OTHER: I have just gotten more information on the project, it should be more of

OTHER: I have just gotten more information on the project, it should be more of

OTHER: I have just gotten more information on the project, it should be more of a research into their sustainability program and you should try to find the gaps that they have and give solutions, so please remove the five why’s and the fishbone analysis because we are not analysing an issue we are just giving recomendations and solutions to their sustainability print. Find gaps about their programs, it can be related or not to their suppliers. just remove the things mentioned above but keep the same structure. Research their sustainability programs and also compare them to other top logistic ports and see how they can learn from them with regards to sustainability. And remeber we are just offering recomdations atleast three then choose one at the end same as what you have done. please take your time and ask questions if anything is unclear.
Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#559206026): Please follow the instructions pdf in the attachments. do a reasearch about DP world and their Procurment department. In the second section do the 5 whys and the fishbone analysis. Once again please look at the attachments as the are really important. You are welcome to also use other sources for research about DP World in the GCC reigion. Keep in mind it is the UAE. please include images as well. please make it 7 pages excluding the cover page, table of contents and the references. please finish it early so I can check if it needs any changes before the deadline.
Also please include the 5 whys and the fishbone analysis.

Instructions You have the full week to complete the exam workbook. Remember the

You have the full week to complete the exam workbook. Remember the

You have the full week to complete the exam workbook. Remember the following:
You may use any course materials
You may NOT use other people for help, including fellow students and other instructors.
You may NOT submit files that were submitted in prior semesters.
Late exams will not be accepted.
Note: When you open the file, you may see a warning from Excel. This is because the file is a macro-enabled file. Please click Okay and continue with the exam.

Objectives of HW 1: In this assignment, we will learn 1) how to find and downloa

Objectives of HW 1: In this assignment, we will learn 1) how to find and downloa

Objectives of HW 1: In this assignment, we will learn 1) how to find and download data online; 2) connect your files to the Tableau data connector; and 3) formulate practical research questions by identifying dimensions and measures from the data. In doing so, you will be able to locate your data and frame research questions.
Data sources (examples)
https://research.fiu.edu/irb/public-use-datasets/Links to an external site.
Data.gov Home – Data.govLinks to an external site.
1) Explore datasets online
2) Choose primary data that includes KPIs and secondary data that complements your research questions
3) Describe a) whether your data is time-series or cross-section, b) unit of analysis, c) level of analysis, and d) columnar or tabular structure
3) Identify your target audience
4) Describe your exploratory data analysis (EDA) needs and necessary methods to wrangle your data
5) Formulate two descriptive and two predictive questions (your questions should reflect your data type (time series or cross-section)
6) identify additional data that can help you expand your business domain and research questions (it can be hypothetical)
PPT decks
Data description (what this data is about, whether it is time-series or cross-section, dimensions and measures, etc.)
KPI explanation
Target audience
Research questions (two descriptive questions and two predictive questions)
Proposed EDA methods
Additional dataset (hypothetical)
A Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) file that includes at least four worksheets with answering two descriptive questions and two predictive questions

Discuss the principles of preparation, key topics, visual aids, and managing ner

Discuss the principles of preparation, key topics, visual aids, and managing ner

Discuss the principles of preparation, key topics, visual aids, and managing nerves.
Describe how the principles of preparation affect a leader’s capacity to influence, inspire, and achieve desired outcomes in various presentations.
Types of presentations; updates, sales pitches, conference keynotes, and more.
Support your response with research and real-world business examples.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Classmate’s post: Innocentia
Good day class,
The effectiveness of any presentation relies heavily on thorough preparation, which includes (i) understanding the audience (ii) establishing clear objectives (iii) conducting comprehensive research (iv) organizing content thoughtfully (v) rehearsing diligently, (vi) leveraging visual aids effectively.
Adhering to these principles enables presenters to boost their confidence and delivery, ensuring that their message resonates with the audience. Key discussion points should be carefully selected to align with audience interests and presentation goals.
Visual elements, such as slides and multimedia components, should serve to enhance rather than distract from the spoken content, fostering better comprehension and engagement among the audience.
Managing nerves is important for delivering effective presentations. Various strategies that presenters can use to mitigate anxiety and maintain composure include (i) breathing techniques (ii) positive visualization and (iii) audience engagement focus.
Michelle Obama: Former First Lady Michelle Obama is admired for her eloquence, grace, and authenticity as a public speaker. Whether delivering a keynote address or participating in panel discussions, she captivates audiences with her powerful storytelling, empathy, and advocacy for social causes, making a lasting impression on diverse audiences worldwide.
Natasha Terk. 2014. Develop and Deliver Effective Presentations: A 10-Step Process to Plan, Practice, and Rehearse a Presentation on Any Business Topic. American Psychological Assoc.

Discuss the principles of preparation, key topics, visual aids, and managing ner

Discuss the principles of preparation, key topics, visual aids, and managing ner

Discuss the principles of preparation, key topics, visual aids, and managing nerves.
Describe how the principles of preparation affect a leader’s capacity to influence, inspire, and achieve desired outcomes in various presentations.
Types of presentations; updates, sales pitches, conference keynotes, and more.
Support your response with research and real-world business examples.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Classmate’s post: Innocentia
Good day class,
The effectiveness of any presentation relies heavily on thorough preparation, which includes (i) understanding the audience (ii) establishing clear objectives (iii) conducting comprehensive research (iv) organizing content thoughtfully (v) rehearsing diligently, (vi) leveraging visual aids effectively.
Adhering to these principles enables presenters to boost their confidence and delivery, ensuring that their message resonates with the audience. Key discussion points should be carefully selected to align with audience interests and presentation goals.
Visual elements, such as slides and multimedia components, should serve to enhance rather than distract from the spoken content, fostering better comprehension and engagement among the audience.
Managing nerves is important for delivering effective presentations. Various strategies that presenters can use to mitigate anxiety and maintain composure include (i) breathing techniques (ii) positive visualization and (iii) audience engagement focus.
Michelle Obama: Former First Lady Michelle Obama is admired for her eloquence, grace, and authenticity as a public speaker. Whether delivering a keynote address or participating in panel discussions, she captivates audiences with her powerful storytelling, empathy, and advocacy for social causes, making a lasting impression on diverse audiences worldwide.
Natasha Terk. 2014. Develop and Deliver Effective Presentations: A 10-Step Process to Plan, Practice, and Rehearse a Presentation on Any Business Topic. American Psychological Assoc.

BUS 400 Module One Blog Guidelines and Rubric Overview Raising money to invest i

BUS 400 Module One Blog Guidelines and Rubric
Raising money to invest i

BUS 400 Module One Blog Guidelines and Rubric
Raising money to invest in innovation is hard. Companies both large and small work to strike a balance between executing an existing business model and thinking ahead to advance their business. As individuals think critically about how their business should move forward, they should first get a 360-degree view of their environment. This journey starts with research on the current state of the business and critical thinking questions that can help leaders drill down deeper.
In this blog post, you will take on the role of the recently-promoted chief innovation officer (CIO) of an established U.S.-based company of your choosing. It is within your responsibilities to discover new ways to improve an existing product or service in North America, or to introduce a new product or service to the market that will give the company a market edge over competition and fit within the company’s core competencies. For the purposes of this blog post, and for this entire course, you will do the latter.
The new product or service must be something that cannot be easily duplicated and takes into account consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP). If a consumer doesn’t have a problem or need for the product or service offered, they will not be willing to exchange money for the solution.
The first step of such an undertaking requires research and an examination of the selected company’s financials and current resources. Moreover, this new product or service offering must leverage the strengths of the company.
Using MarketLine, Yahoo Finance, and the investor relations page on the company’s website, select and research an established company of your choice. Specifically, look at the company’s 10K Report with a focus on the company’s business in North America. You will continue to research and work with this company throughout this course in the milestones and project.
In your blog post, identify the company you researched and describe its potential new and unique product or service. Include an image of the company’s current SWOT from the Shapiro Library and address the following questions:
Value proposition: What is the company’s main business?
What value does the company deliver to the customer?
Profitability: Is the company currently profitable?
SWOT analysis strengths: What are the company’s main strengths to be leveraged to create a new product or service?
Product or service singularity: What is unique about the new product or service?
New product or service projections: How can the new product or service improve profitability? Note: this is an estimation based on research of the company’s current market position.
What to Submit
Your blog post must be between 400 and 800 words in length and be submitted as a Word document. Your blog post should be written in a professional voice and should be appropriately formatted for a blog. Any sources cited should use APA formatting.
Please choose company of choice to complete assignment.

Previous item Page 4 of 4 INSTRUCTIONS Overview For this case study, you will co

Previous item Page 4 of 4
For this case study, you will co

Previous item Page 4 of 4
For this case study, you will compare and contrast five different social media management tools.
Step 1: Research the follwing five social media content management tools and determine the best tool for your personal/professional brand or business website:
Step 2: Consider the following criteria while comparing the management tools:
Cost per month
How many social media channels per plan
List 5 product features
List 3 product negatives
Are there tutorials available?
Rate on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 the best: Ease of navigation
Rate on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 the best: Ease of embedding photos into posts
Rate on scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 the best: Overall impression
Explain which product is best for your needs. Why is this tool for you?
Step 3: Gather and present your research using this template: Social Media Management Tool Spreadsheet
It is NOT editable. You need to make a copy of it and save it to your own Google Drive.
To do this, click on “File” and then “Make a Copy.”
From there, you can rename the document and choose where to save it in your Google Drive. Also, make sure to select “copy comments and suggestions.”
Step 4: Submit your spreadsheet to this assignment as either a link or an excel spreadsheet
To share a link from Google:
In the top right corner, click Share.
Click “Get shareable link” in the top right of the “Share with others” box.
Click the Down arrow next to “Anyone with the link.” down arrow icon and then choose “can comment.”
Finally, click “copy link” and a file link will be copied to your clipboard. Paste the link into this assignment in Blackboard.
If you do not have a Google account, you can sign up for one by visiting http://www.google.com, and clicking the blue “Sign In” button in the top right corner. (Note, if you have a Gmail address, you already have a Google account.)
If you haven’t used Google Docs before, here is a quick guide: https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products/docs/get-started/#!/
Please make sure you change your your sharing access to “Anyone with a link.” I cannot grade private work!

Instructions: Write a two-page APA report answering the questions below. Do not

Write a two-page APA report answering the questions below. Do not

Write a two-page APA report answering the questions below. Do not just answer the questions, but use the questions to formulate your report. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Questions to be answered in your report:
The Athletic Director and Coach of the women’s softball team at a large public university are trying to decide to which of these two players they will offer an athletic scholarship (i.e., an opportunity to attend the university for free in exchange for playing on the university’s softball team). Take the following steps to determine which player had the better batting average over the two-year period provided in the table, and use your results to advise the Athletic Director and Coach on their decision. 1.
Calculate the batting average of each player for her junior year; then also calculate the batting average of each player for her senior year. Which player would this analysis lead you to choose?
Calculate the batting average of each player for her combined junior and senior years. Which player would this analysis lead you to choose?
After considering both of your analyses, which player would you choose? Why?
Prepare a report on your findings for the athletic director and coach of the college program. Focus on clearly explaining the discrepancy in your two analyses.
Requirements of the assignment:
All papers must follow all APA requirements including an abstract. (10% deduction if not)
All papers must have a reference page. The textbook is an acceptable source.
Body of the paper 2 -3 pages, no more or less.
Title page, abstract, and reference pages are required. However, they do not count towards any page count.
Writing should reflect an understanding of the chapter’s basic concepts, thorough research, and logic and critical thinking skills.
The introduction is attention getting with sufficient background information to establish the topic and a clear thesis statement.
The conclusion summarizes the main points and leaves the reader with a strong comprehension of the paper’s significance and the author’s understanding.
Grammatically correct – No spelling, grammar, or mechanics errors.
Do not use the first person. (10% deduction if used)
Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., Williams, T.A., Camm, J.D., Cochran, J.J., Fry, M.J., & Ohlmann, J.W. (2016). Quantitative Methods for Business, (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.
ISBN-13: 9781285866314
ISBN-10: 1285866312