INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW You will conduct an interview with an

You will conduct an interview with an

You will conduct an interview with an individual that works in higher education who interacts
with college students.
For this assignment, use the provided Interview Assignment Template wherein six questions
have been developed for you to ask regarding the Student-Institution Relationship. Include the
questions and either the direct responses or a summary of the responses from each interview.
You must explain the requirements of your assignment to your interview and ask their
permission to take notes or to audiotape the interview.
Include the questions and either the direct responses or a summary of the responses in a double-
spaced typed format. Responses should be rich and detailed and all six questions should be
answered. It is appropriate to use first-person language throughout this assignment.
Note: Liberty University Advising should NOT be contacted for this interview as the purpose of
this assignment is to encourage additional perspectives gained at another college or university.
You will reflect on your interview with a minimum 1,000-word summary. Reflect on your
interview and include two legal cases discussed in Chapter 7 that affect the practices and policies
of this individual’s position and department. This summary must include a strong and clear
reflection that ties the interview and legal cases together.
This assignment requires sources in current APA formatting.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the plagiarism tool.If. report. is. more. than 2% I. will you. to redo. not use AI generator ,aids, chatbots, or any other aids . Paper will be checked Please original work no plagiarism no AI. generator. or chat. box. No cheating