Rights and ethics are often flipsides of the same coin. If individual rights in

Rights and ethics are often flipsides of the same coin. If individual rights in

Rights and ethics are often flipsides of the same coin. If individual rights in healthcare are derived from one or more ethical principles, they help to achieve an acceptable outcome for the patient and the healthcare system. Because individuals’ rights and access to healthcare influence the decision making related to policies and laws, it is essential to understand and address them. Similarly, it is equally important to understand and incorporate ethical practices in healthcare, because these practices impact stakeholders in healthcare.
In this discussion, you will compare and contrast the healthcare rights and needs of individuals with the rights and needs of public health systems, as well as explain the impact of ethics and the need to understand an individual’s right and access to healthcare when making health policy decisions. This discussion will also help to prepare you to complete Project Two.
In your initial post, share your perspective on the following prompts. Use either a utilitarian or a deontological ethical framework to support your perspective:
Describe whether you believe healthcare is a right or a privilege.
Describe how your view addresses the rights and needs of individuals versus the rights and needs of public health systems.
Describe the need to understand individuals’ rights and access in health policy decisions.
Describe how your chosen ethical model impacts stakeholders’ influence on health policy decisions.
 Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapter 6 
Textbook link: https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks

 **Speak in first Person** In your response posts to at least two peers, addres

 **Speak in first Person**
In your response posts to at least two peers, addres

 **Speak in first Person**
In your response posts to at least two peers, address the following and include at least one peer who used a framework other than the one you used in your initial post:
Compare and contrast the rights and needs of both individuals and the healthcare system identified by your peers with those in your own initial post.
Compare the impact of the framework you used in your initial post and the other framework on stakeholders’ influences on health policy decisions.

***speak first person***  In your response posts to at least two peers, address

***speak first person*** 
In your response posts to at least two peers, address

***speak first person*** 
In your response posts to at least two peers, address the following:
Compare and contrast the key conflicting financial values identified by your peers against your own initial post.
Identify one other essential value conflict your peers did not identify in their initial posts. Explain why you think the identified value conflict must be considered as it impacts health policies and laws.

 Public and private hospitals jointly serve healthcare needs in the United Stat

 Public and private hospitals jointly serve healthcare needs in the United Stat

 Public and private hospitals jointly serve healthcare needs in the United States, but each entity has its own set of values, accountability, funding, and delivery models, which may often be conflicting in nature. One area of such conflict is related to financial values. For example, whereas public hospitals work on the principle of service, private hospitals mostly work on the principle of making a profit. Such conflicting financial values often have an impact on other stakeholders, the healthcare system, and financial decisions related to health policies and laws.
In your initial post, describe the roles of public and private hospitals in healthcare and include the following:
Identify three conflicting financial values of public hospitals (government hospitals) and private hospitals (for-profit and nonprofit).
Describe how values influence the financial models of public and private hospitals.
Compare the financial values of public and private hospitals and how these values affect health policies and laws.
Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapter 9 
Textbook link:https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks

 Read rubric verbatim Article: https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/clinical-care

 Read rubric verbatim
Article: https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/clinical-care

 Read rubric verbatim
Article: https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/clinical-care/3-strategic-differences-between-nonprofit-and-profit-hospitals
What to Submit
Your submission should be a 3- to 5-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

 Follow rubric Verbatim What to Submit To complete this project, you must submi

 Follow rubric Verbatim
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submi

 Follow rubric Verbatim
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Analysis Report
Your submission should be a 4- to 5-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

 In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, respond to

 In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, respond to

 In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, respond to the following:
Compare and contrast your thoughts on the legal and compliance implications identified by your peers.
Explain one additional measure for preventing such actions that your peer did not discuss in their initial post. Why do you feel it is an essential measure?
** Speak in first person

  Racial/ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often suffer from poor mental hea

Racial/ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often suffer from poor mental hea

Racial/ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often suffer from poor mental health outcomes due to multiple factors including inaccessibility of high quality mental health care services, cultural stigma surrounding mental health care, discrimination, and overall lack of awareness about mental health.
The following factsheets provide a snapshot of the current state of mental health of minority populations and some factors that may contribute to mental health disparities among these groups.
Extra Credit Assignment:
1) Visit website: Disparities in Mental HealthLinks to an external site.
Write a 1-2 page paper, single space