LBSU 304: WEEK 4 SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT – INDIVIDUAL IN SOCIETY (including Video/Screencast) Instructions: We live in a world full of challenges. In many places, people are experiencing rising unemployment, political violence, poverty, and looming ecological disasters, most of these problems created by or related to human activity. As individuals living in a free society, we are also free to pursue our private satisfactions independently of others. Yet we are embedded in a broader societal context that includes our family, our communities, and our nation – not to mention that it is common today to speak of an even wider global community. In addition to these challenges, consider how social media, new media technology and even automation are changing and shaping the world. **Please read carefully** This assignment includes two parts: 1) A 750 word written response to the questions below and 2) A video or screencast of this written assignment. Your presentation will discuss – using fluent, academic arguments (meaning ideas argued from academic sources with a creative, compelling, logical and an imaginative use of language) – the following questions: • In your opinion, what is the role of the individual in helping to solve some of the problems mentioned in the paragraph above? • Are we more likely to solve the problems if we embrace a sense of common purpose and public spirit focused on the collective good? Or, • Should we focus on our private pursuits and a market mentality that says our consumption is what makes the world go round? Does your argument account for a differing points of view? Explain. • Is there a balance between what the individual is responsible for and what our role should be in the public sphere? • To place the topic of this presentation into broader historical, political, and/or social context, search for three academic sources (e.g. books, peer-reviewed journal articles) and reference those sources in your analysis of the individual’s role in society. • Your presentation should be organized in a manner that allows the reader to follow the logical progression of your arguments, your ideas are well developed, and they follow a coherent pattern from introduction (thesis), through the body of the presentation, to the conclusion. Part I – Written Portion of the Week 4 Assignment: 1. Submit the written portion of this presentation in the assignment folder labeled WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT – INDIVIDUAL IN SOCIETY. Your writing assignment must be in proper APA format and will include references. You should include a minimum of 3 sources, and your sources will be credible academic sources (no Wikipedia, Ezine articles, Cliff Notes, or random stuff from the Web). In other words, you will have to either visit a brick and mortar public/university library or use Brandman’s Leatherby Libraries’ website to find relevant articles that address the role of the individual in society and provide details regarding whether or not the assignment question presents a valid picture of our world by asserting or disputing that, in many places people are experiencing rising unemployment, political violence, poverty, and looming ecological disasters related to all the other issues mentioned on this short list of problems. Save your paper as a doc or rtf with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is the Individual in Society Essay, you would title it Jackson_Individual in Society. Upload your paper by clicking the “WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT – INDIVIDUAL IN SOCIETY” link above. Part 2 – Video or Screencast Presentation Create a well-prepared 5 to 7 minute video or PowerPoint screencast presentation highlighting the key points of your written assignment. There are tools built into PowerPoint 2010 and 2013, up to the latest versions of the software that allow you to record your presentation. However, you may also use Kaltura to create a video presentation or Screencast-o-matic, Jing, Camtasia, among other tools, to help create your screencast presentation. This is a video or screencast presentation of the information in your written assignment. Please try to stay within the allotted 5 to 7 minutes. Bear in mind that writing and speaking are two different things, and you may need to adjust your written reflection to better fit the screencast presentation. In other words, writing for a reading audience differs from writing that will be presented to listening/viewing audience. This screencast presentation will consist mostly of images that reinforce and clarify the written text. The images should be compelling, they can include interesting graphs or charts, and they must somehow complements the written text (not replace it). Your narration should be clear and intelligible, as if you were presenting in person to an actual audience. Do not weigh down your slides with text. Make this a visually interesting presentation about an interesting subject. The screencast of your presentation will be uploaded to Blackboard in the folder labeled Signature Assignment for Week 4. Save your screencast of the PowerPoint presentation with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is the Individual in Society Essay, you would title it Jackson_Individual in Society Ppt. Upload your presentation by clicking the Signature Assignment link for Week 4.

Question 1 – Provide your essay conceptualizing you must include a- topic – whic

Question 1 – Provide your essay conceptualizing you must include a- topic – whic

Question 1 – Provide your essay conceptualizing you must include a- topic – which is Equestrian statue of Gattamelata, Donatello, Piazza del Santo, Padua, Italy.
B- research question – How did Donatello’s Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata innovate regarding
sculpture technique and style during the Renaissance, and how did it influence subsequent
equestrian sculptures?
C- Thesis statement “Donatello’s equestrian statue of Gattamelata employed innovative art
approaches in the Renaissance, more specifically, through its dramatic composition and realistic
depiction. With this work, the artist pushed the boundaries of equestrian sculptures and remained
an inspiring example for future artists who eventually contributed to developing this kind of art.”
D- proof question (points of proof at least 3 . each should be its own complete sentence.
Question 2 – provide your outline as per the template provided in class your submission should include :
Lead in : what kinds of information will you include in your lead in ? be specific. Don’t just say “information about the artist” or “historical context” . Tell me the type of information or context you will be providing.
Thesis – state it again “Donatello’s equestrian statue of Gattamelata employed innovative art
approaches in the Renaissance, more specifically, through its dramatic composition and realistic
depiction. With this work, the artist pushed the boundaries of equestrian sculptures and remained
an inspiring example for future artists who eventually contributed to developing this kind of art.”
Three points of prior and three supporting points for each (submit this as three separate sections EXACTLY as it appears in the template. For each group, include one source you will use to support this point.

Part 1: Choose an Event: Select an event related to one of the four seminar them

Part 1:
Choose an Event: Select an event related to one of the four seminar them

Part 1:
Choose an Event: Select an event related to one of the four seminar themes:
– Voting and Districts (Congressional Elections & Redistricting)
– Money and Politics: Political Parties and Campaign Finance
– Financial Literacy, Credit Scores
– Museums & Art Fairs in the USA: Cultural Inclusion/Exclusion
Summarize the Event: Create a one-slide summary (using a PowerPoint slide or Word document) that includes:
Descriiption: What is the event about? Briefly explain the situation.
Linkage: How does this event connect to the chosen seminar theme? Explain the relevance.
Commentary: Analyze the event. What insights can you draw from it?
Part 2:
Research Path: Explain how you found the event you chose for Part 1.
Describe your research process. Did you use specific websites, search terms, or come across an article that sparked your interest?
Note about the chosen theme:
Museums, and Art Fairs, can also be analysed from a political and economic point of view.
For example, they are bridging grounds for artists, collectors, buyers and sellers and much more.
This section aims at helping students familiarize with current art fairs: for example the American versions of FRIEZE and also to start discovering the Smithsonian Institution (Washington D.C.)
* See SMITHSONIAN Institution
* See FRIEZE NEW YORK 2023 and 2024 (upcoming)

Part 1: Choose an Event: Select an event related to one of the four seminar them

Part 1:
Choose an Event: Select an event related to one of the four seminar them

Part 1:
Choose an Event: Select an event related to one of the four seminar themes:
– Voting and Districts (Congressional Elections & Redistricting)
– Money and Politics: Political Parties and Campaign Finance
– Financial Literacy, Credit Scores
– Museums & Art Fairs in the USA: Cultural Inclusion/Exclusion
Summarize the Event: Create a one-slide summary (using a PowerPoint slide or Word document) that includes:
Descriiption: What is the event about? Briefly explain the situation.
Linkage: How does this event connect to the chosen seminar theme? Explain the relevance.
Commentary: Analyze the event. What insights can you draw from it?
Part 2:
Research Path: Explain how you found the event you chose for Part 1.
Describe your research process. Did you use specific websites, search terms, or come across an article that sparked your interest?
Note about the chosen theme:
Museums, and Art Fairs, can also be analysed from a political and economic point of view.
For example, they are bridging grounds for artists, collectors, buyers and sellers and much more.
This section aims at helping students familiarize with current art fairs: for example the American versions of FRIEZE and also to start discovering the Smithsonian Institution (Washington D.C.)
* See SMITHSONIAN Institution
* See FRIEZE NEW YORK 2023 and 2024 (upcoming)

Question 1 – Provide your essay conceptualizing you must include a- topic – whic

Question 1 – Provide your essay conceptualizing you must include a- topic – whic

Question 1 – Provide your essay conceptualizing you must include a- topic – which is Equestrian statue of Gattamelata, Donatello, Piazza del Santo, Padua, Italy.
B- research question – How did Donatello’s Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata innovate regarding
sculpture technique and style during the Renaissance, and how did it influence subsequent
equestrian sculptures?
C- Thesis statement “Donatello’s equestrian statue of Gattamelata employed innovative art
approaches in the Renaissance, more specifically, through its dramatic composition and realistic
depiction. With this work, the artist pushed the boundaries of equestrian sculptures and remained
an inspiring example for future artists who eventually contributed to developing this kind of art.”
D- proof question (points of proof at least 3 . each should be its own complete sentence.
Question 2 – provide your outline as per the template provided in class your submission should include :
Lead in : what kinds of information will you include in your lead in ? be specific. Don’t just say “information about the artist” or “historical context” . Tell me the type of information or context you will be providing.
Thesis – state it again “Donatello’s equestrian statue of Gattamelata employed innovative art
approaches in the Renaissance, more specifically, through its dramatic composition and realistic
depiction. With this work, the artist pushed the boundaries of equestrian sculptures and remained
an inspiring example for future artists who eventually contributed to developing this kind of art.”
Three points of prior and three supporting points for each (submit this as three separate sections EXACTLY as it appears in the template. For each group, include one source you will use to support this point.

Term paper about architecture major, research questions, Aim, type of focus and

Term paper about architecture major, research questions, Aim, type of focus and

Term paper about architecture major, research questions, Aim, type of focus and introduction with an academic hook , background information and thesis statement and 6 body paragraphs: ( 3 main points each has 2 detailed and examples) and a conclusion with a reference page in APA style and the source should be published in the last 15 years

Be sure to include an image of the work you presented and the citations. These i

Be sure to include an image of the work you presented and the citations. These i

Be sure to include an image of the work you presented and the citations. These include your image citation for the artwork and three citations, one of which needs to be a peer-reviewed citation (Provided Below).
You submit the research and essay of your artwork that you spoke on for this part of the project with the images of the artwork with the following information: the name of the work, period, date, medium or materials, and location. The essay should have a minimum of 400 words, not including citations.
Select one art or architectural work from those you may be looking into. You should describe the work, the subject, and the purpose of each piece.
For architectural works (Such as this one): Architecture may include temples, palaces, tombs, tomb complexes, or even archaeological sites.
An image of each artwork should be included with an image citation.

Resources and Citations for the Paper:
You will be doing research for this project. Use MLA Style formatting. The Bibliography, References or Works Cited page should be at the end of your paper. You should include educational and peer-reviewed sources.
Image source (Image also Attached):
2 Educational Sources: -
Peer Reviewed Article: Attached, the citation is as follows: “Pyramid Temple of Kukulcan.” Scientific American, vol. 157, no. 2, 1937, pp. 86–88. JSTOR, Accessed 22 Mar. 2024.
Thanks, feel free to message me if you have any questions or issues.

Write a book review on the attached pdf book provided. “Curious Encounters” by A

Write a book review on the attached pdf book provided. “Curious Encounters” by A

Write a book review on the attached pdf book provided. “Curious Encounters” by Adriana Craciun and Mary Terrall.
The components of a book review should include:
1. Content and summary- An introduction, tell the reader what the book is about and what is being discussed, in a few lines. Evaluate the text, don’t only summarize. Does the book contribute to the art history field? You do not need to be negative to evaluate. Should this book be read and by whom? It is not necessary to cover everything in the book. What is the book’s raison d’être?
2. Analysis- what strikes you as noteworthy, important, whether or not the arguments made by the author were effective or persuasive? How the work enhanced your understanding of the research under investigation.
3. Significance- compare it to other literature on the topic, where does it fit with other research and opinions? Is it original, which perspective/or theoretical approach does the author argue? To which special problem does the study respond?
4. Critique and recommendation- scholarly opinion, be detailed but succinct. An evaluation of the author’s strength’s and weaknesses. Are the assumptions valid? Do you think it’s a valuable contribution to the literature in the discipline? All of this should be supported by reference to particular passages or chapter to provide evidence to support your views. Was it well written, clear, awkward, etc.?
5. Conclusion- sum up the final judgement of the book. This should balance the book’s strength and weaknesses to unify the evaluation. Always try to end by stating something positive.
When referencing please use Chicago Manual Style with footnotes and paraphrasing when needed.

Hello and thank you for your help. It’s meant to be an essay of knowledge from t

Hello and thank you for your help. It’s meant to be an essay of knowledge from t

Hello and thank you for your help. It’s meant to be an essay of knowledge from the first half of the semester, no outside resources are supposed to be .needed. This is specifically on Cultural Significance. Instructions bellow.
Identify the artist, title, art movement, and medium.
Discuss the cultural (social, historical, political) context of the artwork.
What was going on historically that might have influenced the artist and art movement represented by the work?
Why is this artwork culturally significant? What kind of ideas were artists embracing? Philosophical? Artistic? Something else?
Be sure to apply specific art historical terms (vocabulary) in your answer.
Use complete sentences and paragraphs including an introduction and conclusion.
Important Information
Your essays must be written in complete sentences, have well-developed and focused paragraphs, and include a brief introduction and conclusion.
Each of your essays will be at least 500 words in length, typed, double-spaced, and proofread for spelling and grammar errors.
Your essays should incorporate relevant vocabulary from previous modules.
You should not use outside resources on this assignment.
Your responses should be a simple expression of what you have learned from our module lessons and discussions, demonstrating that you are able to apply the key points to analyzing the works in your own words.
Please note that if you plagiarize this assignment (copy without documentation), you will receive zero credit, may fail the midterm, and you will be reported
work chosen: “Kandinsky, Improvisation 28”

Improvisation 28 (Second Version)

Instructions: Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our surviva

Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our surviva

Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our survival and enormous success as a species. However, your readings for this week point out that this progress is the product of contentious debates, competing world views, and revolutionary paradigm shifts. Over time, certain views do eventually prevail. Genetically evolved technology is based, in part, on finding solutions to key problems through the process of biological evolution (see the Tedtalk video for this week).
With Kuhn, your readings and video clips for this week in mind, please answer the following questions by choosing two of this week’s readings. During the week, please read the following readings from the Norton Reader
Jacob Bronowski, The Nature of Scientific Reasoning, The Nature of Sci.pdf The Nature of Sci.pdf – Alternative Formats Thomas S. Kuhn, The Route to Normal Science. LBSU 304 Kuhn2 – The Route to Normal Science.pdf LBSU 304 Kuhn2 – The Route to Normal Science.pdf – Alternative Formats
Edward O. Wilson, Intelligent Evolution, Intelligent Evolution.pdf Intelligent Evolution.pdf – Alternative Formats William Cronon, The Trouble with Wilderness
Sandra Steingraber, Tune of the Tuna Fish
Terry Tempest Williams, The Clan of the One-Breasted Women
Then, choose an article not from this week’s reading, written within the past year, that supports the views in your written response.
Can believers in Intelligent Design embrace the incredibly promising and innovative solutions outlined in Luke Bawazer’s Tedtalk while rejecting Darwin’s theory of evolution? Explain why or why not.
How does the science discussed by Bawazer relate to Bronowski’s belief about science as imaginative and creative?
Does Bawazer’s discussion of the dawning of a new scientific paradigm mean the same thing Kuhn means by paradigm shift?
Your essay will be between 750 and 1,000 words, double-spaced. Include a title page and reference page and use APA guidelines to format the essay. Run your paper through Correct English for immediate writing feedback on mechanics, grammar, and usage error. In order to receive full points for this assignment, take a screen shot of the final results provided in Correct English.
The Academic Style of Writing
All academic writing uses language that is formal, objective and cautious. Even when an assignment is written in a more subjective style (personal reflection) you should still provide supporting evidence, use language that is somewhat formal, and objective (without emotional bias) and somewhat cautious. AVOID PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Limit the use of I, we, in my opinion, I believe, etc.
Academic Style.PNG APA formatting is required (see template in Course Information). In addition, see the rubric in Course Information for scoring. Save your paper as a doc with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is Framework/s of Evolution, you would title it Jackson_Framework. Upload your paper by clicking the “WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT – THE FRAMEWORK/s OF EVOLUTION” link above.