Instructions: Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our surviva

Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our surviva

Science and Technology play a central role in assuring our survival and enormous success as a species. However, your readings for this week point out that this progress is the product of contentious debates, competing world views, and revolutionary paradigm shifts. Over time, certain views do eventually prevail. Genetically evolved technology is based, in part, on finding solutions to key problems through the process of biological evolution (see the Tedtalk video for this week).
With Kuhn, your readings and video clips for this week in mind, please answer the following questions by choosing two of this week’s readings. During the week, please read the following readings from the Norton Reader
Jacob Bronowski, The Nature of Scientific Reasoning, The Nature of Sci.pdf The Nature of Sci.pdf – Alternative Formats Thomas S. Kuhn, The Route to Normal Science. LBSU 304 Kuhn2 – The Route to Normal Science.pdf LBSU 304 Kuhn2 – The Route to Normal Science.pdf – Alternative Formats
Edward O. Wilson, Intelligent Evolution, Intelligent Evolution.pdf Intelligent Evolution.pdf – Alternative Formats William Cronon, The Trouble with Wilderness
Sandra Steingraber, Tune of the Tuna Fish
Terry Tempest Williams, The Clan of the One-Breasted Women
Then, choose an article not from this week’s reading, written within the past year, that supports the views in your written response.
Can believers in Intelligent Design embrace the incredibly promising and innovative solutions outlined in Luke Bawazer’s Tedtalk while rejecting Darwin’s theory of evolution? Explain why or why not.
How does the science discussed by Bawazer relate to Bronowski’s belief about science as imaginative and creative?
Does Bawazer’s discussion of the dawning of a new scientific paradigm mean the same thing Kuhn means by paradigm shift?
Your essay will be between 750 and 1,000 words, double-spaced. Include a title page and reference page and use APA guidelines to format the essay. Run your paper through Correct English for immediate writing feedback on mechanics, grammar, and usage error. In order to receive full points for this assignment, take a screen shot of the final results provided in Correct English.
The Academic Style of Writing
All academic writing uses language that is formal, objective and cautious. Even when an assignment is written in a more subjective style (personal reflection) you should still provide supporting evidence, use language that is somewhat formal, and objective (without emotional bias) and somewhat cautious. AVOID PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Limit the use of I, we, in my opinion, I believe, etc.
Academic Style.PNG APA formatting is required (see template in Course Information). In addition, see the rubric in Course Information for scoring. Save your paper as a doc with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is Framework/s of Evolution, you would title it Jackson_Framework. Upload your paper by clicking the “WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT – THE FRAMEWORK/s OF EVOLUTION” link above.

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughl

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughl

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughly, using at least three specific examples of works we have seen in class. Please respond to the entire question, not just individual parts of the question – you should answer parts a and b, and c. a)During the Renaissance there was a greater focus on intellectualism, and a reduced focus on religion, but there was a shift back to religion in Baroque architecture. Why? (hint: Reformation vs. Counter-Reformation) b)The Rococo, once again, had less of an emphasis on religious architecture. Why? c) And then in the 18th and 19th centuries, there is a large focus on revival styles in architecture. Discuss how the Enlightenment, revolutions, and politics played a large role in determining these revival styles.

Read Jeremy Begbie’s article, “Created Beauty,” in Treier et al. Write a 700–800

Read Jeremy Begbie’s article, “Created Beauty,” in Treier et al. Write a 700–800

Read Jeremy Begbie’s article, “Created Beauty,” in Treier et al. Write a 700–800-word paper
discussing whether (and why) you agree or disagree with Begbie’s assertion that a Christian
account of beauty must connected with the Triune God. In the second part of the paper, explain
in your own words the 6 facets of Begbie’s “theological account of created beauty” (pp. 25–31).
Are there any of these you find especially helpful to your own understanding of beauty? Are
there any you find particularly unhelpful or confusing?

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughl

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughl

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughly, using at least three specific examples of works we have seen in class. Please respond to the entire question, not just individual parts of the question – you should answer parts a and b, and c. a)During the Renaissance there was a greater focus on intellectualism, and a reduced focus on religion, but there was a shift back to religion in Baroque architecture. Why? (hint: Reformation vs. Counter-Reformation) b)The Rococo, once again, had less of an emphasis on religious architecture. Why? c) And then in the 18th and 19th centuries, there is a large focus on revival styles in architecture. Discuss how the Enlightenment, revolutions, and politics played a large role in determining these revival styles.

Read Jeremy Begbie’s article, “Created Beauty,” in Treier et al. Write a 700–800

Read Jeremy Begbie’s article, “Created Beauty,” in Treier et al. Write a 700–800

Read Jeremy Begbie’s article, “Created Beauty,” in Treier et al. Write a 700–800-word paper
discussing whether (and why) you agree or disagree with Begbie’s assertion that a Christian
account of beauty must connected with the Triune God. In the second part of the paper, explain
in your own words the 6 facets of Begbie’s “theological account of created beauty” (pp. 25–31).
Are there any of these you find especially helpful to your own understanding of beauty? Are
there any you find particularly unhelpful or confusing?

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show, the latest exhibit in Amsterdam (
Study the work. Then answer the following question:
Do you believe that Vermeer used a lens or a camera obscura to help him create his masterpieces? Do you agree or disagree with the theories that Renaissance and Baroque Masters like Vermeer created many of their paintings with the help of lenses and optical devices?
Your response should be around three to four paragraphs, prepared in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, and uploaded. Please cite your research sources in MLA format. For example, to cite an Internet article:
In-Text Citation:
Works Cited Page:
Cascone, Sarah. “Did Vermeer Trace His Golden Age Masterpieces? An Artist Puts the Theory to the Test” Artnet News, 17 Aug. 2017, Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.
I have added an MLA template created in Microsoft Word, so you can see the format and use it for your paper.
The Owl Purdue has an excellent website on MLA and other research formats:

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show, the latest exhibit in Amsterdam (
Study the work. Then answer the following question:
Do you believe that Vermeer used a lens or a camera obscura to help him create his masterpieces?
Do you agree or disagree with the theories that Renaissance and Baroque Masters like Vermeer created many of their paintings with the help of lenses and optical devices?
Your response should be around three to four paragraphs, prepared in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, and uploaded. Please cite your research sources in MLA format. For example, to cite an Internet article:
In-Text Citation:
Works Cited Page:
Cascone, Sarah. “Did Vermeer Trace His Golden Age Masterpieces? An Artist Puts the Theory to the Test” Artnet News, 17 Aug. 2017, Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.
I have added an MLA template created in Microsoft Word, so you can see the format and use it for your paper.
The Owl Purdue has an excellent website on MLA and other research formats:

Art Appreciation Writing Exercise Style, Form, and Content Wherever you see boo

Art Appreciation
Writing Exercise
Style, Form, and Content
Wherever you see boo

Art Appreciation
Writing Exercise
Style, Form, and Content
Wherever you see book or text book used, use Google Arts and Culture
Research a particular work from your text book or notes and write about a half page essay discussing style, form, and content of the piece.
– What style and category does the work fall under?
– Does this style have any similarities to other movements?
– How would you describe the formal elements of the work? Be descriiptive. Think of compositional elements, the mediums used, and how they come together. Line, shape, color, and movement.
– Think about content and of the message this work or artist is trying to translate to the viewer. Does it have any social cultural context?

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Wha

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Wha

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? What is your artistic philosophy? Describe what satisfies you about your creative process. How does your process reflect your artistic philosophy and professional goals? Describe a problem you’ve faced in your work, and explain how you solved it.
Marketplace: Who hires for the position you seek? Who is your competition? What is the average salary of the position? (For those who are fine artists or who intend to go into business for yourselves, what is the competitive price range for your work/service? What methods are used to calculate price?) How will you promote yourself to beat the competition?
Skills and Tools: What specific skills must you have to fulfill your professional goals? What skills do you have now? What skills must you attain? How have your skills been rated thus far? What are the tools of your trade? Which tools have you mastered? How is technology changing the way your industry operates? What is required of a professional portfolio/demo reel/resume in your industry?
Networking: What journals and affiliations are prominent in your field? What is required to join the most prominent organizations associated with your industry? What are the benefits of membership? Are there annual conferences or conventions intended for networking and professional development within your field? What role do social and professional networking sites play in making connections in your industry?
The Future: Where would you like to work? Research and describe a specific employer in your industry as well as the workplace environment. Why do you want to work there? If your goal is to be self-employed, what existing business or artist might you model and why? What will make your work marketable to your chosen audience?

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Wha

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Wha

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? What is your artistic philosophy? Describe what satisfies you about your creative process. How does your process reflect your artistic philosophy and professional goals? Describe a problem you’ve faced in your work, and explain how you solved it.
Marketplace: Who hires for the position you seek? Who is your competition? What is the average salary of the position? (For those who are fine artists or who intend to go into business for yourselves, what is the competitive price range for your work/service? What methods are used to calculate price?) How will you promote yourself to beat the competition?
Skills and Tools: What specific skills must you have to fulfill your professional goals? What skills do you have now? What skills must you attain? How have your skills been rated thus far? What are the tools of your trade? Which tools have you mastered? How is technology changing the way your industry operates? What is required of a professional portfolio/demo reel/resume in your industry?
Networking: What journals and affiliations are prominent in your field? What is required to join the most prominent organizations associated with your industry? What are the benefits of membership? Are there annual conferences or conventions intended for networking and professional development within your field? What role do social and professional networking sites play in making connections in your industry?
The Future: Where would you like to work? Research and describe a specific employer in your industry as well as the workplace environment. Why do you want to work there? If your goal is to be self-employed, what existing business or artist might you model and why? What will make your work marketable to your chosen audience?