Question 1: Count the number of spaces and stars on each line for the above exam

Question 1: Count the number of spaces and stars on each line for the above exam

Question 1: Count the number of spaces and stars on each line for the above example and come
up with a sequence of operations that will construct the figure. Repeat this process for a figure
with a height of 9 and line thickness of 7.
Question 2: Looking at the above examples and the numbers in the function calls for drawing
these, identify the pattern(s) in the sequence(s) of dashes and gaps. What would be the sequence
for a height ’h’ and thickness ’t’?
Question 3: Construct the loop for this process using psuedocode ( not on Raptor). Pseudocode
is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. This video is a
helpful introduction.
Question 4: Write a C++ program that implements the flowchart using a for loop. Use the
printchars function described above. In a script session, display (“cat”) the code, compile, and
test it. Upload the answers to questions 1, 2 and 3, the .cpp file and the script file into a folder
named Lab5

Posted in C++

Hi, I have attached below the instructions for this assignment so please take a

Hi, I have attached below the instructions for this assignment so please take a

Hi, I have attached below the instructions for this assignment so please take a look at that to see what needs to be done for this assignment. Please make sure to follow the instructions/guidelines provided to complete the assignment! This is very important! I have also attached the zip file with the files required to complete this assignment. Let me know if you have any questions or if there’s something that you find confusing about the instructions that you would like me to clear up with you!

Posted in C++

The project details are in the pdf file. I want to edit this code in order to pa

The project details are in the pdf file. I want to edit this code in order to pa

The project details are in the pdf file. I want to edit this code in order to pass the testcases correctly. The first part (Queue implementation in queue.hpp) passes the testcases correctly. Therefore, it needs no edit. Parts two and three do not pass the testcases. The problem is probably in the code logic. Also, I am not allowed to use any data structures other than the C array. A tip will be provided in case of correct answer.

Posted in C++

The project details are in the pdf file. I want to edit this code in order to pa

The project details are in the pdf file. I want to edit this code in order to pa

The project details are in the pdf file. I want to edit this code in order to pass the testcases correctly. The first part (Queue implementation in queue.hpp) passes the testcases correctly. Therefore, it needs no edit. Parts two and three do not pass the testcases. I attached the output of my code along with all of the testcases. The problem is probably in the code logic. Also, I am not allowed to use any data structures other than the C array. A tip will be provided in case of correct answer. I DON’T HAVE TIME, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAN ANSWER IT BEFORE BIDDING.

Posted in C++