Building from the Module 2 Critical Thinking assignment about your company’s wat

Building from the Module 2 Critical Thinking assignment about your company’s wat

Building from the Module 2 Critical Thinking assignment about your company’s water purification product and target country market, research the components needed to build the product.
Use the following questions to guide your decisions about production and components, respond to the following topics for this week’s critical thinking assignment.
What does the target country produce and export?
What does the target country import; what are the imports used for?
To what degree does the target country have relevant and cost-effective component manufacturing capabilities?
Does the target country have relevant and cost-effective manufacturing/assembly capabilities to create products of acceptable quality?
If the target country does not have relevant component and manufacturing skills, where will the water purification components/devices be sourced from given the target country’s trade agreements?
How do trade profiles and trade relationships enter into your decision about manufacturing locations?
Include relevant theories and concepts related to international commerce as part of your presentation.
Your paper should be 3-4 pages in Microsoft Word. This a minimum suggested page number, points are not deducted for exceeding this page limit. Your paper needs to address all assignment topics. Keep in mind that business writing is succinct and focused on the specific assignment topics. The suggested 3-4 pages exclude the cover page, abstract, and references page. Format the paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site.. Formatting standards include title page, citations, double spacing, third-person pronouns, and references. Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly sources to support your position one source could be your textbook. The CSU Global Library is a great place to find these scholarly sources

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two includ

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two includ

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two including your decision and rationale.
Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.
Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.
Illustrate your key points using visualizations.
Tell your story.
Specifically include the following in your presentation:
Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.
Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.
Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.
Discuss the impact that moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.
Detail your recommendations for moving forward.
Summarize findings of the research performed.
Include research conclusions and reasoning.
Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.
Comments from Customer
This was the exact directions for project 2 (which was the PowerPoint).
Part 1: Using the research gathered in Project One, create a visualization for each of the following, then summarize what the data is showing about:
The current state of the U.S. automotive manufacturing industry
Sales by fuel type (electric, hybrid, gas)
Current automotive industry trends
The trend toward different types of motors for the vehicles being made and sold, such as electric and hybrid
Trends in customer demands such as vehicle color, extra features, and styles
Trends in the body types of vehicles sold (SUVs, trucks, sedans)
Trends in the chosen industry
Expected growth areas
Sales by type of products or services offered
Trends in customer demands
Then, provide a summary of all of the data visualized.
Summarize the collective data about both industries as a whole.
Determine what the data is not telling you about the chosen industry.
Part 2: Analyze three decision making models and select the one model that is best suited for making your decision.
Analyze and provide an overview of the following three models and select one for use. Resources are listed in the Supporting Materials section.
The Rational Model
The Intuitive Model
The Recognition-Primed Model
Explain your choice of decision-making model.
Why does your selection make the most sense for this project?”

SOURCES: Writer coiped from Chat GPT FORMAT: -Unsatisfactory More than 10 gramma

SOURCES: Writer coiped from Chat GPT
FORMAT: -Unsatisfactory
More than 10 gramma

SOURCES: Writer coiped from Chat GPT
FORMAT: -Unsatisfactory
More than 10 grammar or spelling errors.
GRAMMAR: -Unsatisfactory
More than 10 grammar or spelling errors.
OTHER: This is the first time this something like this happen to me.
I just got the result back from my instructor, and this was his comment.
Feedback for learner
6/15/24, 10:59 PM
Hello Name,
This is mostly based on a ChatGPT report,
Medium Risk
This attempt includes extensive quoted or paraphrased material that may not be original. Review the material and determine if content is properly attributed to its source.
Overall Text Matching
Average Match
Highest Match
More than 10 grammar or spelling errors.
Student’s submission is almost not relevant to the topic.
Student’s submission mostly doesn’t abide by APA 7 Standards and most sentences are not correct and clear.
Some arguments are NOT supported by appropriate critical methods OR some analysis is NOT relevant for evaluating the evidence.
Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#573760046): Exercise Content
The objective of this assignment is to explore and analyze the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in entrepreneurial ventures.
Assignment Components:
Select an Entrepreneurial Venture: Each student is required to choose a specific entrepreneurial venture. It could be a startup, a small business, or a notable entrepreneur who has demonstrated a commitment to CSR.
Background Research: Conduct thorough research on the selected entrepreneurial venture. Gather information on the company’s history, mission, values, and any existing CSR initiatives. Look for relevant news articles, press releases, and the company’s official CSR reports if available.
CSR Analysis: Analyze the CSR initiatives undertaken by the entrepreneurial venture. Identify the social and environmental issues addressed, the strategies employed, and the impact of these initiatives on both the community and the business
Comparison with Competitors: Compare the CSR practices of the selected entrepreneurial venture with those of its competitors in the industry. Assess how CSR contributes to the competitive advantage and differentiation of the business.Challenges and Opportunities:Discuss the challenges faced by the entrepreneurial venture in implementing CSR initiatives and any opportunities that have arisen as a result. Consider the long-term benefits and potential risks associated with CSR.
Recommendations: Based on the analysis, provide recommendations for enhancing or expanding the CSR efforts of the entrepreneurial venture. Consider innovative approaches and potential collaborations with stakeholders.
Write a minimum 2-page paper discussing the learnings from the assignment.
Reflect on the importance of CSR in entrepreneurial ventures and its implications for the broader business landscape.
Assessment Criteria:The assignment will be assessed based on the depth of research, analysis, creativity in recommendations, clarity of presentation, and the overall understanding of the role of CSR in entrepreneurial ventures.This assignment encourages students to critically examine the relationship between entrepreneurship and social responsibility, fostering a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations and positive impacts that can result from integrating CSR into business practices.
Use APA 7 Format and list your references.
Material from class not to be used in the assignment.

Please read the case of Walmart cost of capital and answer questions, Please let

Please read the case of Walmart cost of capital and answer questions, Please let

Please read the case of Walmart cost of capital and answer questions, Please let me know if you will be able to do this Case write up and you can apply the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). If any question sent me a massage here. I need to have this done correctly al because this subject is important, if you won’t be able do it let me know i will do this one and submit other project.

Explain why and how you see things differently. Offer and support your opinion w

Explain why and how you see things differently.
Offer and support your opinion w

Explain why and how you see things differently.
Offer and support your opinion with industry best-practices.
Build on something interesting or provocative that your classmate wrote.
Please focus on applying the information covered in this course in your recommendations.
ask thoughtful questions pertaining to the topic, and/or answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor. Note: The following are not examples of substantive contributions:
Thanking, agreeing with, or complimenting a classmate.
Providing irrelevant commentary.
First response to #1(1/2 page)-
Some of the signs that I would look for as a manager that would indicate a diminishing capacity for change are employee resistance, a decline in productivity, and increased levels of conflict. Based on my experience, these are some of the first signs and can come months before an impact can be felt in employee turnover, so in a way I think they’re some of the most important signs to look out for. If the smaller, less disruptive signs are noticed when they first start to bubble up, there may be a chance for a company to course correct before they start to lose what may be a lot of great people that are just being put in a difficult situation.
Planned change is important because if a company is able to recognize when change may be beneficial and can be proactive about making changes, they would likely also have an easier time getting more buy in from employees. Change as a reaction tends to happen quickly, but if it can be done as an offensive measure there may be more time to look at different options and to ask for and implement employee feedback, which would make it easier to get a team on board with the change rather than having to deal with them fighting against it.
At my current employer we were able to make a planned change when we recognized that our internal ordering system was becoming ineffective and no longer provided the information that we needed to track our projects, as well as being something that was going to be losing software support in the short term. Because we were able to see this coming ahead of time, we were able to review multiple alternatives and choose the best one for our needs, then assemble a team that would participate in the build out. We spent a full year working on it, including scheduling regular check-ins with the larger team to review what we had done, what did and didn’t work, if there was anything that we hadn’t thought of or had forgotten to include, etc. We were also able to spend a full month working through a “soft launch” that allowed our customers to use the system and provide us with feedback on any adjustments that made sense from their perspective. Since we had been so proactive about everything leading up to this change, something that was actually an enormous project was able to transition in a way that went even smoother than we’d hoped, and certainly smoother than it would have gone had we waited to implement the change until we were forced to do so.
Second response (1/2 page-
Good evening all,
One of the hardest things to do as a manager is deal with change. Especially if the change is unexpected or detrimental to the team. When I was in the Navy there was a saying about the nuclear operators (I was one), “Nukes hate two things. Change, and the way things are”. I think that statement actually had a good amount of truth in it for us. We have operated under the same training, assumptions, basic actions, and lifestyle for decades. Any small change to the status quo could add a small amount of uncertainty to our lives and we did not appreciate it.
In the real world, change is much more common but the responses can be similar. When change is introduced to a team that is incapable of accepting the change they might talk about how things have always been done in the past. They could also threaten to file a complaint or quit if the change is not reverted or their demands for the change aren’t met. Another possibility is that the team simply disregards the new change and continues on as they were. All of these responses undermine the point of the change and the manager’s authority.
Today, planned change is part of an Agile mindset. Being able to pivot to another goal or way of doing business based on feedback is important. Without being able to change, your team might not be able to keep up with or meet the new demands being set by the stakeholders, ultimately costing your project time and money. While some change is important, a complete paradigm shift or a 180 during a project might cause the same conditions I spoke about before. If those massive changes are spread out over a longer period, assuming you have the time in your project for that, it can help alleviate some of those problems.
Attached weekly reading to use as reference for response along with my personal response to weekly discussion.

Part I: The Simulation Begin in the YEAR 1 row. Roll a 6-sided die, or use a ran

Part I: The Simulation
Begin in the YEAR 1 row. Roll a 6-sided die, or use a ran

Part I: The Simulation
Begin in the YEAR 1 row. Roll a 6-sided die, or use a random number generator limited from 1 to 6 (here: Roll a Die, here: Random, or elsewhere)
As you go through the steps in YEAR 1, record the values you are working with under the TRACKING section toward the bottom of the spreadsheet. For example:
Start in YEAR 1, Step 1. Let’s say you roll the die and get a 3. That means you have $20,000 in cash saved for a down payment for a house. Record that value in the TRACKING area, next to the row recording “YEAR 1” under the “Total Cash (savings)” column.
Then go to Step 2, and roll the die to find the average market value (the cost of the house you will try to purchase), and then write that value in the TRACKING area under step 2. So, if you rolled a 4 this time, you’d type “$400,000” into the Step 2 box in TRACKING, still in YEAR 1.
Go on from there and do the same thing in each column until you get to a choice where you choose (or are forced) to return to the beginning “HOUSE HUNTING,” except this time you follow the rows that say “YEAR 2+” and do what they instruct you. Each time you start your house hunting over again, you go back to YEAR 2+ and follow those directions. You start with the cash you already have, roll the die and, for example, you get roll a 2 this time. This means you would ADD that 2 value ($10,000) to the original Step 1 cash value you had (for example, $20,000) and you’d write that total ($30,000) in the YEAR 2 row in the TRACKING area.
Proceed from step to step until you manage to buy a home. You must have enough cash savings to pay for the down payment and closing costs, as well as any repair bills from the Home Inspection Report (covering the total purchase cost) or you have to start HOUSE HUNTING over again (in the next year). You must also have enough monthly income to cover the mortgage costs, or the sale will also fall through and you’ll have to start again.
Part II: The Analysis
Once you’ve run through the home-buying process a few times and managed to actually buy a home, write the story of your experience. What helped? What setbacks did you face? What freak problems appeared?
Follow up by analyzing this process more generally in a second paragraph, addressing other things you noticed. What surprised you? Was it difficult to get through to actually buy the home? What did you learn about homebuying from this? What’s your plan for purchasing a home? Do you have to buy a home?

In your response to two peers, address the following: What are some similarities

In your response to two peers, address the following:
What are some similarities

In your response to two peers, address the following:
What are some similarities and differences between your strategies both internally and externally?
Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving their feedback loops?
See Original post Order ID 570777376
Respond to peer separately in one paragraph each.

Create a development plan Using the outline provided including the sources provi

Create a development plan Using the outline provided including the sources provi

Create a development plan Using the outline provided including the sources provided And one additional source Expanding on the information
example provided
all charts are included But more can be added if you feel necessary
Create the missing sections of the development plan Referencing the book
For example Kolb’s learning style
source book: Working with emotional intelligence By Daniel Goleman
IBsn-13: 9780553378580
or ibsn -10: 055337858-9
Use sources that are provided example also provided
Development Plan Outline
Title page:
This should consist of the name of your report, student’s name, class number and title. The title should be your own unique representation of the contents of your paper.
Content page:
This should guide the reader into your paper. Put in sub headings of sections of your paper with page numbers.
This should include a brief summary of how the information in the report is Organized.
Section 1: Reflection:
To successfully complete this section, students should address the following elements:
Background (use clear subheading with content from the identified sections in full paragraphs. Sentences no bullets:
Cultural(What is my cultural background/history)
Professional (Where do I work? Describe the industry, where do I see myself in 5 years?)
Personal (Describe myself, family, status)
Academic (what are my academic goals? Where do I see myself in 5 years?
Some questions that you should address : My job (Describe my job. What is my role, Discuss my industry, Provide some trends and forecasts)
What are my current academic goals?
What are my current professional goals?
How do I intend to accomplish my professional goals?
How do others perceive me? (Explain)
Section 2: Concrete Experiences
CAREER ANCHOR- include in section. Illustrate creatively and include the scores in your address.
What is your career anchor?
What is my role at work and how do I accomplish my objective?
What are your future plans for your professional career?
What timelines if any do you have?
LEARNING STYLE (Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory)/ Include a shape of the Kite in your address.
What is your learning style?
Using the insights you have gained from the Learning Style Inventory, discuss your learning style preferences.
How have you learnt in the past?
How have other people viewed your learning style?
Give examples of how you have successfully learned in your preferred style.
Review other learning styles from academic sources that would reflect your style
Discuss the learning styles that you have reviewed using proper APA documentation.
Include at least one concept from the textbook to include in the address of this section. (document in APA)
Review all of the managerial abilities
Select which of the abilities directly impact you both personally and professionally.
Use Recap Form
Comment on each ability with at least one paragraph.
Discuss how you think each ability may or may not assist you in accomplishing your professional and academic goals.
You must then write a report.
Report should include all of the scores that you have received.
Student must compare and contrast the scores
You must decide how much to weigh your opinions with those of others, and then justify your decisions in the paper
It is recommended that your average the external scores and then compare them with your self-assessment scores. Your current level should reflect your best judgment as to where you stand with the address of each managerial ability. You must take into consideration discrepancies and inconsistencies.
Discuss why you scored yourself in that fashion in the self assessment exercise.
Section 3: Abstract Conceptualization (Focus on Recap Sheet
Attach a copy of the Recap Sheet to the Development Plan (students will have to attach a copy of the Recap Sheet to each SMAC contract in the program.
Managerial Ability Development Plan
Review the development plan and discuss why you selected the abilities in the high, medium and low range.
Students must address all of the managerial abilities.
Review the classes that you must take in the program to complete your degree
Develop an illustration (diagram) to indicate which abilities you might hope to address in each class in your program (this decision is not final, students may decide to adapt this plan later on in the program). Diagram will be reviewed in class lecture
Select which abilities you think you may want to develop in the specific classes
Provide a rationale for your selection.
Using the information in the first and second columns of the Recap Form*, make decisions regarding the priorities for development of your abilities.
Select 5 abilities that you think require the most development. Discuss why you selected them and how you hope to improve them during the course of your program
Select one leadership style that best fits the way that you manage.
Define the leadership style using the APA format.
Discuss how that style has impacted you professionally.
How has the review of emotional intelligence impacted your future leadership development?
Do you anticipate changes in how you lead? Explain.
Include one concept from the textbook in this section of your paper.
Continuous Improvement (Ongoing Development/ Professional Development)
How do you intend to transfer what you are learning in the program to the job?
How will you make the program work for you in your professional life?
Are there specific industry specific training programs that may assist you in accomplishing your professional objectives?
Do you aspire to be promoted based on your learning experiences?
Social Competency (Group Management).
Include a concept from the textbook in this section (document in APA)
Students should review the textbook “ Learning in Teams” to effectively address this section in the plan.
How did your team members perceive you?
How do I work in groups?
360 degree feedback (provide a copy with the results and a discuss of the data that you received)
Do a SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis ( use in combination with the stress model to explain what you have learned about yourself in MGT 500(
Address how you hope to handle the threats and opportunities.
Include a secondary source that was used in the class on teams. (document in APA)
Section 4- Active Experimentation
Ethics and Social Responsibility
What are the ethical protocols in your industry? Describe
What recommendations would you make to become more socially responsible
How are ethical concerns addressed on the job?
How do you think it could be improved?
How do you intend to improve this aspect of your academic and professional life during the program?
Discuss how your company is socially responsible.
If company is not socially responsible or does not have ethical guidelines, provide suggestions to address this ideology.
Learning in Teams
What did you learn about yourself in your management teams?
What was your most comfortable role in the group setting?
How do you deal with conflict in a group?
How best do you learn in a group setting?
Appendix: (should include the following)
External Assessment Summary Form (with results)
Review the following guidelines for report development and presentation:
Report must be typed
Report must be typed in font 12
Use standard margins
Pages of report must be numbered
Double spacing should be used
APA documentation must be used
The Recap Sheet must be enclosed in report
Report must include a reference page.
Background Information (Personal, Professional, Academic)
Professional goals explained with specific reference to the industry of choice.
Assessments (Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory, Career Anchor, STRESS Model, Managerial Abilities Assessment (self and external).
Concept from Emotional Intelligence (include content from the textbook with citations)
RECAP Sheet (with explanation) (at least 3/4 page)
Concept from Emotional Intelligence (include content from the textbook with citatios)
Theoretical Framework (based on self-assessment, leadership or learning)
Role in a team (Learning in Teams) (role in the team)
Concept from Emotional Intelligence (include content from the textbook with citations)
360 Degree Feedback Assessment with results (at least 3/4 page)
Ethics (IRB certification Extra Credit)
Concept from Emotional Intelligence (include content from the textbook with citations)
Social Responsibility (industry specific)
Concept from Emotional Intelligence (include content from the textbook with citations)
Continuous Improvement (table of program classes, managerial abilities and topics)
advised to include at least two extra additional sources in the development plan
If more information is needed don’t hesitate to ask