Understanding the selection process is key. Organizations want to source, recrui

Understanding the selection process is key. Organizations want to source, recrui

Understanding the selection process is key. Organizations want to source, recruit, select, and retain the best workers, specifically because a quality workforce is key to an organization’s short- and long-term success. This week, you are required to select one of the positions below:
Tenth grade math teacher
Dental hygienist
College admission counselor
Senior project manager for a technology firm
Human resource assistant
Based upon your selected position, you need to address the following requirements:
Explain what selection testing you would use when hiring for this position and why.
Justify why structured or less-structured interviews should be used.
Provide a list of three effective interview questions that could be asked of your candidate.
Explain what types of background investigation should be used and why.
Your assignment should be submitted in proper APA formatting and must be between 2- to 3-pages in length (not including your cover page or reference page). You are required to use Times New Roman 12-point font. Your paper must be double-spaced and use 1-inch margins. Before submitting your assignment, please ensure the following:
You have included an APA formatted cover page.
You have included properly formatted headings and subheadings.
You have addressed all of the assignment requirements.
You have used your textbook and two other scholarly sources to support your points (and have cited this content in-text and in the reference list).
You have provided a properly formatted reference list.

We want you to solve this questionnaire and make a poster explaining the idea of

We want you to solve this questionnaire and make a poster explaining the idea of

We want you to solve this questionnaire and make a poster explaining the idea of the project, and we want it to be creative
In the poster, we want a three-dimensional image, the target group, and its benefits, meaning brief information in it .
Brief idea of the project
In our lives, we have encountered many people who cannot speak and communicate with people comfortably. We thought of providing them with a pen and we called it the translator pen. It serves people who cannot speak and helps them communicate with people easily. They can use the pen in that they write the words they want to say and the pen speaks for them. Also, there is a group of them who cannot write. We will provide them with a small camera in the pen through which they can photograph the signs and translate them into speech. Or until the signs are written on the keyboard, all they have to do is choose the signs and the pen will speak for them.

We want you to solve this questionnaire and make a poster explaining the idea of

We want you to solve this questionnaire and make a poster explaining the idea of

We want you to solve this questionnaire and make a poster explaining the idea of the project, and we want it to be creative
In the poster, we want a three-dimensional image, the target group, and its benefits, meaning brief information in it .
Brief idea of the project
In our lives, we have encountered many people who cannot speak and communicate with people comfortably. We thought of providing them with a pen and we called it the translator pen. It serves people who cannot speak and helps them communicate with people easily. They can use the pen in that they write the words they want to say and the pen speaks for them. Also, there is a group of them who cannot write. We will provide them with a small camera in the pen through which they can photograph the signs and translate them into speech. Or until the signs are written on the keyboard, all they have to do is choose the signs and the pen will speak for them.

ach student will submit a 5-7 page paper that discusses the role that Christian

ach student will submit a 5-7 page paper that discusses the role that Christian

ach student will submit a 5-7 page paper that discusses the role that Christian faith plays when planning your own entrepreneurial enterprise. Non-Christian students will write a paper based on their understanding of how a Christian’s faith ought to affect his/her planning. Paper must include at least 3-5 references from Scripture as well as at least 3-5 practical applications for an entrepreneur in their business.

This week you are putting together your second report in a chain of reports that

This week you are putting together your second report in a chain of reports that

This week you are putting together your second report in a chain of reports that will be parts of your final report. This aspect of the capstone will continue developing for five consecutive weeks until the final draft report of week 6. You have to adhere to APA 7.0 and cover the sections as required for a particular week. Now that you have made your scope and value statement for your project clear, you are required to delve deeper. For week two your report should contain (30 points- note the breakdown):
Information System (IS) Planning (10 points)
Project Charter (Scope Definition) (10 points)
Environmental, Competitive and Industry Related, and Internal Information (5 points)
Project Strategy Statement (5 points) You must have a presentation of each week’s progress report using a video PowerPoint Presentation to the project owner—Use zoom to record the presentation and ensure a proper setting, appropriate dress, and professional presentation (10 points).
Review a peer student progress report. In your evaluation, rate the oral presentation, and review the content, APA format, citations, spelling, and grammar (10 points). Use the Peer evaluation form for your rating.
Review a peer student progress report. In your evaluation, rate the oral presentation, and review the content, APA format, citations, spelling, and grammar (18 points). Use the Peer evaluation form for your rating.
Upload your presentation. Review the tips included in the following link for preparing your presentation:
Presentation Requirements:
Your presentation should be 10 minutes in duration.
Use PowerPoint slides (no more than 15 slides)
Do not use wordy slides and no more than TEN bullets in each slide
Do not use fancy fonts.
Dress nicely; make sure your background and lighting are appropriate. Your face should have enough lighting, do not sit with your back to a light source!
Look at the camera, do not look sideways.
Use zoom recording or similar, and make sure your video does not cover any part of the presentation.

You are to select and interview a professional in your designated or related car

You are to select and interview a professional in your designated or related car

You are to select and interview a professional in your designated or related career field (faculty in your program of study may be a good place to start). You are to complete the interview in person or by phone. At the beginning of the interview, you will explain the P.R.I.C.E. elements to the interviewee and then ask these questions:
Have you seen the impact of applying these elements in your career?
Which element(s) is/are the most important in your career field?
In what situations are these elements the most challenging to utilize?
Would you add or subtract from this list of elements if you could?
Do you feel these elements are applicable for careers in this field in the future?
While you have been given the questions for the interviewee to answer, you still need to take some time to be prepared in advance of the interview. Be sure to either take notes during the interview or ask permission and tape responses so you can remember what was said while completing the Unit 1 worksheet.