I need 8 drawings total (I believe the concept drawing can be hand sketched) don

I need 8 drawings total (I believe the concept drawing can be hand sketched) don

I need 8 drawings total (I believe the concept drawing can be hand sketched) done according to the guidelines, I have inserted as well 2 exemples (ASSIGNMENT _3 reference drawings and Assignment 3-RS_MJ) of the completed assignment . If you need additional guidelines please reach out to me I really need this done by tomorrow 10 pm as my computer broke down and I have no access to Autocad.
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

this is a research for a course name climate,comfort and energy. The research is

this is a research for a course name climate,comfort and energy. The research is

this is a research for a course name climate,comfort and energy. The research is about doing a energy balance calculations for a building and then try to find the best solutions to save more energy.
I will attached the assignment brief along with some previous done papers.
The building I choose is : A gym
the gym area around : 60 m2
country : Qatar – city Doha
you have to always refer to the countries building regulations for your calculations and values.

USING REVIT due the assigned pdf in the word document following those instructio

USING REVIT due the assigned pdf in the word document following those instructio

USING REVIT due the assigned pdf in the word document following those instructions.
1 Model all building components-.
2. Insert nice furniture, fixtures etc.-
3. Create/insert material for rendering-
4. Set the Location, time and sun settings of the project –
5. Insert Internal and external lights-
6. Graphic display options- sunlight, sky or image as the background, lighting enabled-
7. Use Revit render views. If you are familiar feel free to use other third-party rendering software for render. Please do not edit images in photoshop or any other editing software
9. Create small walkthrough animation. (Internal or External)-
10. Create drawing files with schedule, tag and some good render images. –
Please start building the project structure (Wall, Window and doors etc.)

Deliverables 1. 1-page narrative c. Times New Roman font – 12 pt d. Name, date,

1. 1-page narrative
c. Times New Roman font – 12 pt
d. Name, date,

1. 1-page narrative
c. Times New Roman font – 12 pt
d. Name, date, and course ( in that order)
e. Include the prompts used to generate the text on a separate page
2. 5 ai-generated images
f. Printed with color on 11×17
g. Include the prompts used to generate the images on the same page
Getting Started
1. ChatGPT- a. Sign up using school email
b. Start by simply asking a question – you can build on specific answers / Create Question regarding ((architecture))
generated by the program i.e. “elaborate on previous sentence”
2. Midjourney
a. Download Discord onto personal computers
b. Join Midjourney beta, this will redirect you back to Discord
c. Commands
i. /subscribe
ii. /info
iii. /imagine … type in prompts
3. References
a. https://www.techrepublic.com/article/chatgpt-cheat…
b. https://docs.midjourney.com/

Note :- — Do Working Drawing power point – Use the Attach file to do your work

Note :-
— Do Working Drawing power point
– Use the Attach file to do your work

Note :-
— Do Working Drawing power point
– Use the Attach file to do your work reserch information
– Add a lot Information + picture to the slide
– please use one slid – 11″x17″ and design writing information and the pictures as the picture that attachet
– Please add a gutter to the left side of the slide-The lecture delivered today provided an overview of the team of specialists that are required for

In addition to answering the questions of the assignment, give a clear description of what duties each consultant provides for the project.
project of medium intensity. Smaller projects such as remodels so not require such a
comprehensive team, and larger projects might require even more..
Your assignment is to exhibit a basic understanding of Construction Documents, its players, and
the information contained within.
–Answer the following using the working drawings from Daffodil, a mixed use project:
1- Who is the Geotech Engineer and what is their full contact information?
2- What is the zone of the project?
3- What is the allowable height of the project per the zoning requirements?
4-What is the actual height of the project?
5- What role does the Civil Engineer play in the project?
6- On sheet L-5.00 what kind of tree is adjacent to the sidewalk on Kearney Ave? Provide a stock
photo of the tree in your 11×17 presentation.
7-On sheet A2.0 what is the dimension between gridline D and gridline F?
8-On sheet A2.0 how many square feet is Apartment 7?
9- Provide a description, including the size, of door 53.
10- What is the elevation of the floor in Apartment 14?
11- Describe the ceilings on the third floor.
12-What are the two floor materials on the first floor?
13-What is the color of the CMU block wall on the Southwest Elevation?
14-On the Southwest Elevation, what is the height to the top of the roof?
15-What does sheet A4.4 describe?
16-What is the finish of the exposed steel stairways in the project?
17-On the third floor balcony of Apartment 11 that faces Kearney Avenue, what type of wood is
For window 40.1, what is the window type, material, and what is the U-value of the glass?
In detail 10 on sheet A8.3, what does the drip edge do?
On sheet S1 (structural engineer) Foundation Plan, draw or copy a sketch of detail 10
On sheet P1.1, what is the Total Fixture Unit total?
In the Electric Consultant details, find the minimum separation between outlets in a party wall.

Note :- — Do Working Drawing power point – Use the Attach file to do your work

Note :-
— Do Working Drawing power point
– Use the Attach file to do your work

Note :-
— Do Working Drawing power point
– Use the Attach file to do your work reserch information
– Add a lot Information + picture to the slide
– please use one slid – 11″x17″ and design writing information and the pictures as the picture that attachet
– Please add a gutter to the left side of the slide-The lecture delivered today provided an overview of the team of specialists that are required for

In addition to answering the questions of the assignment, give a clear description of what duties each consultant provides for the project.
project of medium intensity. Smaller projects such as remodels so not require such a
comprehensive team, and larger projects might require even more..
Your assignment is to exhibit a basic understanding of Construction Documents, its players, and
the information contained within.
–Answer the following using the working drawings from Daffodil, a mixed use project:
1- Who is the Geotech Engineer and what is their full contact information?
2- What is the zone of the project?
3- What is the allowable height of the project per the zoning requirements?
4-What is the actual height of the project?
5- What role does the Civil Engineer play in the project?
6- On sheet L-5.00 what kind of tree is adjacent to the sidewalk on Kearney Ave? Provide a stock
photo of the tree in your 11×17 presentation.
7-On sheet A2.0 what is the dimension between gridline D and gridline F?
8-On sheet A2.0 how many square feet is Apartment 7?
9- Provide a description, including the size, of door 53.
10- What is the elevation of the floor in Apartment 14?
11- Describe the ceilings on the third floor.
12-What are the two floor materials on the first floor?
13-What is the color of the CMU block wall on the Southwest Elevation?
14-On the Southwest Elevation, what is the height to the top of the roof?
15-What does sheet A4.4 describe?
16-What is the finish of the exposed steel stairways in the project?
17-On the third floor balcony of Apartment 11 that faces Kearney Avenue, what type of wood is
For window 40.1, what is the window type, material, and what is the U-value of the glass?
In detail 10 on sheet A8.3, what does the drip edge do?
On sheet S1 (structural engineer) Foundation Plan, draw or copy a sketch of detail 10
On sheet P1.1, what is the Total Fixture Unit total?
In the Electric Consultant details, find the minimum separation between outlets in a party wall.

Create 10-12 steps on how to read a architect scale on a word document. The main

Create 10-12 steps on how to read a architect scale on a word document. The main

Create 10-12 steps on how to read a architect scale on a word document. The main purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in writing instructions, one of the most common kinds of technical communication you will do in the workplace and in your day-to-day life. Some common reasons for writing instructions include Specifying details of technical activities, Describing office procedures, Preparing training manuals, Explaining how to operate computer programs, etc. An important aspect of writing instructions is using graphics and design: good instructions contain graphics and are designed to be easy to read and understand. Therefore, another important purpose of this assignment is to improve your skills in the visual dimension of technical communication. Topic You work in a field related to your major or a field of your interest and your supervisor asks you to create instructions for something you do daily at work. The audience of the instructions is entry-level interns majoring in that field but who have no experience with the job or any specialized tools it requires. Your instructions should describe a simple, easily-conducted process related to your major. Select something for which you could write around 10-12 steps at the most. Avoid illegal, unethical, and potentially dangerous topics, but try to find something interesting. Topics you cannot choose: recipes, CPR procedure, changing car engine oil. Your audience is a non-specialist audience. Assume that your user is completely ignorant of the task at hand. I want to see you think through everything involved, even with a simple topic, and be very clear. Deliverables (3) 1. Select your topic Topic- “How to read a architect scale” 2. A complete set of instructions. Instructions must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. A complete instruction set will include the following parts: Title page Descriptive title. Author’s (your) full name. Table of contents, auto-generated in Word. Here is a tutorial for it: MS Word Table of Contents Brief introduction (“Indicate the specific tasks or procedures to be explained as well as the scope of coverage (what won’t be covered). Indicate what the audience needs in terms of knowledge and background to understand the instructions. Specify the age range of the audience here. Give a general idea of the procedure and what it accomplishes. Indicate how much time may be necessary to complete the task or procedure. Indicate the conditions when these instructions should (or should not) be used.”) Technical definition and description To write this, follow the advice given in the textbook found here. Cautions and safety information (include ANSI- or ISO-compliant safety information, as appropriate). For digital/electronic tasks/procedures, include precautions regarding loss of data, viruses, cybersecurity, etc. if applicable. Parts/equipment list “These typically are listed either in a simple vertical list or in a two-column list. Use the two-column list if you need to add specifications to some or all of the items—for example, brand names, sizes, amounts, types, model numbers, and so on Writing the steps of the instructions. Start each step with an action verb. Use imperative voice and simple language. Each step should contain 2-3 sentences each. Write 10 such steps at least. Be consistent, define each action with the same verb. It is okay to use the same verb multiple times. Number each step; you can use a two-level numbering system (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.). Do not use letters (a, b, c etc.) or Roman numbers (I, II, III, etc.). Graphics/photos You must include visual elements, and they must be created by you (whether it’s a photo or a graphic). I will not accept any submissions with images from the Internet. Each step requires an image. Images should be bright, clear, and captioned. Each image should correspond to its step. Images should not overwhelm the document; written instructions should be the focus of the document. Show the readers what the end product looks like either at the end or at the start of the document. Conclusion with a feedback statement “A conclusion ties the process up neatly; offers troubleshooting information (i.e. what to do if something went wrong); includes your contact information.” Any relevant back matter List of references, a glossary or appendix, an index, or technical specifications if applicable.