Ch1-Elements of Communication Ch2-Active Listening Then, write a 3-4 page essay

Ch1-Elements of Communication
Ch2-Active Listening
Then, write a 3-4 page essay on Listening as a communication skill. Your essay should address the following:
Assess your own individual Listening skill. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
Provide an analysis of the Stages of Listening and how they relate to you as a sender/receiver in the different Communication Models. (You can evaluate all models or one of your choosing.) You can use real world examples and situations you have encountered.
What communication concept/ theory/ or anything that you have learned in this course so far do you feel applies to this assignment? Consider the chapters we have reviewed so far and make a connection to the ideas in the textbook.
Your paper should follow APA style (heading, font, double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman) and have a reference list at the end in proper APA citation. You do not need an Abstract.

Select and watch a TedTalk that interests you that addresses concepts in the fol

Select and watch a TedTalk that interests you that addresses concepts in the following:
Ch3-Verbal and Nonverbal
Then, write a 3-4—page paper that addresses the following prompts. Explain all of your answers in essay format and connect your ideas to the textbook. Failure to clearly address all questions will result in a grade deduction.
Your analysis should thoroughly address the following: 
Give your opinion on topic that is discussed. How does the speaker address verbal/nonverbal communication?
What are the speakers strengths and weaknesses?  What would you change/if anything?
What communication concept/ theory/ or anything that you have learned in this course so far do you feel applies to this speech presentation? Consider the chapters we have reviewed so far and make a connection to the ideas in the textbook.
Your paper should follow APA style (heading, font, double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman) and have a reference list at the end in proper APA citation. You do not need an Abstract.

The following is a list of the information you should provide in your letter of

The following is a list of the information you should provide in your letter of application:
1. If you are applying for a specific job, identify the job by title and state how you heard
about it. If you are not applying for a specific job, explain that you are seeking a
particular kind of job and are writing to inquire whether the organization has any
openings for such a job.
Ans . Financial Clerk in AS Roma Organization fan of the football club.
2. List your qualifications for the job in summary form. If you are still a student or are a
recent graduate and have had little work experience, stress your education; if you have
been employed in a related field, and emphasize your work background. Then refer the
reader to the résumé for other important details.
Ans. Still Student no work experience
3. State where you can be reached and when you will be available for an interview.
CV: Proper Order of Sections
CV Header with Contact Information
Personal Profile: CV Objective or CV Summary
Work Experience
Additional Sections1. Choose clear, legible fonts
Go for one of the standard CV typefaces: Arial, Tahoma, or Helvetica if you prefer sans-serif fonts, and
Times New Roman or Bookman Old Style if serif fonts are your usual pick.
Use 11 to 12 pt. font size and single spacing. For your name and section titles, pick 14 to 16 pt. font size.
2. Be consistent with your CV layout
Set one-inch margins for all four sides.
Make sure your CV headings are uniform—make them larger and in bold but go easy on italics and
Stick to a single dates format on your CV: for example, 11-2017, or November 2017.
3. Don’t cram your CV with gimmicky graphics
Less is more.
White space is your friend—recruiters need some breathing room!
Plus, most of the time, after you send out your CV, it’s going to be printed in black ink on white paper.
Too many graphics might make it illegible.
4. Add a formal/decent photo for a better impression of your personality
Make sure to use a professional looking picture, but not as stiff as an ID photo.
5. Make your CV brief and relevant
Don’t be one of those candidates stuck in the nineties who think they have to include every single detail
about their lives on their CVs.
Note: Make sure that it should not be a half a page or one-page CV. On average, two to three-page CV is
a reasonable one.

From Chapter 1 in Byars & Stanbury (2018), we were introduced to J&J’s ethical c

From Chapter 1 in Byars & Stanbury (2018), we were introduced to J&J’s ethical c

From Chapter 1 in Byars & Stanbury (2018), we were introduced to J&J’s ethical credo.
For this assignment, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper analyzing a company, including its code of ethics or code of conduct, expected behavior of employees, and how they measure the ethical performance of that organization (e.g., tracking diversity in hiring and promotion, tracking complaints or legal action, etc.). Finally, you will consider the ethical obligations of organizations, applying concepts from the reading.
Action Items
Select a company/organization and locate their code of ethics. 
Analyze the code of ethics, in terms of which major ethical theories or concepts are evident in that code of ethics. Consider the professional culture represented by this code, and explain connections between that culture and ethical beliefs and assumptions. Be specific and cite your text to support your answers, also including excerpts from the organization’s code of ethics.
Two collections of links to such codes of conduct or ethics may be found here:
Codes of Conduct and CSR Reports
Database of Business Ethics’ All Codes of Conduct
Describe how the organization you selected is doing in terms of the expected employee behavior and organizational ethical conduct, including data on organizational performance in meeting goals related to those standards. Note that there is a broad range of data that may be relevant as evidence of ethical lapses or concerns, from the number of lawsuits pending against an organization to reports of misconduct.
Resources that may be helpful include Ethical Consumer.
Thinking more broadly about industries and organizations, answer the following questions:
What responsibilities do companies have regarding justice and care?
Should business ethics be grounded only on more concrete tenets (e.g., compliance with legal requirements)? Why or why not?
Again, please cite your textbooks for support where appropriate, using current APA format.
Submit your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
Review your Submission Details and access your Turnitin report. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
By the due date indicated, re-submit the final version of your work.