To carry out assessment and accreditation processes in higher education, there need to be
theoretical models that assessment practitioners can use to guide their efforts. The Joughin and
Macdonald Model of Assessment in Higher Education exemplifies such a theoretical model.
Over time, such models must be adapted to incorporate the changing nature of assessment and
accreditation. Universities and colleges use the guidance of such models to create their own
assessment processes, one example being the Liberty University PLACE assessment model. It is
vital that all stakeholders at the institution be involved in planning and conducting assessment
processes, which can be done by incorporating them into appropriate stages of an institution’s
assessment processes. These stakeholders need to be aware of the standards the institution’s
regional accreditation agency has developed to ensure the assessment processes carried out will
produce improvements across the institution and the documentation necessary to demonstrate
that the accrediting agency’s standards are being met.
For this assignment, compose a paper with the following:
1. First, recommend three ways the Joughin and Macdonald Model of Assessment can be
improved; one recommendation is needed for each of the following:
a. To better reflect the current definition of assessment.
b. To better reflect the purpose of assessment.
c. To better reflect the approaches to assessment.
2. Then, you will analyze the stages of the Liberty University PLACE Process of
Assessment described in the Watch: Assessment Models, Processes, and Stakeholders
item located in this module and suggest ways to incorporate specific, appropriate
stakeholders into different stages of the Liberty University process. Transcript is attached 3. Finally, categorize the scope of regional accreditation standards and note the specific
stakeholders who would be involved in addressing each specific category of standards.
Your paper must be 5 pages (not including the required title, abstract, and reference pages).
Support the content of your paper with at least six different sources from scholarly peer-reviewed
sources and/or the Bible. At least four sources must have been published within the past five
years, and at least one source must be from the Bible. A source can be cited more than once.
Current APA style must be followed throughout your paper.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism.If report ismore than 2% I. will you. to redo. Please. no. Also. please. do. not use AI generator , AI tool. or chatbots. Please original Work


Topics discussed. in

Topics discussed. in this course. 1.
1. Legal Issues in Higher Education 2.Perspectives and Foundations of Higher Education.
3.Rights and Responsibilities of Student Organizations INSTRUCTIONS
You will create a PowerPoint presentation that fulfills the following:
1. Establish the relevance and utility of one policy practice discussed in this course to your
professional practice pick a policy listed above.You are an. administrator who works at a University.
2. Draw on relevant case law and at least three additional resources (peer-reviewed articles,
blog posts, podcasts, informal interviews, current events, etc.) to discuss how this topic
functions in higher education today.
3. Consider and explain how your professional practice applies this law as policy. Provide
3-5 concise examples.
4. Address any recent changes that have impacted the higher education landscape that may
impact this policy. Share how you foresee your role in implementing the policy with
consideration to recent changes that have impacted the higher education landscape.
5. Additionally, you must type a script to align with the PowerPoint for a 30-minute
presentation to college students, incorporating relevant sources.
a. The script should be sent in a Word document. Your presentation should be 17
slides and the narrative 2,000 words.
b. Organize your script with bold headings (e.g., Slide 1, Slide 2, etc.).
c. References for your narrative should be in current APA format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism. If. the report is more than. 2%. I. will ask you. to redo. Also. please. do. not use AI generator , AI tool. or chatbots. Please original Work

I need you to write me three essay for program I will provide you with the infor

I need you to write me three essay for program I will provide you with the infor

I need you to write me three essay for program I will provide you with the information and the question that they need to be in the essay (do not use any AI). this is information that you use (This the information about my self is I’m Nora 20 years old US citizen and undergrade majoring in sociology at Penn state university , the study abroad is in south Korea and it’s for sociology class that we goanna study in korea, and as sociology major I felt been around people globally will help me with my major a lot and having the opportunity to take one if my major class international is going change me in good way professionally, and I also I loved south Korea when I was middle school.)
(essay one) The Statement of Purpose essay is an important factor in the selection of Gilman Scholarship recipients. We strongly encourage you to read the Gilman Selection Criteria, carefully review your essay, and ask an advisor, faculty member, or others to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission.
In your essay, be specific in describing your individual reasons for studying abroad, keeping in mind that this is a scholarship for academic study abroad or credit bearing international internships. Please address all of the questions below, in no particular order: How will studying or interning abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?
Why did you select your specific program and host country?
How are you academically prepared to be a successful scholar abroad? If you have faced significant academic difficulties, tell us about those and how you are overcoming them.
What examples of knowledge, skills, and experiences will you draw on to meet the challenges of going abroad? Statement of Purpose Upload *
Important! This essay is limited to 7,000 characters (including spaces). Please ensure your essays are single spaced with 1-inch margins and use Times New Roman 12-point font.
(essay one) 5 Questions to Ask Yourself: Statement of Purpose Essay
Do you make a connection between your program and goals?
Do you make a connection between your country and your goals?
Do you share how you will be academically successful on your program?
Do you give examples of your experiences, skills, and knowledge that youwill use to meet program challenges?
Do you address how this abroad experience will impact your future?
(essay two)The two community impact essays are equally important in the selection of Gilman Scholarship recipients. We strongly encourage you to read the Selection Criterion Community Impact Abroad & Student’s Return Home, carefully review your essay, and ask an advisor, faculty member, or others to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission.
Building Mutual Understanding EssayGilman Scholars represent the United States as citizen diplomats in their host communities; they reflect a diversity of values, beliefs, and opinions that is fundamental to providing a balanced representation of the United States abroad. Gilman Scholars are expected to contribute to the goal of building mutual understanding by sharing what it means to be an American, learning about the host culture, and building meaningful relationships.As a U.S. citizen, how will you represent and share what it means to be an American during your program? How will you seek opportunities to become more culturally engaged and have meaningful interactions with people and cultures different from your own during your abroad program?
Building Mutual Understanding Upload *
Important! This essay is limited to 3,000 characters (including spaces). Please ensure your essays are single spaced with 1-inch margins and use Times New Roman 12-point font.
(essay two) 3 Questions to Ask Yourself: Building Mutual Understanding EssayDo you articulate how you will represent the United States as a citizen diplomat while abroad?
Do you explain how you will contribute to the goal of building mutual understanding?
Do you discuss how you will look for opportunities to build meaningful relationships and become more culturally engaged?
(essay three)Follow-on Service Project ProposalGilman Scholars are expected to complete the Follow-on Service Project which is to increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship among their peers in their home or campus communities. In no particular order, describe your Follow-on Service Project in more detail: What is your project and how will it increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Program among your peers in your home or campus community? Identify and explain why you chose the specific community you will be reaching. How will you integrate the impact of your experience abroad into your project? With which campus departments, student organizations, or community organizations will you collaborate?
Follow-on Service Project Proposal Upload *
Important! This essay is limited to 3,000 characters (including spaces). Please ensure your essays are single spaced with 1-inch margins and use Times New Roman 12-point font.
(essay three)5 Questions to Ask Yourself:Follow-on Service Project EssayDoes your FOSP increase awareness of the Gilman Scholarship and study abroad?
Is your project feasible?
Do you give a detailed plan for your project?
Do you include your study abroad experience into your project?
Do you have an intended audience? Who will you collaborate with to reachthis community?

Plants grow through a combination of cell division and cell growth. The key to p

Plants grow through a combination of cell division and cell growth. The key to p

Plants grow through a combination of cell division and cell growth. The key to plant growth is meristem, a type of plant tissue that consists of undifferentiated cells that can continue to divide and differentiate.
Plants need the following to survive and grow: Light, Air, Water, Nutrients, Space to grow.
The right temperature and time are also important.
Plants follow a cyclic process of starting a new life, growing, and then coming back to the starting stage (reproducing). The five stages of a plant life cycle are:
Seed, Germination, Growth, Reproduction, Pollination, Seed spreading.
The main stages in the life cycle of a plant are:
Seed germination
Seedling formation
Development and differentiation leading to a mature plant
Pollination and fertilisation and the formation of fruit and seeds
Plants need light to perform photosynthesis, which is the process of making sugars from water and carbon dioxide in the air to feed themselves. If sunlight is directly above them, then plants will grow straight up toward it.

please respond to Maria. with. 400. words. a p a style citations and references

please respond to Maria. with. 400. words. a p a style citations and references

please respond to Maria. with. 400. words. a p a style citations and references
Assessment and accreditation are two crucial processes within education and other fields that serve distinct purposes. Assessment refers to the evaluation of learning outcomes, while accreditation involves the recognition of institutions that meet certain standards of quality. These processes have evolved over time in response to the changing needs and demands of society.
Throughout history, assessment and accreditation have emerged as mechanisms to ensure quality and standards in education and other fields. In ancient times, assessment was often informal and based on oral or written exams to determine knowledge. Accreditation, on the other hand, emerged in the Middle Ages with the establishment of universities and guilds to maintain quality and standards in professions.
In the modern era, assessment and accreditation have become more formalized and standardized processes. Assessment has expanded to include various methods such as standardized tests, portfolios, and performance-based assessments. Accreditation has also evolved to include external bodies that set criteria for quality and hold institutions accountable.
There are benefits and challenges to the two major approaches to assessment – Levels and Organizational Performance. Levels focus on the individual’s achievement of specific learning outcomes, providing detailed feedback on strengths and weaknesses.“For a long time, educational, social, and cultural psychology related to learning and instruction have been neglected in testing (Brown, 2022 p.1).” On the other hand, Organizational Performance looks at the overall effectiveness of an institution in achieving its mission and goals. While Levels provide valuable insights into individual performance, Organizational Performance offers a broader perspective on institutional effectiveness. This broader perspective often account for the various biases that exist.
From a Christian worldview, assessment, accreditation, and their guiding principles can be seen as compatible. Just as Christians are called to stewardship and accountability in all aspects of life, assessment and accreditation reflect these values by ensuring quality and accountability in education and other fields. Ultimately, these processes can align with Christian principles of excellence, integrity, and serving others.
Brown, G. T. (2022). The past, present and future of educational assessment: A transdisciplinary perspective. Frontiers in Education, 7, 1. Links to an external site.

please respond to Wanda. with. 400. words. a p a style. citations. and reference

please respond to Wanda. with. 400. words. a p a style. citations. and reference

please respond to Wanda. with. 400. words. a p a style. citations. and references
Assessment and accreditation are each significant perceptions in higher education which have progressed up to this present day. Assessment refers to evaluating student learning and performance, while accreditation is evaluating the quality and effectiveness of an institution as a whole (Winstone & Boud, 2022).
Assessment is an ongoing process of gathering evidence of learning and development, then organizing interpreting the information in order to make informed decisions about instructional practice (Bredekamp, 2014). Assessment is also the process of providing credible evidence of resources, implementation, actions and outcomes undertaken for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of instruction, programs and services in higher education (Banta & Palomba, 2014).
In view of Fredonia (2021), assessment in education entails “the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs and services undertake for the purpose of quality improvement, planning, and decision making”. This purpose seeks to enhance student learning, engagement and development as well as create a form of refinement and self-study to programs and services.
In contrast, there is also institutional and organizational performance assessment which include explanation of external environment, organizational motivation, organizational performance and organizational capacity.
In exploring the institutional and organizational performance assessment the following are the areas and subparts:
External environment consist of administrative/legal, political, social/cultural, economic, stakeholder, technological and ecological.
Organizational motivation consist of History, mission, culture and incentive and awards.
Organizational performance consist of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and financial viability.
Organizational capacity consist of financial, program and process management, inter-organizational linkages, strategic leadership, human resources, infrastructure and structure.
Organizational and institutions play significant roles in societal development in Canada and internationally (Universalia, 2024).
Traditionally, higher education concentrated on measuring student performance through standardized tests and grades. This approach, known as the “Levels” assessment, is based on the idea that student performance can be quantitatively measured and compared to a set stand (Stura et al., 2019). Although this method has been critiqued for being excessive on testing and not taking into consideration that influence factors that may have an effect on student performance, such as socioeconomic circumstances or learning style.
Accreditation is the recognition that an institution maintains standards, requisite for its graduates to gain admissions to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice (Liberty University, 2020).
Accreditation, on one hand, has historically been focused on gauging and evaluating the quality of institutions as a whole. Accreditation bodies such as regional accrediting associations, have been established to implement standards for institutions and evaluate their compliance with those standards. However, in recent years, there has been a shift toward evaluating the outputs of institutions, such as student learning and outcomes (Stura et al., 2019).
Accreditation also serves multiple purposes. Institutions aim to achieve various objectives, such as furnishing reliable proof of institutional efficiency, confirming with accreditation agencies and government entities, and strengthening responsibility towards the interest parties (Fernandes & Singh, 2022). Institutions evaluate academic and non-academic alike in regard to aspects with emphasis.
Societal and educational requirements have steered the evolution of assessment and accreditation through history. During the Middle Ages, universities started conducting assessments to evaluate the learning and abilities of their students (Mansour, Boyd & Walshe, 2020).
To sum up everything that has been stated thus far, assessment is a process that improves student learning outcomes outside of just a grade assignment. Educational institutional quality is ensured by accreditation. In alignment with assessment and accreditation and Christian worldview it is stated in II Corinthians 13:5-6; Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? (6) But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.
Banta, T., & Palomba, C. (2015). Assessment essentials: Planning, implementing, and improving
Assessment in higher education [2nd ed]. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fernandes, J. O., & Singh, B. (2022). Accreditation and ranking of higher education institutions
(HEIs): review, observations, and recommendations for the Indian higher education
system. The TQM Journal, 34(5), 1013-1038.
Fredonia (2021). Assessment. Definition and Overview. to an external site.
King James Bible. (2024). King James Bible Online. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.orgLinks to an external site.
(Original work published 1769)
Liberty University. (2020). Assessment and accreditation and their compatibility with a Christian
Mansour, W., Boyd, A., & Walshe, K. (2020). The development of hospital accreditation in low
and middle income countries: a literature review. Health policy and planning, 35(6), 684-
Stura, I., Gentile. T., Migliaretti, Gl, & Vesce, E. (2019). Accreditation in higher education:
Does disciplinary matter?. Studies in education evaluation, 63, 41-47.
Winstone, N. E., & Boud, D. (2022). The need to disentangle assessment and feedback in higher
education. Studies in higher education, 47(3), 656-667.

TED Talk Purpose: Studying various types of institutions and the history of how

TED Talk
Studying various types of institutions and the history of how

TED Talk
Studying various types of institutions and the history of how they were created can help you understand how they got to be where they are today and where they are going.
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a specific type of institution and to analyze the influence of that institution on access to higher education by a diverse student population.
For this assignment, you will:
Choose a type of institution (not the same type of institution that you chose for other assignments/discussions). CHOOSE ANY 4 YEAR INSTITUTION
Find a TED Talk by someone who graduated from or worked at that type of institution.
Research the history of the chosen specific institution, focusing on how the creation of this institution changed access to higher education for diverse student populations.
Create an infographic comparing the history of the institution, focusing on the change of access to higher education for diverse student populations, to the person’s experience in the video.
Design your infographic as 1 page with text and images, and save it as a .jpg or .pdf file using the tool of your choice. (See resources on how to create an infographic.)
Write a 1-page summary of your thoughts and methodology. Include a paragraph on how you would use this information to help your students. Include a paragraph discussing how access to higher education by a diverse student population has been impacted through the institution chosen.
Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.
For assistance on how to create infographics, review the following resources:
How To Create An Infographic In Powerpoint [+Free Templates]
Creating an Infographic in PowerPoint

INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW You will conduct an interview with an

You will conduct an interview with an

You will conduct an interview with an individual that works in higher education who interacts
with college students.
For this assignment, use the provided Interview Assignment Template wherein six questions
have been developed for you to ask regarding the Student-Institution Relationship. Include the
questions and either the direct responses or a summary of the responses from each interview.
You must explain the requirements of your assignment to your interview and ask their
permission to take notes or to audiotape the interview.
Include the questions and either the direct responses or a summary of the responses in a double-
spaced typed format. Responses should be rich and detailed and all six questions should be
answered. It is appropriate to use first-person language throughout this assignment.
Note: Liberty University Advising should NOT be contacted for this interview as the purpose of
this assignment is to encourage additional perspectives gained at another college or university.
You will reflect on your interview with a minimum 1,000-word summary. Reflect on your
interview and include two legal cases discussed in Chapter 7 that affect the practices and policies
of this individual’s position and department. This summary must include a strong and clear
reflection that ties the interview and legal cases together.
This assignment requires sources in current APA formatting.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the plagiarism tool.If. report. is. more. than 2% I. will you. to redo. not use AI generator ,aids, chatbots, or any other aids . Paper will be checked Please original work no plagiarism no AI. generator. or chat. box. No cheating

please respond in a p. a style 500 words citations and references. In your Discu

please respond in a p. a style 500 words citations and references.
In your Discu

please respond in a p. a style 500 words citations and references.
In your Discussion thread, analyze the definitions and purposes of assessment and accreditation and how they have emerged throughout pertinent historical eras.
Include an appraisal of the benefits and challenges of the two major approaches to assessment (i.e., Levels and Organizational Performance) as described in the Watch: Definition, Purpose, and History of Assessment and Accreditation Compatible with a Christian Worldview item located in the Learn section of this module. Defend your opinion regarding the extent to which assessment, accreditation, and their guiding principles are compatible with a Christian worldview.

please respond in a p. a style 500 words citations and references. In your Discu

please respond in a p. a style 500 words citations and references.
In your Discu

please respond in a p. a style 500 words citations and references.
In your Discussion thread, analyze the definitions and purposes of assessment and accreditation and how they have emerged throughout pertinent historical eras.
Include an appraisal of the benefits and challenges of the two major approaches to assessment (i.e., Levels and Organizational Performance) as described in the Watch: Definition, Purpose, and History of Assessment and Accreditation Compatible with a Christian Worldview item located in the Learn section of this module. Defend your opinion regarding the extent to which assessment, accreditation, and their guiding principles are compatible with a Christian worldview.