Native American tribes such as Red Lake, Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma are now imple

Native American tribes such as Red Lake, Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma are now imple

Native American tribes such as Red Lake, Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma are now implementing the punishment of banishment of tribal members for substance abuse.  
·  What are your reactions? 
·  How might banishment help address substance abuse issues in these cultural communities? 
·  In what ways are banished individuals possibly more at risk of substance abuse from banishment? 
·  What solutions would you propose?  Reasons?

   Game Slot Sensasional: Dapatkan Kemenangan Megah dan Rasakan Keseruan Bermai

Game Slot Sensasional: Dapatkan Kemenangan Megah dan Rasakan Keseruan Bermai

Game Slot Sensasional: Dapatkan Kemenangan Megah dan Rasakan Keseruan Bermain bagi Pemain Baru!
Pengenalan Permainan Slot untuk Pemain Baru
Bagi pemain baru yang ingin mendalami dunia permainan slot, memahami dasar-dasarnya sangat penting untuk menikmati pengalaman bermain yang lancar. Permainan slot, juga disebut sebagai mesin slot atau mesin buah, adalah permainan kasino yang populer yang memiliki gulungan berputar dengan berbagai simbol. Pemain bertujuan untuk menyusun simbol-simbol ini dalam kombinasi tertentu untuk memenangkan hadiah atau bonus. Elemen kunci yang harus dipahami pemain baru tentang permainan slot meliputi: – Gulungan, garis pembayaran, dan simbol – Fitur liar, hamburan, dan bonus – Persentase Kembali ke Pemain (RTP). – Opsi taruhan dan pembayaran Membiasakan diri dengan aspek-aspek dasar ini dapat membantu pemain baru merasa lebih percaya diri dan mendapat informasi saat memulai perjalanan permainan slot mereka.
Kegembiraan bermain game slot terletak pada sensasi yang tidak diketahui dan antisipasi potensi kemenangan. Permainan slot domino bet menawarkan pengalaman yang dinamis dan menarik, dengan grafik yang hidup, efek suara yang imersif, dan tema menawan yang memenuhi berbagai minat. Sifat permainan slot yang serba cepat, dikombinasikan dengan elemen peluang, menciptakan lingkungan yang memacu adrenalin yang membuat para pemain tetap tenang. Selain itu, pemain dapat menikmati kegembiraan memutar gulungan dari kenyamanan rumah mereka atau saat bepergian karena permainan slot dapat dimainkan di platform online.
Salah satu aspek permainan slot yang paling menarik bagi pemain baru adalah daya tarik kemenangan besar. Permainan slot menawarkan kemungkinan pembayaran besar, termasuk hadiah jackpot dan bonus bernilai tinggi. Menang besar dalam permainan slot bisa menjadi pengalaman yang mendebarkan, memberikan rasa pencapaian dan kegembiraan kepada para pemain. Saat pemain menjelajahi berbagai permainan slot dan menemukan potensi kemenangan besar, mereka mungkin tertarik pada tantangan seru dalam mengejar hadiah yang menguntungkan. Daya tarik untuk mendapatkan jackpot besar atau mendapatkan serangkaian kombinasi bayaran tinggi menambah lapisan kegembiraan ekstra pada pengalaman permainan slot secara keseluruhan, menjadikannya pilihan populer bagi pemain yang mencari hiburan dan peluang untuk menang besar.
Tips Pemain Baru Memaksimalkan Kemenangan Dalam Permainan Slot
Menetapkan anggaran dan bermain secara bertanggung jawab adalah saran penting bagi pemain baru yang ingin memaksimalkan kemenangan mereka dalam permainan slot. Penting untuk menetapkan anggaran sebelum mulai bermain untuk menghindari pengeluaran berlebihan dan untuk mempertahankan kendali atas kebiasaan berjudi seseorang. Dengan menetapkan batasan berapa banyak uang dan waktu yang dihabiskan untuk permainan slot, pemain dapat menikmati sensasi bermain game secara bertanggung jawab sambil meminimalkan risiko kerugian finansial. Praktik perjudian yang bertanggung jawab juga mencakup: – Menghindari mengejar kerugian – Beristirahat selama bermain game – Mencari dukungan jika perjudian menjadi masalah Memahami pentingnya permainan yang bertanggung jawab dapat membantu pemain baru mendapatkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih menyenangkan dan berkelanjutan sambil mengincar kemenangan dalam permainan slot.
Untuk memaksimalkan kemenangan dalam permainan slot, pemain baru harus meluangkan waktu untuk memahami berbagai jenis permainan slot yang tersedia. Berbagai penyedia slot menawarkan berbagai macam slot dengan tema, fitur, dan mekanisme berbeda. Dengan memahami jenis permainan slot, seperti slot klasik, slot video, slot progresif, dan lainnya, pemain dapat memilih permainan yang sesuai dengan preferensi dan gaya bermainnya. Memahami aturan, garis pembayaran, dan fitur bonus dari setiap permainan slot dapat membantu pemain membuat keputusan yang tepat dan meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk menang.
Pemain baru dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk menang dalam permainan slot dengan memanfaatkan bonus dan putaran gratis yang ditawarkan oleh situs slot online secara efektif. Banyak kasino online, seperti  yang memberikan bonus dan promosi untuk menarik pemain dan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain mereka. Dengan memanfaatkan bonus ini, pemain dapat memperpanjang gameplay mereka, menerima putaran tambahan, dan berpotensi meningkatkan kemenangan mereka. Penting bagi pemain baru untuk membaca dan memahami syarat dan ketentuan bonus untuk memaksimalkannya dan mengoptimalkan peluang kemenangan mereka dalam permainan slot.
Sensasi Fitur dan Tema Game Slot
Permainan slot menawarkan beragam tema yang memenuhi beragam minat dan preferensi, menjadikan pengalaman bermain game menarik dan memikat bagi para pemain. Pemain mempunyai kesempatan untuk menjelajahi berbagai tema, mulai dari peradaban kuno dan mitologi hingga budaya populer dan dunia fantasi. Beberapa tema permainan slot yang umum meliputi: – Petualangan dan eksplorasi – Mitologi dan legenda – Hewan dan alam – Slot retro dan klasik – Acara TV dan film Tema-tema ini tidak hanya menambah daya tarik visual pada game tetapi juga menciptakan lingkungan imersif yang meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game secara keseluruhan, membuat pemain tetap terhibur dan terpesona sepanjang sesi bermain game mereka.
Selain temanya yang menawan, permainan slot terkenal dengan fitur-fitur menariknya yang dapat meningkatkan kemenangan dan menambah sensasi ekstra pada gameplaynya. Fitur seperti simbol Wild, Scatters, cascading reel, pengganda, dan putaran bonus menawarkan pemain peluang untuk meningkatkan pembayaran dan membuka hadiah khusus. Misalnya, simbol Wild di dominobet asia dapat membentuk kombinasi pemenang dengan menggantikan simbol lain. Scatters, di sisi lain, sering kali memicu putaran gratis atau permainan bonus, yang membuka kesempatan lebih besar untuk menang besar. Fitur-fitur ini tidak hanya membuat gameplay lebih dinamis dan interaktif tetapi juga meningkatkan keseruan bermain game slot, membuat pemain tetap terlibat dan terhibur.
Salah satu aspek yang paling menarik dari permainan slot adalah peluang untuk memenangkan jackpot progresif dan hadiah utama yang dapat menghasilkan pembayaran yang mengubah hidup. Jackpot progresif adalah hadiah yang meningkat secara bertahap seiring pemain membuat taruhan pada permainan, dengan sebagian dari setiap taruhan berkontribusi pada kumpulan jackpot. Artinya, potensi kemenangan dapat tumbuh hingga jumlah yang besar, memberikan pemain peluang untuk menang besar. Sensasi mengejar jackpot progresif dan kemungkinan mendapatkan kemenangan besar menambah elemen kegembiraan dan antisipasi pada gameplay slot, menjadikannya pilihan populer bagi pemain yang mencari peluang menguntungkan dan pengalaman hiburan yang mendebarkan.

  This assignment requires screenshots for the answers.   Query the NCBI databa

  This assignment requires screenshots for the answers.
Query the NCBI databa

  This assignment requires screenshots for the answers.
Query the NCBI database using the “GeneID” provided and obtain the FASTA formatted AQP7 protein sequences for:
Homo sapiens -> Human -> GeneID: 364 
Pan troglodytes -> Chimpanzee -> GeneID: 465043 
Mus musculus -> Mouse -> GeneID: 11832
Rattus norvegicus -> Rat -> GeneID: 29171
Bos Taurus -> Cow -> GeneID: 615498
Danio rerio -> Zebrafish -> GeneID: 334529
Canis lupus familiaris -> Dog -> GeneID: 474742
Sus scrofa -> Pig -> GeneID: 100126283
Equus caballus -> Horse -> GeneID: 100068324
Mustela putorius furo -> Ferret -> GeneID: 101683120
Mesocricetus auratus -> Hamster -> GeneID: 101837538
Myotis brandtii -> Bat -> GeneID: 102263763 
For the descriptive comment line found at the beginning of each sequence, replace the common name provided.  Paste/Copy below the sequences in the exact order listed above as your answer. 
Answer = ?
Question 2.
Using the sequences prepared as answer to Question 1, run the Clustal Omega tool ( to generate a multiple sequence alignment with “STEP 2” parameters set to “Pearson/FASTA”:
The Clustal Omega tool is a newer improved version of ClustalW2 multiple sequence alignment tool. Under the “Alignments” tab of the Clustal Omega output, copy/paste the unedited form of the alignment as your answer.
Answer = ?
Question 3.
Under the same “Results Summary” tab of the Clustal Omega output, click on the hyperlink found under “Percent Identity Matrix”. The identities in the matrix returned are those values used to “Guide” the order in which the multiple alignment was built. Copy/Paste this matrix as your answer.
Answer = ?
Question 4.
Under the “Phylogenetic Tree” tab of the Clustal Omega output, scroll down and provide a screen shot of the “Phylogenetic Tree”, which represents the “Guide Tree” for the multiple sequence alignment generated.
Answer = ?
Question 5.
What does the “overview” look like for your answer provided to Q2 using JalView?
Answer = ?
Question 6.
When you look at the “Overview” plot provided for your answer to Question 5, notice there appears to be some sequences in the alignment that have vertical gaps of missing color. When you look at the “Local” view, you will notice these sequences are dissimilar enough that they negatively impact the level of “Conservation” across the alignment. In turn, they should/can be removed. Which ones are they? 
Answer = ?
Question 7.
What does the MSA “overview look like after you remove the sequences identified in Q6? VERY IMPORTANT, be sure the sequences you have identified to be removed are the ones highlighted for removal before doing so. Inspect the PCA and the MSA to make sure that is the case before removing. If you have removed correctly, you should not see these sequences in your MSA afterwards.
Answer = ?
Question 8.
When looking over the answer to Q7, there may exist high “Conservation” now after deleting those sequences, but there are empty columns present. These are non-informative and need to be removed. What does the “overview” look like after removing these empty columns? VERY IMPORTANT, if you notice in your MSA that there appears to be a sequence still quite different than the rest, you need to go back to Question 6 and Question 7 and repeat.
Answer = ?
Question 9.
What are the final-now-edited sequences in the MSA at this point? VERY IMPORTANT, if you notice in your MSA what appear to be gaps in your sequence, you have not removed all outlier sequences and need to go back to Question 6, Question 7, Question 8 and repeat.
Answer = ?
Question 10.
When you have a MSA in FASTA sequence format, you can also ask and answer what the secondary structures (i.e., “H”elices, Beta Sh”E”ets) that may exist in the MSA are. What are these structures and where do they occur in the MSA?
Answer = ?

  Respond to two colleagues: Discuss how you would use the data collected by

Respond to two colleagues:
Discuss how you would use the data collected by

Respond to two colleagues:
Discuss how you would use the data collected by your colleague to guide the next step in the planned change process or to inform future work with clients.
I previously worked with a Hispanic woman in her late 40’s. She was profoundly deaf with mild cognitive impairment and limited communication because her family had taught her their own version of signed language. She was living with her sister at the time and her support team was having meetings to discuss the possibility of residential placement and what level would be most appropriate.
The person served had been eloping and it was not safe for her to continue living with her older sister; Her sister was not able to provide appropriate supervision.
I would have focused on the independent living skills she did have and referred her to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Center (DHHSC) for assistance in improving her communication skills. I also would have tried to work with her to identify the trigger for elopement and either reduce the trigger or teach her skills to replace elopement. I would also have recommended an independent living coach work with her on community navigation skills.
To measure the effectiveness of these interventions I would assess her communication skills at the beginning of any work with DHHSC and then again after about 6 months, I would track the frequency of elopement and her behavior and demeanor while out of the home. Lastly, I would have the independent living coach track progress on specific independent living skills and safety goals.
The instruments used to measure progress would be tracking tools developed by the programs intended to serve her population. These individual assessments are adapted to the individual’s abilities and SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals and are designed to be strength-based. The analysis of elopement and the assessment of independent living skills are built into the services provided. A formal assessment rubric for communication skills would have to be developed by the service provider and care team.
eflect on your fieldwork or other professional experience and identify a case where it would have been beneficial to employ resiliency theory. Describe the case in 2 sentences. 
I recall working with an African American male juvenile that was referred for diversion services at the PCSU (Portsmouth Court Services Unit) for fighting in school. This gentleman and his family informed that he is typically a good kid but made a wrong decision. He continues to get good grades and stays out of trouble.  
Describe the presenting problem in one concise sentence. 
This youth was at risk of receiving criminal charges but was able to effectively complete the diversion program and avoid recidivism despite his environmental factors. 
Describe an intervention you would implement to promote resiliency. 
Resilience as it relates to social work may broadly be understood as doing better than expected in the face of adversity (Turner, 2017). During the intake assessment I try to focus on the client’s strengths to empower them. Strength based approach is an intervention that can help promote resiliency. By focusing on his future goals, we can overcome any past mistakes. Resiliency explores the positive factors that can help youth overcome the negative effects of risk exposure, such as mental distress, problem behaviors, and outcomes (Zimmerman, 2013). 
Identify an instrument from the Smith-Osborne and Whitehill Bolton’s article that would be appropriate when employing a single-subject design to evaluate how effective the intervention is in increasing the client’s level of resiliency. Explain why you selected the instrument. 
The instrument from the Smith-Osburne and Whitehill Bolton’s article that would be appropriate when employing resiliency is the Resilience Skills and Abilities Scale (RSAS). Characteristics include skills and attributes that resilient people use in stressful situations, including rapid responsivity to danger, precocious maturity, dissociation of affect, information seeking, relationships, positive projective anticipation, decisive risk-taking, conviction of being loved, idealization of aggressor’s competence, cognitive restructuring of painful events, altruism, and optimism and hope (Jew, 1999). I chose this process because it can be effect with helping the social worker identify any stressors. The tool is cost effective and works well with adolescents.  

  Submit a 1 page case write-up that addresses the following: Map the client’

Submit a 1 page case write-up that addresses the following:
Map the client’

Submit a 1 page case write-up that addresses the following:
Map the client’s crisis using the five stages of the crisis.
Describe the client’s assets and resources (in order to understand the client’s resilience).
Describe how you, the social worker, will intervene to assist the client to reach the reintegration stage of the crisis. Be sure that the intervention promotes resiliency.
Explain how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help in working with a client.
Submit also, as a separate document, your Week 5 Analysis of a Theory Worksheet.
Be sure to:
Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
Use literature to support your claims.
Use APA formatting and style.

Remember to double-space your paper.

The Gospel of John, and writer a three- to four-pg interaction paperrrr reflect

The Gospel of John, and writer a three- to four-pg interaction paperrrr reflect

The Gospel of John, and writer a three- to four-pg interaction paperrrr reflecting on the film’s depiction of Jesus’ ministry, teaching, way of life, death, and resurrection. In what ways does the film inform or shape your approach to your spiritual life? What lessons might you apply?
The paperrrr should be well-written in an essayyyyy format with a clear introduction, paragraph development, and conclusion. Note that the focus of the paperrrr should be on the content of the film rather than production qualities.