Please use the document template provided in the module to create your project.

Please use the document template provided in the module to create your project.

Please use the document template provided in the module to create your project. Replace anything in brackets, keep everything else.
When you are completed your project, submit the document as either a Word document or a PDF.
Your virtual festival will have four stages:
Main Stage, Stage A, Stage B, and Stage
The Main Stage represents songs that you think are among the most influential/significant in all of rock history.
Stage A, Stage B, and Stage C will each have different themes.
The themes will fall within the following categories: decades, subgenres, and social and political movements.
You may choose themes from just one category, for example:
Stage A-1960s
Stage B-1970s
Stage C-1990s
Or you may mix-and-match from different categories, for example:
Stage A-1960s
Stage B-Punk
Stage C-Vietnam War Protest Music
Once you choose your themes, you will then select songs that you think are among the most significant/influential for each one.
In your document, include an image for each stage that shows an artist (or a collage of all the artists) from the setlist.
For each stage, you will choose a setlist of at least 3 songs to represent it.
You may include artists and songs discussed in course materials. You may also include artists and songs from outside course materials. If you include examples from outside course materials, be sure that they are considered rock or a rock subgenre.
For each song, you will give a rationale for why you included it in the setlist for a given stage.
Each rationale should be at least 75 words and should thoroughly explain why you think the artist/song is historically and/or musically important.
Be sure to connect your reasoning to the theme of the stage.
This part of the project should be in formal academic prose (please follow the
“Writing Tips and Guidelines,” found in the module)
Your rationales should be in your own words, not copied from the readings or any other source as it is meant to show YOUR understanding of the materials.
Copying text from the readings or online sources on assignments is plagiarism and will be considered academic dishonesty.
YouTube Playlist
To simulate a virtual festival experience, you will make a Youtube playlist with the songs you choose.
Keep the songs in the same order you present them in your document.
When possible, use a music video or live performance (again, to create a virtual festival experience).
Include the link to your Youtube playlist at the top of your document.
A guide to creating a YouTube playlist is provided in the module.
Similar to post-tests, you will be permitted 3 attempts to earn a score of 80% by making revisions to your Virtual Rock.

Find a primary source of your choice in anyperiod or region of the Islamic Wor

Find a primary source of your choice in anyperiod or region of the Islamic Wor

Find a primary source of your choice in anyperiod or region of the Islamic World as broadly defined, in English translation. Your source can be an object, a painting, a film, a written document such as a poem or novel, a biographical excerpt, or any historical building. If you are unsure about what a primary source is, please send an email asking for more information. You must analyze your primary source and contextualize it. Explain who produced it, the periodization and the purpose of the source.

Compose a post that is a reply to one of the questions written by another studen

Compose a post that is a reply to one of the questions written by another studen

Compose a post that is a reply to one of the questions written by another student. Try not to post to a question that another has answered already. However, if you seriously think you can do a better job, you may. Answer the question as if you were the artist answering.ANSWER THIS ONE:
“Mr. James Whistler, were most of your works of art inspired by Ando Hiroshige in respects to your works of Japonisme? More specifically what drew your eyes to Japanese prints, the color, pattern, bold emblems, strong diagonals, compositional elements”

Ever wonder about how architecture is represented in science fiction, fantasy, c

Ever wonder about how architecture is represented in science fiction, fantasy, c

Ever wonder about how architecture is represented in science fiction, fantasy, crime, drama, comedy, or anime films? This assignment has you critically engage with how architecture is represented and how it’s represented in movies. You will choose a movie (not a television show, series, or limited series) but a feature-length film, and answer the questions below. You then will submit these elements in a single page pdf (under 2MB) with the image of your film still and your responses to the following questions about your selection. Answer all three questions utilizing any information or terminology gained from your ARCH 151 coursework.
Choose one film. Your selected movie can be from any genre or period but the assignment requirements must represent and describe an architectural or urban scene. Capture one film still (screenshot) from your selected movie, and then include these and the following in your submission:
Film Still: Include a single image of your selected film (still or screenshot), its title, release date, and a sentence or two describing the setting and plot.
Architectural Space: Describe the architectural space in your selected scene, its formal and structural elements (walls, floors, ceilings, structure, openings, stairs), materials and lighting condition, shadows, and colors, etc.). (70-100 words) [5 points]
Scene and Action: Describe the scene and actions in the selected location. (70-100 words) [5 points]
Architectural Critique: Write an architectural critique of the selected scene describing how the architecture facilitates, empowers, or challenges the film’s narrative and its theme. (70-100 words) [5 points]
Please see the example here. Address all your questions to the course graders. You can see the rubric below for grading criteria.
Note: You are encouraged to read articles and reviews about your selected film, but your submission must be your own work. In case of intentional plagiarism, you will receive a failing grade on the assignment with no make-up opportunity.

Please read this essay. There are two parts, the first is a forward by Vincent S

Please read this essay. There are two parts, the first is a forward by Vincent S

Please read this essay. There are two parts, the first is a forward by Vincent Scully (the famous 1970s historian from Yale) and the second is the essay by Frank Lloyd Wright himself. He spends a bit of the essay restating points made by Sullivan in the article you previously read. What is new here is the idea that what the “artistic architect” is interpreting is not just the site nor the program, but the client themselves. Please write a one page response to the essay.

M y degree focus is Graphic Design. My paper is about the movie poster for the n

M y degree focus is Graphic Design. My paper is about the movie poster for the n

M y degree focus is Graphic Design. My paper is about the movie poster for the new movie Civil War by Alex Garland. I attached a photo. We need to credible citations we can’t use Wikipedia. Here are the instructions from my teacher.
Write a review of a current exhibit or release of art and design. Follow the guidelines listed here. Actively engage in the work being reviewed: go to a gallery show, attend a newly released film, walk around one of the many new buildings populating a cityscape (in your town or a nearby city), go to a dealership and look at the newest models, analyze current advertising for a known product.
Use your imagination and treat this project as an opportunity to engage in something current to your interests and major. Write down your observations. Gather as much outside information as possible to help you interpret and evaluate the work. Such information might include biographical information on the artist or designer, an artist’s statement or a company mission, and reviews of previous works by the same artist or designer.
Your art review should include the following:
an introduction with summary/descriiption of the artwork and its venue a thesis statement that includes the artwork’s purpose or intention, and an evaluation of the success of the work in fulfilling its purpose or intention background information relevant to your interpretation and cited in MLA style descriiption, analysis, and interpretation of at least three components or elements of the artwork that develop or support the thesis idea incorporation of at least two relevant and reputable research sources cited in MLA style with in-text citations and a Works Cited list body paragraphs structured in TEA style a conclusion that resolves the thesis idea
Your essay should be 750–1250 words. Your instructor may give you a more specific length requirement.
Be sure to include at least two secondary sources, cited in the text as parenthetical in-text citations and on a Works Cited list at the end.

View the video, The Body before beginning this homework. Then go to this Compare

View the video, The Body before beginning this homework. Then go to this Compare

View the video, The Body before beginning this homework. Then go to this Compare Art page from this week’s theme. Read the information carefully. You can click on the images and bring up more information You may also use your text or other resources to support your answers Now answer the questions listed below. Reply in fully developed, thoughtful sentences, at least three sentences per question.
Given the treatment of the body in the two works above, do you think that the two cultures which produced them share the same attitude towards nudity or nakedness? Explain.
These works both feature a man and a woman. How do the bodies of man and woman compare to one another within each work? What kind of relationship between the sexes does each work posit? What role does the body play in expressing this?

Completed Artwork documented in a Research File alongside a body of images/other

Completed Artwork documented in a Research File alongside a body of images/other

Completed Artwork documented in a Research File alongside a body of images/other media of your developing practice, with relevant annotations. You should summarise the notes you make about your ideas and the development of your artwork. You may be making notes on the subject, process, content, materials or concepts – to let us know how you conduct your research. In total, written reflection should add up to 500-600 words(notes not included) The Research File should feature in detail the profiles of at least eight relevant artists. We would expect to see images and notes (annotation that is not included in the 500 words) on their relevance to you and/or your practice. N.B. The notes on your eight artists are not included in the 500-600 words. uploaded image is the final art workmade by student that is under the influnce of the 8 revalant artist
inclued pictures of examples of the art work that inspired you, here are some of the artists: Andrew Wyeth
Harry hamershoij
Alberto Giacometti
Mohammed Sami
Javis avotins
donna huanca
Ruprecht Kaufmann
one more artist
talk about “Interior, 1899” is a painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi

Hypothetical exhibition on Hélio Oiticica titled Reconfiguration of Frames—Parti

Hypothetical exhibition on Hélio Oiticica titled Reconfiguration of Frames—Parti

Hypothetical exhibition on Hélio Oiticica titled Reconfiguration of Frames—Participatory art of Hélio Oiticica
Loose argument:
In Oiticica’s participatory art series Penetrable, Bolide and Parangole with. the four works featured, the fluidity in roles of spectator and art-maker, the dismantled frameworks of hierarchy that existed in art challenges the conventional status quo of suppression of free engagement with creativity and art, and social marginalization that pervade the field of creativity in context of Brazilian dictatorship.
Works in the exhibition:
1 Hélio Oiticica, Eden,1969.
2 Hélio Oiticica, B33 Bólide Caixa 18 “Homenagem a Cara de Cavalo” Caixa-poema 2, 1965-66. Glass, wood, photo-graphs, painted nylon mesh, iron bars, transparent plastic, red pigment.
3 Hélio Oiticica, P3 Parangolé Tenda 1, 1964-65. Paint, wood, plastic, straw matting, nylon screen, 264 x 120 x 120 cm.
4 Hélio Oiticica, P4 Parangolé Capa 1, 1964. Paint, polyvinyl acetate emulsion, canvas, vinyl plastic, tulle, nylon mesh, cord, 105 x 94 x 9.8 cm.
Scholarly sources you should refer to and cite:
Irene V. Small. 2015. Hélio Oiticica: Folding the Frame. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 304 pp. (make sure you look at this one carefully)
Harris, Laura. Experiments in Exile: C. L. R. James, Hélio Oiticica, and the Aesthetic Sociality of Blackness. New York: Fordham University Press, 2018.
The assignment adheres to all instructions and is:
-6-8 pages
-Includes the title
-Includes a 2-3 page introductory essay
– The introductory essay not only summarizes the overall aims of the hypothetical exhibition but provides a clear thesis statement that makes a claim that can be argued for or against.
– The introductory essay also suggests how the argument will unfold/be supported by the chosen works of art.
– The thesis is consistently revisited throughout the body of the introductory essay.
– The introductory essay cites outside research responsibly (when appropriate) in connection to relevant contextual background, history, etc.
-Includes 4-5 one-page essays that analyze individual works of art in connection to the thesis
– Individual essays on analysis of each artwork pointedly connect chosen artworks to the aims of the exhibition/argument being made.
– Individual essays identify each artwork fully (artist, title, date, medium).
– Individual essays also analyze specific works of art by considering elements of their form AND content in ways that connect back to the aims of the exhibition.
– Outside research is properly cited when appropriate.
-Includes a concluding paragraph
-Includes a bibliography ( MLA or Chicago rather date)

write a 3-4 page paper in which you reflect on how museums structure our aesthet

write a 3-4 page paper in which you reflect on how museums structure our aesthet

write a 3-4 page paper in which you reflect on how museums structure our aesthetic experiences.
Overall descriiption of the museum/gallery environment (how are artworks displayed; what kind of atmosphere is created by lighting, space, informational plaques?). Thoughtful and detailed discussion of Firelei Báez art – “Given the ground ( the fact that it amazes me does not mean I relinquish it)” identify title and artist; give descriiption of piece; use the museum label to gain information about the artwork, and use your own observations and critical commentary; reflection on how the artwork interacts with its display environment. Be sure to incorporate some aspect from the articles attached in your reflection.