Instructions Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and directions.
Complete the Test functions in the Submission.cpp file.
While working, Debug/Run the lab to see how many test runs pass or fail.
Ideally, you want all test runs to pass to get the maximum amount of points.
Your grade is shown at the bottom when you run the program.
You cannot use auto in place of known data types in PG1.
You cannot use multiple return statements in any method submitted for this project. Additionally, the use of auto is not permitted. You must write the necessary programming statements/logic to accomplish each task. No credit will be given for using existing methods (thereby avoiding the need to write the programming statements) to accomplish the assigned tasks.
Note: This program will not compile/build until the Student class (Tests 1 and 2) is completed.
Test 1 – Member fields and Constructors
Student Test1(string last, string first, int idNo)For this test you will add member fields and constructors to the Student class.
The private member fields to add are a string to represent a last name, a string to represent a first name and an int to represent an identification number.
You will provide the default (no parameter) constructor and one overloaded constructor.
The default constructor will set last and first names to empty strings (“”) and set the id number to 1000000 (1 million).
The overloaded constructor that will accept two strings (last name, first name) and one int (id number) and update the member fields the received values.
After making the specified additions in the Student class, create and then return a new Student object using the provided parameters.
Test 2 – Getters and Setters
Student Test2()For this test, you must add public getters and setters for the Student class member fields. The methods must be named:
After making the specified additions in the Student class, create and then return a new Student object using the default constructor.
Note: Identifiers (method names and variables) are case-sensitive. For example, SetIdNumber is not the same as SetIDNumber. If a specific name is provided, you must use the exact name provided.
Note: For Tests 3-5, you will use the enrollment array. It is a static member of the Submission class.
Test 3 – Insert in collection
bool Test3(Student enrolled)Given a string, enrolled, search the enrollment array to find an empty element (null). If an empty element is located, place enrolled in the empty element and return true. If there are no available slots, return false.
Test 4 – Remove from collection
bool Test4(int idNumber)Given an int, idNumber, search the array to find idNumber. Examine each element in the enrollment array to find idNumber. If it is found, mark the array location as empty (null) and return true. If idNumber is not found in the array, return false.
Test 5 – Retrieve from collection
Student Test5(int idNumber)Given an int, idNumber, search the array to find idNumber. Examine each element in the enrollment array to find idNumber. If it is found, return the first Student with the ID number idNumber. If idNumber is not found in the array, return null.
Test 1 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 2 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 3 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 4 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 5 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
One-time 10pt deduction: Any method contains multiple return statements.
One-time 10pt deduction: Submission does not contain detailed comments, using appropriate terminology to explain code solutions.

Posted in C++

Instructions Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and directions.
Complete the Test functions in the Submission.cpp file.
While working, Debug/Run the lab to see how many test runs pass or fail.
Ideally, you want all test runs to pass to get the maximum amount of points.
Your grade is shown at the bottom when you run the program.
You cannot use auto in place of known data types in PG1.
You cannot use multiple return statements in any method submitted for this project. Additionally, the use of auto is not permitted. You must write the necessary programming statements/logic to accomplish each task. No credit will be given for using existing methods (thereby avoiding the need to write the programming statements) to accomplish the assigned tasks.
Note: This program will not compile/build until the Student class (Tests 1 and 2) is completed.
Test 1 – Member fields and Constructors
Student Test1(string last, string first, int idNo)For this test you will add member fields and constructors to the Student class.
The private member fields to add are a string to represent a last name, a string to represent a first name and an int to represent an identification number.
You will provide the default (no parameter) constructor and one overloaded constructor.
The default constructor will set last and first names to empty strings (“”) and set the id number to 1000000 (1 million).
The overloaded constructor that will accept two strings (last name, first name) and one int (id number) and update the member fields the received values.
After making the specified additions in the Student class, create and then return a new Student object using the provided parameters.
Test 2 – Getters and Setters
Student Test2()For this test, you must add public getters and setters for the Student class member fields. The methods must be named:
After making the specified additions in the Student class, create and then return a new Student object using the default constructor.
Note: Identifiers (method names and variables) are case-sensitive. For example, SetIdNumber is not the same as SetIDNumber. If a specific name is provided, you must use the exact name provided.
Note: For Tests 3-5, you will use the enrollment array. It is a static member of the Submission class.
Test 3 – Insert in collection
bool Test3(Student enrolled)Given a string, enrolled, search the enrollment array to find an empty element (null). If an empty element is located, place enrolled in the empty element and return true. If there are no available slots, return false.
Test 4 – Remove from collection
bool Test4(int idNumber)Given an int, idNumber, search the array to find idNumber. Examine each element in the enrollment array to find idNumber. If it is found, mark the array location as empty (null) and return true. If idNumber is not found in the array, return false.
Test 5 – Retrieve from collection
Student Test5(int idNumber)Given an int, idNumber, search the array to find idNumber. Examine each element in the enrollment array to find idNumber. If it is found, return the first Student with the ID number idNumber. If idNumber is not found in the array, return null.
Test 1 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 2 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 3 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 4 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 5 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
One-time 10pt deduction: Any method contains multiple return statements.
One-time 10pt deduction: Submission does not contain detailed comments, using appropriate terminology to explain code solutions.

Posted in C++

Instructions Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and directions.
Complete the Test functions in the Submission.cpp file.
While working, Debug/Run the lab to see how many test runs pass or fail.
Ideally, you want all test runs to pass to get the maximum amount of points.
Your grade is shown at the bottom when you run the program.
You cannot use auto in place of known data types in PG1.
You cannot use multiple return statements in any method submitted for this project. Additionally, the use of auto is not permitted. You must write the necessary programming statements/logic to accomplish each task. No credit will be given for using existing methods (thereby avoiding the need to write the programming statements) to accomplish the assigned tasks.
Note: This program will not compile/build until the Student class (Tests 1 and 2) is completed.
Test 1 – Member fields and Constructors
Student Test1(string last, string first, int idNo)For this test you will add member fields and constructors to the Student class.
The private member fields to add are a string to represent a last name, a string to represent a first name and an int to represent an identification number.
You will provide the default (no parameter) constructor and one overloaded constructor.
The default constructor will set last and first names to empty strings (“”) and set the id number to 1000000 (1 million).
The overloaded constructor that will accept two strings (last name, first name) and one int (id number) and update the member fields the received values.
After making the specified additions in the Student class, create and then return a new Student object using the provided parameters.
Test 2 – Getters and Setters
Student Test2()For this test, you must add public getters and setters for the Student class member fields. The methods must be named:
After making the specified additions in the Student class, create and then return a new Student object using the default constructor.
Note: Identifiers (method names and variables) are case-sensitive. For example, SetIdNumber is not the same as SetIDNumber. If a specific name is provided, you must use the exact name provided.
Note: For Tests 3-5, you will use the enrollment array. It is a static member of the Submission class.
Test 3 – Insert in collection
bool Test3(Student enrolled)Given a string, enrolled, search the enrollment array to find an empty element (null). If an empty element is located, place enrolled in the empty element and return true. If there are no available slots, return false.
Test 4 – Remove from collection
bool Test4(int idNumber)Given an int, idNumber, search the array to find idNumber. Examine each element in the enrollment array to find idNumber. If it is found, mark the array location as empty (null) and return true. If idNumber is not found in the array, return false.
Test 5 – Retrieve from collection
Student Test5(int idNumber)Given an int, idNumber, search the array to find idNumber. Examine each element in the enrollment array to find idNumber. If it is found, return the first Student with the ID number idNumber. If idNumber is not found in the array, return null.
Test 1 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 2 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 3 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 4 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
Test 5 – Return the exact requested result – 20%
One-time 10pt deduction: Any method contains multiple return statements.
One-time 10pt deduction: Submission does not contain detailed comments, using appropriate terminology to explain code solutions.

Posted in C++

Instructions Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and dir

Download and extract the .zip file with program source code and directions.
Complete the Test functions in the Submission.cpp file.
While working, Debug/Run the lab to see how many test runs pass or fail.
Ideally, you want all test runs to pass to get the maximum amount of points.
Your grade is shown at the bottom when you run the program.
You cannot use auto in place of known data types in PG1.
You cannot use the t_size data in place of the integer data type when creating iterators in a for loop.
You cannot use the null reference operator to terminate a for loop.
You cannot use multiple return statements in any method submitted for this project. Additionally, the use of auto is not permitted. You must write the necessary programming statements/logic to accomplish each task. No credit will be given for using existing methods (thereby avoiding the need to write the programming statements) to accomplish the assigned tasks.
One-time 10pt deduction: Any method contains multiple return statements.
One-time 10pt deduction: Submission does not contain detailed comments, using appropriate terminology to explain code solutions.

Posted in C++

Unit 9 Assignment: Preparing your IDE for Mobility Development Outcomes covered

Unit 9 Assignment: Preparing your IDE for Mobility Development
Outcomes covered

Unit 9 Assignment: Preparing your IDE for Mobility Development
Outcomes covered in this activity:
Unit Outcome:
Design an application written in Java, C#, or web development languages to be a mobile app.
Course Outcome:
IT391-6: Design interactive web applications or mobile applications.
The purpose of this assignment is to design an application to be a mobile app and to install the necessary tools to create the app.
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: You will install the IDE or plug-in required to convert an application in your chosen language to an Android mobile app.
Java: You will install the CodeNameOne plug-in for Eclipse. Use CodeNameOne website.
C#: You will configure your MS Visual Studio environment to include the mobility applications (Xamarin).
Web Development: You will install the Apache Cordova framework. After the framework is installed, you can use the Eclipse IDE. This is the Apache Cordova website: Videos have been provided for the installation required for each language. Be sure to follow the instructions in the video to ensure that everyone is completing the installation in the same way and to ensure that the correct plug-in or IDE is being installed. Alternatively, you may elect to install Android Studio if you are using the web development approach.
Step 2: Document the process.
After you have completed your installation, write a 1-page paper in which you discuss your installation experience and any issues you encountered. If you did experience issues, please discuss how the issues were resolved. At the bottom of the paper, include a screenshot that shows evidence of your completed installation.
Your paper should include discussion of:
1. Where the installation was found.
2. Time required for download.
3. Time required for install.
4. Any updates required after install, if any.
5. The process of creating a new mobile app project.
6. Any installation issues, if any.
7. The action taken to resolve those issues, if any.
Be sure to include both in-text citations and references as appropriate. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. For more information on APA style formatting, go to Academic Writer, formerly APA Style Central, under the Academic Tools area of this course.
Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.
For more information on University’s Plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog.
Directions for Saving and Submitting Your Assignments
You should include your screenshots as part of the same document of your paper. Paste screenshots directly into the paper following the citations page.

Posted in C++

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for t

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for t

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for the class dateType in Programming Exercise 6.
You may write a main.cpp to test your class dateType. You will only be graded on the contents of the dateType class. Make sure your dates are formatted MM-DD-YYYY.
Task #01: dateType class works as expected
Task #02: Implement the numberOfDaysPassed function of the dateTypeclass
Task #03: Implement the getDaysInMonth function of the dateType class
Task #04: Implement the isLeapYear function of the dateType class
Task #05: The incrementDate method increments the day by the given number of days
Task #06: numberOfDaysLeft function returns the number of days left in the year

Posted in C++

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for t

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for t

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for the class dateType in Programming Exercise 6.
You may write a main.cpp to test your class dateType. You will only be graded on the contents of the dateType class. Make sure your dates are formatted MM-DD-YYYY.
Task #01: dateType class works as expected
Task #02: Implement the numberOfDaysPassed function of the dateTypeclass
Task #03: Implement the getDaysInMonth function of the dateType class
Task #04: Implement the isLeapYear function of the dateType class
Task #05: The incrementDate method increments the day by the given number of days
Task #06: numberOfDaysLeft function returns the number of days left in the year

Posted in C++

Hello, I need help with creating a project in C++. I attached the file with the

Hello, I need help with creating a project in C++. I attached the file with the

Hello, I need help with creating a project in C++. I attached the file with the instructions. The final project has to have 5 files (as the instruction says). Programming language: C++, using Sorting Algorithms and Object-oriented programming! You must comment your program properly – describe why you wrote each line of code in this way. No plagiarism allowed!

Posted in C++

Sequences: The Sequel! Step 1 – Take your sequence class from Assignment 1 and u

Sequences: The Sequel!
Step 1 – Take your sequence class from Assignment 1 and u

Sequences: The Sequel!
Step 1 – Take your sequence class from Assignment 1 and update it to use a template parameter to determine what type of data to hold. Keep in mind that this will likely require you to implement some of your class member functions (and maybe some nonmember functions) as template functions, which will require them to be implemented in the header file. To solve this problem, create a file called sequence.template and define the necessary functions there. (All other functions should continue to be implemented in sequence.cpp.)
Step 2 – Referencing the dynamic array example code from Lecture 5 if necessary, rewrite your templated sequence class from Step 1 to use a dynamic array for data storage. Save the resulting files as “sequence_dynamic[.h, .cpp, .template]”.
Step 3 – Extending your previous work on the node class in Lab 3, rewrite your node class to use a template parameter to determine what type of data it will store. (Figure 6.4 in Main and Savitch might be helpful here.) Save the resulting files as “node[.h, .cpp, .template]”.
Step 4 – Lightly modify your class from Step 3 to implement a templated _doubly_ linked list. Save the resulting files as “node_doubly_linked[.h, .cpp, .template]”.
Step 5 – Create a templated sequence class using a linked list for data storage. (This means using the templated node class.) Save the required files as “sequence_linked_list[.h, .cpp, .template]”.
Step 6 – Finally, modify your work from step 5 to implement the templated sequence class using a doubly-linked list. Save the resulting files as “sequence_doubly_linked[.h, .cpp, .template]”.
Step 7: Now that you’ve written all of your code, I’d like you to go back and indicate the Big-O complexity class of each function in each implementation. A short one-line comment (for example, “// O(n)”) before each function is sufficient.
Step 8: You will need to test the core functionaliy of each class. (don’t worry, tests should largelt be reusable between implementations of a given class.) Whether you submit a single test file for all classes, or one for each class, is up to you.
*To be clear you will ultimately implement, analyze, and test 6 classes here:
— 4 different sequence classes
— 2 different node classes
* Note that you may now always have a resulting *.cpp implementation file for some templated classes. Your entire implementation might rightfully end up in the *.template file.
Once you are ready to submit everything, zip all *.h, *.template, and *.cpp files (including test files) into a single zip file and upload that file through Canvas.

Posted in C++

Write a program that declares a struct to store the data of a football player (p

Write a program that declares a struct to store the data of a football player (p

Write a program that declares a struct to store the data of a football player (player’s name, player’s position, number of touchdowns, number of catches, number of passing yards, number of receiving yards, and the number of rushing yards).
Declare an array of 10 components to store the data of 10 football players.
Your program must contain a function to input data and a function to output data. Add functions to search the array to find the index of a specific player, and up-date the data of a player. (You may assume that the input data is stored in a file.) Before the program terminates, give the user the option to save data in a file. Your program should be menu driven, giving the user various choices.
An example of the program is shown below:
Select one of the following options: 1: To print a player’s data 2: To print the entire data 3: To update a player’s touch downs 4: To update a player’s number of catches 5: To update a player’s passing yards 6: To update a player’s receiving yards 7: To update a player’s rushing yards 99: To quit the program 1 Enter player’s name: Bill Name: BillPosition: Quarter_Back; Touch Downs: 70; Number of Catche
s: 0; Passing Yards: 8754; Receiving Yards: 0; Rushing Yards: 573 Select one of the following options: 1: To print a player’s data 2: To print the entire data 3: To update a player’s touch downs 4: To update a player’s number of catches 5: To update a player’s passing yards 6: To update a player’s receiving yards 7: To update a player’s rushing yards 99: To quit the program 99 Would you like to save data: (y,Y/n,N) N

Posted in C++