Respond to the following topic to present to your peers in a professional ana

Respond to the following topic to present to your peers in a professional ana

Respond to the following topic to present to your peers in a professional analysis using a minimum of 350 words.
The easiest way to forecasting earnings is linear extrapolation: gathering the historic financial data and deriving a growth rate (CAGR) for any line on the income statement (sales, gross profit, operating profit, net income etc). If historically profit ratios have been constant you can just forecast sales and derive the rest as a percentage of sales. Companies could then monitor competitors to confirm profit margins are close to industrial average.
A more comprehensive way is understanding the product, assess the macro environment (GDP growth) and the prospects of that market. Can the company increase market share? Do a Porter analysis.
Break down the income and expense components of the earnings and see how each item can change in the future (e.g. a cheese factory needs to buy and store milk, what volumes can it support using existing assets?). Management must create a model for what drives the company.
Forecasting each “moving part” of the company with forward looking quantitative and qualitative justifications is more reliable than just applying a flat rate based on historic performance.
In summary company valuation should include meeting with management and visiting the company unless everything is available and can be researched from your computer. 
What are your thoughts on this summary of forecasting earnings? Why would we want to forecast a company’s earnings?  How would managers and investors use this information? Which of these approaches do you agree with? Which ones do you think would be of little value and why?
 Your critical response should have a minimum of two sources published in the last 12 months which should be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations.  Your responses should be professionally written and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA. The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings. 

 As you work towards your final team project, there are sections of the project

 As you work towards your final team project, there are sections of the project

 As you work towards your final team project, there are sections of the project that will require individual work.  Using the feedback from the PayPal ratios assignment in Unit 2, individually (not as a team) you will use the attached MS Excel file to create your ratios for your final project.  Using this file gather and report your ratio and financial performance data for Mastercard for 2017 – 2019.  Within the Mastercard Financial Ratios MS Excel file you will find four sheets; ratios, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow.  Using the accounting statements, you will use MS Excel to calculate the ratios and enter into the ratios sheet. 

 Choose one of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional

 Choose one of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional

 Choose one of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional analysis using a minimum of 350 words. 
What are risks associated with investing in bonds as a long-term investment? Why would bonds/bond mutual fund be used within an investment portfolio and how might such an investment impact an investor?
 Your critical response should have a minimum of two sources published in the last 12 months which should be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations.  Your responses should be professionally written and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA. The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings. 

  Choose one of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional

  Choose one of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional

  Choose one of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional analysis using a minimum of 350 words. 
Considering the time value of money (TVM) should winners of a lottery take the lump sum payment or the annuity?
 Your critical response should have a minimum of two sources published in the last 12 months which should be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations.  Your responses should be professionally written and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA. The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings. 

Assignment Content It is important to understand what information systems are

Assignment Content
It is important to understand what information systems are

Assignment Content
It is important to understand what information systems are and why they are essential for running and managing a business. It is also important to understand the different systems that support different groups or levels of management. In addition, digital technology and the Internet play a key role in executing major business processes in the enterprise. Also, it is important to understand the ethical, social, and political issues raised by information systems.
The case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios. You will review each case study, and provide a thorough analysis of each that demonstrates critical thinking and application of the concepts presented in Units I and II.
In Chapter 1 of your eTextbook, read the case study “UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology,” and write an analysis that addresses the following:

How does UPS use information systems technology to achieve its strategic goals of being more efficient and customer oriented?
What would happen if the automated package tracking system was not available?
Discuss how globalization has “flattened” the world.
In Chapter 2 of your eTextbook, read the case study “The City of Mississauga Goes Digital” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
Describe the problems the City of Mississauga hoped to address using digital technology.
What technologies did Mississauga employ for a solution? Describe each of these technologies and the role each played in a solution.
What management, organization, and technology issues did the City of Mississauga have to address in developing a solution?
How did the technologies in this case improve operations and decision making at the City of Mississauga?
In Chapter 3 of your eTextbook, read the case study “Shipping Wars,” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
Why is shipping so important for e-commerce? Explain your answer.
Compare the shipping strategies of Amazon, FedEx, and UPS? How are they related to each company’s business model?
Will FedEx succeed in its push into ground shipping? Why, or why not?
In Chapter 4 of your eTextbook, read the case study “Your Smartphone: Big Brother’s Best Friend” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
Describe how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.
Discuss at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by embedded cyber connections in smart devices.
Discuss how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data generated by smart vehicles and other smart devices.
Submit all four case analyses in a single paper. When constructing your paper, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, present a thorough and insightful analysis using strong arguments and evidence as you apply course concepts. Your final submission must be an APA formatted paper of at least four pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).
You are required to use a minimum of two peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your eTextbook) in each of the four analyses. All sources used, including the eTextbook, must have citations and references properly formatted in APA style.[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dcover]!/4/2

Assignment Content It is important to understand what information systems are

Assignment Content
It is important to understand what information systems are

Assignment Content
It is important to understand what information systems are and why they are essential for running and managing a business. It is also important to understand the different systems that support different groups or levels of management. In addition, digital technology and the Internet play a key role in executing major business processes in the enterprise. Also, it is important to understand the ethical, social, and political issues raised by information systems.
The case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios. You will review each case study, and provide a thorough analysis of each that demonstrates critical thinking and application of the concepts presented in Units I and II.
In Chapter 1 of your eTextbook, read the case study “UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology,” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
How does UPS use information systems technology to achieve its strategic goals of being more efficient and customer oriented?
What would happen if the automated package tracking system was not available?
Discuss how globalization has “flattened” the world.
In Chapter 2 of your eTextbook, read the case study “The City of Mississauga Goes Digital” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
Describe the problems the City of Mississauga hoped to address using digital technology.
What technologies did Mississauga employ for a solution? Describe each of these technologies and the role each played in a solution.
What management, organization, and technology issues did the City of Mississauga have to address in developing a solution?
How did the technologies in this case improve operations and decision making at the City of Mississauga?
In Chapter 3 of your eTextbook, read the case study “Shipping Wars,” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
Why is shipping so important for e-commerce? Explain your answer.
Compare the shipping strategies of Amazon, FedEx, and UPS? How are they related to each company’s business model?
Will FedEx succeed in its push into ground shipping? Why, or why not?
In Chapter 4 of your eTextbook, read the case study “Your Smartphone: Big Brother’s Best Friend” and write an analysis that addresses the following:
Describe how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.
Discuss at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by embedded cyber connections in smart devices.
Discuss how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data generated by smart vehicles and other smart devices.
Submit all four case analyses in a single paper. When constructing your paper, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, present a thorough and insightful analysis using strong arguments and evidence as you apply course concepts. Your final submission must be an APA formatted paper of at least four pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).
You are required to use a minimum of two peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your eTextbook) in each of the four analyses. All sources used, including the eTextbook, must have citations and references properly formatted in APA style.[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dcover]!/4/2

This assignment utilizes a case depicting a real-life situation of which you wil

This assignment utilizes a case depicting a real-life situation of which you wil

This assignment utilizes a case depicting a real-life situation of which you will conduct a detailed case analysis. This will involve reading the provided case, researching the company, identifying a problem/challenge, and compiling three to five potential alternatives that could solve the problem. Finally, you will conduct additional research in order to determine which of the alternatives you will recommend—include your rationale and supporting research.
First, read the case study: “Best Buy Co., Inc.,” found beneath the Unit II Study Guide on the Unit II homepage. You will use the Case Analysis Template to complete this assignment. This analysis should include the use of the CSU Online Library to provide supporting documentation as well as the financial statements of the organization.
It is expected that a minimum of three managerial tools be used including (but not exclusively) political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal (PESTEL), strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), Porter’s Five Forces, balanced scorecard, gap analysis, root cause analysis, and/or McKinsey 7-S Model. These tools are explained within the Unit I and Unit II lessons of this course and could be presented within the analysis in table format.
In order to successfully complete this case study, you need to review the video and Task Learning Guides (TLGs) located below. This will provide you with the skills to research companies using scholarly research (versus a Google search) and how to research industries/competitors. This is the basis for your external analysis and identification of the problem within the company. This will also provide supporting research within your recommendations.
Company and Industry Research
Transcript for Company and Industry Research
How to Find Company Information in the Business Source Ultimate Database (TLG)
How to Search for Articles with a Company Focus (TLG)
Your completed case study must be at least five pages in length, and you must use at least five peer-reviewed academic sources that are no more than five years old. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. Utilization of the provided template will guide you through the case analysis’ process.