1 n]) to solve the problem. (iii) Design a (n)time, (1)extraspacealgorithm MAXIMIZEPRODUCT-BEST(A[1 n]) to solve the problem. 6. [10 points] Given two circularly singly linked lists, design a quadratic time al gorithm to find if the two lists store the same sequence of elements but perhaps with different starting points.

Student Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics question and need support

Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics question and need support

Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics question and need support to help me learn.
Please complete the following 4 Dow questions from the attached pdf file reading under Dow Chemical Co.: big data in Manufacturing Page 1-15.
Require high quality work, be precise with answers.
Please reach out to me if you have any further question.
Thank You
Requirements: 4q

Customer Service Management System The FinTech company “Alpha” is proposing a ne

Customer Service Management System
The FinTech company “Alpha” is proposing a ne

Customer Service Management System
The FinTech company “Alpha” is proposing a new customer service management system. The system will handle customer requests for support. The customer initiates a support ticket by sending an email to the customer support department. Then, the system assigns a ticket number. The ticket will then be evaluated. Valid tickets will be resolved. Otherwise, a rejection notice will be sent to the customer detailing the reason for rejecting the support ticket.
The system should keep track of all the tickets, and a weekly report will be generated and sent to the Management. Some support tickets require the finance team to refund payments to the customers. In that case, a refund request will be sent to the finance team that either accept or reject the request as a refund request notice. If the refund request is accepted then a refund notice will be sent to the customer. The system should keep track of all the refund requests that will be part of the weekly report. Your answer must include a screenshot of the complete Context Diagram along with the link generated from the LucidChart
Please refer to slides 7 to 24